• GROUNDSMAN Im m ediate Opening The Housing Authority of Wash­ ington County is now accepting applications through Septem­ ber 4, 1987, for alàroundsman at $7.73 per hour. Work involves such things as mowing, edging, pruning, weeding, barkdusting, planting. Special knowledge of fertilizers, weed control chemi­ cals and their applications is re­ quired. Prior experience and pos session of a valid Oregon driver s license is required. Excellent benefits package. Additional in­ formation and application can be obtained at: The Housing A u th o rity O ffice 560 S.E. 3rd. Ave. Hillsboro, OR 97123 An Equal Opportunity Employer Maintenance Mechanic Tem porary Im m ediate Opening The Housing Authority of Wash­ ington County is now accepting applications through Septem­ ber 4, 1987, for a temporary maintenance mechanic at $11.83 per hour. Applicants must be skilled in carpentry, painting, gla­ zing, plumbing, masonry, con­ crete, appliance and furnace re­ pairs. At least 2 years experience required in the housing construc­ tion field relating to single famiiy, duplex or 4-plex buildings, and small complexes. Possession of a valid Oregon driver's license is required. Additional information and application can be obtained at: The Housing A u th o rity O ffice 560 S.E. 3rd Ave. H illsboro, OR 97123 An Equal Opportunity Employer 'POSITION WANTED A ccou n t Executive Five years advertising sales ex­ perience. Education: Adverti­ sing sales; journalism. Respon­ sible for new and existing ac­ counts. Contact Nancy Condray, (503)646 2207. Page 4, JO BS, A u g u st 26, 1987 V? CLERICAL STAGE TECHNICIAN I Full time, permanent, 9 month position, in student activities and also to establish an eligibility list for future positions. Salary $1512 per month. Requires 2 yrs exp in theater construction, techniques, stage lighting, and theater pro­ duction. Application materials may picked up in: be The Personnel Services Dept. 1800 E M cLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, W A 98863 (206) 699-0105 and must be returned no later than Sept 3, 1987. Clark College is an equal oppor­ tunity employer and places em­ phasis on achieving affirmative action hiring goals. Minorities, women, over 40 yr olds, disabled, Vietnam Veterans, and disabled are encouraged to apply. ELECTRICAL APPRENTICESHIP APPLICATIONS Metro Electrical JATC will accept applications for 2 weeks starting 9:30 AM Monday, September 14, 1987, ending 4 PM Friday, Sep­ tember 25, 1987. Minimum re­ quirements are high school grad­ uate with 2.0 GPA or GED of 255; passing grade in first year high school algebra (official high school transcript must be sent to Metro from high school); 18 years or older; high score on S72R77 aptitude test (applicants will be scheduled for aptitude testing when they complete their application. Apprenticeship offers a starting wage of $6.93 per hour with regular increases to full journeyman pay of $19.80 (currently) after a full five year program. METRO TRAINING CENTER 5600 NE 42nd Portland, OR 287 0756 Metro Offers Equal Opportunity OFFICE ASSISTANT III/ TYPING Part tone 80% (Permanent Eve Position) in the office of instruc­ tion and also tn establish an eli­ gibility list for future positions. Salary $952/mn. Requires HS diploma or a GFD and 2 yrs of clerical exp \and demonstrated training or exp in occupational typing. Required typing speed: 55 wpm. The 8 applicants re­ ceiving the highest scores on their supplemental will be tested for spelling, grammar and punc­ tuation at the time of their inter­ view. Application materials may picked up in: be The Personnel Services Dept. 1800 E. M cLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, W A 98863 (206) 699 0105 and must be returned no later than Sept 3,1987. Clark College is an equal oppor­ tunity employer and places em­ phasis on achieving affirmative action hiring goals. Minorities, women, over 40 yr olds, disabled, Vietnam Veterans, and disabled are encouraged to apply. POSITION WANTED Reporter Seeking reporting position, gene­ ral news, sports, etc. 1984 Gra­ duate from Oregon State Univer­ sity with bachelor's degree liberal studies, concentration technical journalism. Worked for North­ west Outdoors as contributing writer/photographer. Wrote for the Oregon Starter at Oregon State University. Was an elec­ tion reporter for KGW-TV/KEX- AM on November 4, 1986. While at college served as part-time general assignment reporter KWIP AM radio in Corvallis. Con­ tact: Robert James "R ob" Cona- hey, 1050 Lockhaven Drive N.E., Salem, OR 97303; (503) 393- 4367.