M EDICAL REVIEW I I COORINATOR I Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Ore- gon, a major health insurance company, has an opening for a professional to conduct medical claim audits in order to deter- mine validity of charges, medi- cal necessity, and appropriate- ness of service. Position requires I I I I I I I NURSE I direct communication with pro­ viders. Individual will also assist in establishing & modifying medi- I cal review guidelines and in the training of personnel to insure appropriate & consistant claims review; will also assist in the design & implementation of spe­ cial projects. Successful candidate must be an RN currently licensed in the State of Oregon, and have 3-5 years recent hospital experience. Ad­ ministrative experience extremely helpful. Good communication skills and a comprehensive un­ derstanding of medical termino­ logy, coding & surgical pricing is desirable. DATA PROCESSING SR. P R O G R A M M E R / ANALYST A major health insurance com­ pany is seeking a Senior Pro­ gramming/Analyst-level staff ad­ dition. Senior Programmer/Ana­ lyst applicants must have at least 4 years of practical program- ming/analysis experience, suc­ cessful project leadership exper­ ience, on-line design skills, and major new system development experience. Technical compe­ tence in COBOL, TSO, OS/JCL, MVS or MS1 shop experience is required. I Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 I Equal Opportunity Employer I NURSES-RNs Relocate to rural west Washing­ ton. Excellent geriatric nursing opportunity. Paid moving. Re­ sume to: P.O. Box 338 Cathlam et, W ashington 98612 206/795-3234 C ollect EOE ASSISTANT ACTUARY I Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon is accepting applications for an organized numbers person to provide statistic^- support & assist with research analysis in the Actuarial Division. I I I I I I A major responsibility of the Assi- stant Actuary will be to program, maintain & update computer pro- grams requiring the hands-on experience of Lotus, Symphony, APL & personal computers. I I I I I I The incumbent will correlate, forecast, and make recommen- dations using excellent & profes- sional communication, both ver- bal & written. I I I I Senior Programmer/Analyst will: • • • • Perform front end analysis Write user DP specifications Perform technical design Perform project estimating & scheduling • Coordinate with multiple users across functional areas • Write project & operational documentation. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competi­ tive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Qualified candidates will have a college degree with emphasis in I mathematics, statistics, or quan­ titative analysis. A minimum of 3 years insurance experience may be accepted in lieu of educational requirements. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competi­ tive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competi­ tive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M arket Portland. OR 97201 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer POSITIONWANTED ADVERTISEMENT SALESMAN Seven years experience selling advertising space for community newspapers in the Portland area. REPORTER: Former reporter for Washington, D C. Post, now covers news stories and writes features for community news­ paper in Eastmorland area. I Samples available. Contact: Jim Ficken, 2829 S.E. Colt Drive, Apt. 226, Portland, OR 97202; (503) 236-9220. evenings. I I I INSURANCE i WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS ! PBX Operator $1078-$1310/mo. Call (503) 648-8607 for informa­ tion. County application forms I req. Apply by September 4 to I Washington County Personnel. AnE.O.E. JOBS Trade Magazine 288-0020 or 288-0033 August 26, 1987, JOBS, Page 7