g V? - ; ; - JOURNEY LEVEL SHEET METAL TECHNICIAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR For Santiam Girl S cout Council headquartered in Salem, Oregon, vyith ten sta ff m em bers, and an­ nual budget o f $345,000 and 3600 members. Requirem ents in­ clude a Bachelors degree and a m inim um o f 3 to 5 years exper­ ience in a m anagem ent position in a com m unity-based organiza­ tio n or public agency or equiva­ lent w ith proven skills in fu nd developm ent, financial m anage­ m ent, public and co m m un ity re­ lations, planning, sta ff m anage­ m ent, m em bership developm ent, and a bility to w o rk w ith vo lu n ­ teers. Hiring salary $25,000 to $30,000. A ttra ctive benefits. James River W auna M ill has an opening fo r Jo urne y Level Sheet M etal Technician, p ro of o f jo u r­ ney level status is required, 5 years pulp and paper experience preferred. Journey level rate is $18.765 w ith finge benefits. A p ­ plications w ill be accepted only in person at: O regon S ta te E m p lo y m e n t S ervice 444 8th St. A sto ria , O regon or W a s h in g to n S ta te E m p lo y m e n t Service 711 V ine K elso. W ashing to n Send resume to : S earch C o m m itte e 6955 9th C o u rt N .E. S a le m , OR 97303 Candidate m ay apply at either state o ffice betw een hours 8 AM and 5 PM M onday th ro ug h Fri­ day, closing 5 PM Friday, Sep­ Deadline is Septem ber 11, 1987. tem ber 4, 1987,5 PM. ★ NOTICE ★ Equal O p po rtun ity Employer rhe JO B S Trade Magazine has rioved to 5011 N .E . 26th A v e .,| J O B S î r a d e P o rtlan d, O regon 97211. M a g a zin e 288-0020 or 288-0033 • T R A C T O R T R A ILE R D R IV E R • > HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Men ft Women TRAIN NOW FOR A HIGH PAYING CAREER! • c - 1RRESPONDENCE/&ESIDENT T R A IN IN G • O At ft NATIONAL JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE • E ligible institution guaranteed student loans ft pell G» an s • ACCREDITED member N h s c SU PER IO R TMAIMNOSMVICIS Headquarters: Phoenix, AZ I && 238-7620 O o B S Magazine Mr 1 Mrs 1 Toll Free: , 1-800 452 2669 5665 N.E. GLISAN ■ : — ___ POSITION OPEN S w in g Editor The Corvallis Gazette-Times, a 13,000 daily, is looking fo r an experienced, talented desk per­ son versatile enough to edit sports, a Sunday business sec­ tio n, fill in the new s e dito r's slot and back up the c ity e dito r. You m ust th ink in colors, graphics and bold design and have a m ini­ m um o f tw o years' desk exper­ ience. M inim um salary $20,000. Please send letter and full-page tearsheets to Libet H atch, Per­ sonnel M anager, P.O. Box 368, Corvallis, OR 97339. VETERAN Opportunity for qualified veteran (acceptable credit & earnings) to acquire a tw o family home at no cost. Call Mackie or Jack 252-3366 S m ith & A ssociates POSITION W ANTED P rod u ctio n M a n a g e r/ G raphic A rtis t Seeking position in Eugene area and south. Extensive production experience, darkroom , design/ layout, ad sales, and more. Holds bachelor's degree in jo u r­ nalism from U niversity o f Ore­ gon. Looking fo r fu ll-tim e , per­ m anent position w ith a fu tu re . C ontact: Laura Guse', P.O. Box 594, W o o db urn, OR 97071; (503) 634-2470. _______ ___ FOR ONE YEAR Box 3137, Portland OR 97028 1----------------------------------------------------------- Apt 1 Street T m 5 £ Ce T 30 O Co * < z 0 N (/) STATE August 26, 1987, JOBS, Page 5 vi J J ; lì .«.<