Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Nominations and applications are invited for the position of Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies at Michigan State University, a comprehensive graduate research University. The University comprises fourteen colleges with an enrollment of 41,000 including 7,500 graduate and professional students enrolled in both masters and doctoral programs. The annual research budget is about $70 million. Michigan State University is a member of the Association of American Universities, the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges and the American Council on education. The Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies reports to the President and shares with the Provost oversight ot The Grad­ uate School, and of Lifelong Lducation Programs. Lhe person to fill this important position will lead the future development of research and graduate programs at Michigan State University, and should possess the following qualities: • A background of successful administrative leadership; • A record of outstanding research, nationally recognized leadership in his/her field; • Demonstrated ability to negotiate and obtain funding for research and graduate education programs; • Sensitivity toward and ability to deal with diverse groups representing faculty, students, industry, business, govern­ ment and the community; • Commitment to affirmative action in graduate education/ research. Specific Responsibilities Include • Strategic planning for research and graduate studies; • facilitation and oversight of faculty and student research and scholarly activity; • Oversight ot graduate education (jointly with the Provost); • Administrative oversight of the Dean of the Graduate School (jointly with the Provost) and of the Assistant Pro­ vost for Lifelong Lducation Programs (jointly with the Provost!, two assistant vice presidents and staff; • Supervision of special units, currently the Center for Environmental Toxicology, the Office of Radiation, Chemi­ cal and biological Safety, the Laboratory Animal Care Service, the Industrial Development Institute, theTechnol ogy Transfei Center and the MSU Museum. Preferred Starting Date: January 1, I 988 Procedures Nominations and letters ot application with curriculum vitae should be submitted as soon as possible and preferably by October 1, 1987. Requests for confidentiality will be honored. Please write to Professor Robert W. Leader, Chair Search Committee for Vice President for Research snd Graduate Studies Office for Research and Graduate Studies Michigan State University 232 Administration Building Last Lansing. Michigan 48824-1046 Telephone: 517/355-8260 MSU is an AJ/innalive Action/Equal Opportunity Institution PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN II The University of Lowell is seeking a Communications Network supervisor to manage daily operations of the Academic and Administrative Networks. This person will also assist in Network Expansion and Integration o f New Technologies. Applicants should have the following background Bache­ lor degree required (Master degree preferred) in a Scien­ tific or experience with Decent, TCP/IP and Ethernet; experience with MS/DOS networking in a VAX/VM S environment; working knowledge of Broadband tech­ nology; knowledge of cable plant layouts; fam iliarity with educational/academic environment interest in interfacing w ith a large user community. The University of Lowell is a Massachusetts Public Univer­ sity serving 14,000 students in Associate through Doc­ toral level programs. Benefit package is very competitive, the work environment is pleasant and challenging. Inter­ ested applicants, please submit letter of application and resume by July 29, 1987 to: Raymond A. Vigeant, Director of Telecommunications. University of Lowell. One University Avenue, Lowell, MA 01854. The University of Lowell is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action, Title IX, 504 Employer University oí I I L o w e li IL DIRECTOR 1 Academic Center for Health Promotion Z The College of Health Professions of the University of Lowell, invites applications for the position of Director of its newly created Academic Center for Health Promotion. This is a 12 month non-tenured, upper-management position. B The primary responsibility of the Director will be to develop the Academic Center for Health Promotion. The Center w ill emphasize programs to prevent heart disease, cancer, stroke and accidental injury. The Center's goals will contribute to reducing premature deaths, and improving the quality of life for the region's population through research, education and service. The Director w ill work w ith the College of Health Professions programs, faculty and students in coniunction w ith health care institutions, health professionals and consumers. fl Qualifications include an earned doctorate in the health field or a Master's degree in health w ith an earned doctorate in a related area. Must have experience and demonstrated exper- tise in health promotion, research and administration. Should be able to qualify for faculty status. K I Interested applicants, please send letter ot application, com- plete professional resume and a list o, three references with telephone and address by August 25, 1987 to Dr. Eleanor Forsley Shalhoup, Dean. College of Health Professions, Uni- versify of Lowell, One University Ave., Lowell, MA 01854 H K I The University of Lowell is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action, Title IX, 504 Employer L K B B B B ■ I K B E I S B H B ft K B B I I I I | e l i University oi o w Page 4, JOBS, August 5, 1987 B I IL