July 22, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 7 W l! EE s Bits & Pieces by Ken Covington Jazzy A fter Hours Being from a jazz town (St. Louis, Mo.), I thought that live music after hours was something that only happened in the eastern part of the U.S. Once again, I was to be surprised by what the old Rose City had to offer. Joe Powell has a joint that jumps well after midnight Fridays through Sun­ days with most all of the younger local musicians sprinkled by some of the old pros. This mixture of musicians keeps the atmosphere electric and ever- changing and also keeps me up until 7 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mor­ nings. Check the local gossip for listings. That's Entertainment! M ike B & Crew Michael Belcha and Chezaray Williams, formerly of Street Music, are stretching out for the big time via their self-produced 12-inch single, Crack Ain't Where It's A t." The message is clear and positive, and depending on the marketing campaign for records, they just may have a hit on their hands. Support for the record from the community can be shown not only by buying the record but by contacting Z100, MAGIC 108, K105 and KGW and asking to hear it. Remember, a triumph for them is a victory for the whole community. Coming soon to a record store near you. Rockin' Richard Gates Richard "Dickey" Gates, formerly of Visions, is now touring with Force Major doing what he does best: Stroking those six silver strings to success. Richard has been at this for years and achieved limited success with the now defunked Visions. Now it's full steam ahead for one of Portland's best all-around musicians. R&B, Country and Western, Jazz and Rock and Roll are all within easy access of this man's repertoire, along with a multitude of other musical instruments. Portlanders within the ranks of Force Major are Randy Smith, Doug Lewis and current member Billy Bradford from Shock. I expect big things from Richard, now that the road will have a chance to season him and broa­ den his horizons. Best of luck from the Portland Observer. N.E. Portland Moves D ow ntow n Finally, finally, finally! Our great Black musicians are getting their foot in downtown clubs. Besides Calvin Walker and Cool 'R, The Untouchable Krew has done recent dates at Pine Street Theatre opening for San Fran­ cisco-based Faith No More, and on Fourth of July weekend at The Starry The Northwest's biggest one day event, with a Hot Rod Cruise-In and concert featuring the legends of rock n' roll history: PAUL REVERE & THE RAIDERS, MITCH RYDER, GARY PUCKETT, THE KINGSMEN, THE COASTERS, and a local favorite, THE HARDTOPS. Fourteen hours of solid entertainment with a beauty contest, and a battle of the bands. Win a 1927 " T " Roadster, sponsored in part by Continental Machine & Tool. Saturday, August 1, 1987 at Portland Meadows. Tickets $10.00 advance, $12.00 at the gate. For more information, call Freelancers Promotions at (206)254-6239. We Need You! • COUPON • COUPON r - ~NTERSTATE PH OTO EXPRESS A* 5022 IM. Interstate lO YER TH E A TR E S D A D P A IM $3 ADULT S1 CHILD 4 SR D n riU n l N “ itni« »dor« 5 m pm . i 284-8411 $3.00 OFF on processing of any 36 exposures. $2.00 OFF on processing of any 24 exposures. $1.00 OFF on processing of any 12 exposures. a ** °4r ROSE MOYER 246 6965 • 16501 SE DIVISION Expires Aug. 31, 1987 v | I 2 Hux.tnn« 3 S u m m e r S ch o o l 4 J .iw s 1 he H- v ri'tjt - FLIRT B A N D LIVE 5 A dv w 6 W eekends Are Fun At The B ab ysittin g U n to u c h a b le s 5ÎH AVENUE Fri. — Sat. with Dr. Rock (206) 254-0000 1 S u m m e r S ch o o l 2 Fall M e ta l 3 S u p e rm a n 4 246-6966 • 1-5 AT STAFFORD EXIT 4 L ab am b a 1 S um m er School 2 R rv e n q e id »tie N erd s II 3 R o xan n e opened their hearts to raising 42 youths. The Golden Rule Beauty Salon —a Tues. Spec. Complété Beauty Service 412 N.E. Alberta Open Tues.-Sat. D R IVE-IN S G ATES 8 00 PM $6.00 A CAR LOAD 104TH ST. TANASBOURNE BAGDAD 232 2665 • 3782 Si HAWTHORNE 1 S u m m e r S ch o o l 2 R o m . inn* 1 3 Labam ba U n io n i h ab les 2 H o lly w o o d S h u ffle 3 R oxanne U n io n i h ab les O w n e r / O p e ra to r Mary Paris 760 2466 • 1*451 SI POWELL IL V0 « ' R evenye o f the Ne’ dS II 281 7053 i I S u m m e r S ch o o l Ferris Bailers POWELL The Return of The Flirt Band Year 2000" - promises to be an enriching experience. Dr. Laura Wiltz, of Los Angeles, California and Regional Executive Direc­ tor of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. will be presiding over this biennial ses­ sion. Ms. Virginia Brandon, from U.S. West Direct, Denver, Colorado^ will be our keynote luncheon speaker on Friday, July 24, 1987 at 12.00 Noon Mr. Kent Amos, of Washington, D.C., will be our keynote banquet speaker on Saturday, July 25, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Amos, a former Xerox corporate executive turned entrepreneur and his wife Carmen have VANCOUVER MALL 224-6036 • 516 SW NALL 645 4611 • NW 115 6 SUNSET HWV at THE R O Y A L ESQUIRE hotel on July 22-26, 1987. Jack and Jill of America, Inc. is a non-profit nationwide family organiza­ tion that is dedicated to the interest of children. This year's conference theme "The Black Fam ily-M oving Toward the SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT! GRAND PARKWAY • COUPON • COUPON • COUPON • COUPON The Portland Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. will be hosting the Fifteenth Biennial Far West Regional Conference at the Portland Marriott SO PASSES TIGHTWAD TuESDA* FRED MEYER S GHt r. S> S ’ SOR E rie -ta ^m e - t 8 ' -els S u p e rm a n 4 1 ONE HOUR SERVICE CQ "'**0^ Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Hosts Fifteenth Biennial Conference Nostalgiafest '87 Night for The Jackals and The Crazy 8's. Randy Smith and The Flirt Band invaded Key Largo this last weekend and rocked the walls, thanks to our good brother Calvin Walker and, of course, Tony DeMicole. Come out and support us, Brothers and Sisters! COUPON • COUPON • COUPON • COUPON • COUPON loque around incidents in the play took place between the audience and the case, seated with Bogle. Photo by Richard J. Brown City Commissioner Dick Bogle leads a discussion following Sun­ day's showing of the PassinArt production "Split Second ". Dia- 1 760-2185 • SE 112TH AT Sir Greqory Gander, born 1745, re-named the 12 months "Snowy Flowy, Blowy 9 Showery, Flowery, Bowery; Hoppy, Croppy, Droppy, Breezy, Sneezy, Freezy." iN SEc£C’ LO THEATRES Sat. & Sunday 'I Lady Blue from 6 - 9 Sunday Jazzy Jam ROYAL ESQ UIRE Benny Wilson 1708 N.E. ALBERTA & Co. Mammoths, prehistoric ancestors of the elephant, died out about 10,000 years ago. Pictures of them drawn by cave dwellers can still be seen on cave walls in southern Fr- ance. with 287-5145 MEMBERS & GUESTS GROCERIES BELOW WHOLESALE N A M E BRANDS THEATRE SAARA HIVU.¡> P IM STREET S.E. '»Ui AT H REGGAE FROM JAMAICA PABLO MOSES CANNED DELI FROZEN, ETC. F O O D STAMPS W ELCO M E THE BEE C O M P A N Y Groceries Below Wholesale KUKRUDU 8 0 0 N K illin g s w o rth Fri. July 24 Serving Portland for AND Over 3 0 Years ALL AGES 283-3171 $7.50 Advance • $9.50 Door OPEN Mon.-Sat. 9:30-0 Portland's Largest Dance Floor Phone 235-0027 Advance Tickets on Sale Now! Usual Outlets VISIT OUR DELI . .. • » • MOTOWN DOWNTOWN w jic THE FOUR TOPS when * _ come to __ __ _ PIONEER COURTHOUSE SQUARE! w w (sw 6th and Morrison) * * Friday, August 7 7 30 pm to midnight also done e to OBO ADDY 9:00pm ó * Portland’s soul review S A L M O N DAVE Seattle's “ doo-wop THE M A IN A TT R A C T IO N — the first " N IG H T O U T W IT H THE STARS’’ A PARTY to benefit Pioneer Courthouse Square * tickets $ 1 2 .5 0 of jeon M achine at the Galleria. GJ. Joe's. Powell s Travel Store on the Square, or charge by phone 2 2 2 -7 4 2 5 , SPONSORS x d l i f C V ra i’ in .iii hSQ _ bW n o rd s tro m ------------------------ CONTRIBUTORS Paul Bergen Catering. Pacific Northwest Bell g r a p h ic s Wallace Security Portland Hilton Edelman Naiman Bissett. Larry Kirkland. Hitmakers. City Center Parking. InterLight. Baugh Construction. Pepsi. Schlegel Typesetting. Daily Journal of Commerce