i n July 22, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 5 Chief Brown Receives NOBLE's 1987 "Robert Lamb « _I 1 K Humanitarian Award M I I I Police Chief Lee P. Brown has been selected by the National Organization of Black I aw Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) as its "Robert Lamb Humanitarian Award" recipient for 1987. The award was presen­ ted to Chief Brown at an awards banquet in Oakland, California, on July 10, 1987. The humanitarian award is presented annually to a NOBLE member who has made a outstanding contribution to law enforcement in the areas of the use of deadly force, human rights and human welfare. The award is named in honor of Robert Lamb, Jr., a well-know and highly-respected NOPI E member who has been a leader and philanthropist in the field of law enfor­ cement for many years. . Chief Brown's outstanding contributions as a humanitarian include im­ plementing police restraint policies governing the use of deadly force and successfully structuring and facilitating a more cooperative relationship between the police and the public in an ongoing, interactive process. "I am truly honored to have been selected to receive this prestigious award," Chief Brown said. "This personal and professional recognition would not have been possible, however, without the strong commitment Houston police officers have toward maintaining the highest standards of policing as they deliver quality police services to all parts of our city in a manner that is responsive to neighborhood concers. Their actions are in- Ruth M ooneyham o f LaPine, Oregon and Carl Taylor ot Hortrana w ere the w inners o f G .l. Joe's J u ly Fourth Sweepstakes. M o o ne y­ ham and her fam ily are show n in the Jeep W rangler she w o n . in cooperation w ith the Oregon Jeep Renault Dealers Associa tio n . Carl Taylor (third from right) w o n a trip fo r tw o to the 1988 Sum m er O lym pics in Seoul. Korea, in cooperation w ith KGW TV Shannon Keltz. advertising coordinator fo r G.l. Joe's (second fro m rig h t), and Bob McGrain (far right) o f N o rth w est Jeep Re" a“ ' ’ __th o uuinners whose names were draw n fro m over 100.000 Police Chief Lee P. Brown Cabaret/Bakra Bata & Dub DeBrie Portland State University's Cabaret Committee continues its Summer in the Park Blocks series of hour-long, noon time presentations. W ednes­ day, Ju ly 29, the south Park Blocks will ring with the sounds of a carnival parade and the BAKRA BATA STEEL BAND from Seattle. M onday, A ugust 3, DUB DEBRIE on acoustic guitar will entertain. All concerts qrP im p and take nlace from noon to 1 p.m. in the Park Blocks outside AH Stores Open S unday at 11.00 A M PRE-SEASON LAYAWAY COAT SALE! SAVE 25% » 40% SAVE 25% io 30% on outerwear for toddlers and kids whose rhythms include calypso, reggae, samba and bolero, among otners. Their instruments include a variety of steel drums (pans), vibraphones and conga drums, as well as other percussion instruments. The music of Bakra Bata is lively energetic and audiences will be hard put to keep from spring­ ing into dance. Dub DeBrie (Monday, Aug. 3) presents a different musical experience. A mellow, introspective songman, DeBrie also has a unique and very witty stvle. He couples his expertise on acoustic guitar with a refined sense of Denim jacket* jn t |a c k e t o l »ashed cotton cotton ttannel Sizes S-M t- SAVE 30% on outerwear for misses, juniors, petites, even half sizes . . ■ there will be no lower prices this season! Acrylic coat with zip front belt and side seam pockets P LU S ! *1 HOLDS YOUR PURCHASE IN LA Y-A WA Y TIL OCTOBER 31! 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Jefferson 223 2056 PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS SPRING SPECIAL * !45 OFF yyashable polyester and cotton sheeting 100” « cotton flannel imino Plus, scart Belted pant coat Heavy w ith s D o u b le b re a s te d c o a t o t w o o l and Must pick up within 30 days. e cyin g the North and Northeast Communtty , Dry cleaning: laundered shirts: alterations: i try the Best. Dry Cleaning Mon through Fn 8 AM 6:30 PM Sat . 9 AM 1PM Ask for Nellie or Frances 3954 N. Williams Ave 282-8361 TACOMA MALL CLACKAMAS TOWN CENTER (473 7000, ON CENTER '6-2323, (652 2280, SEATAC MALL (Federal W ay 9 4 , ,000) EVERETT FIRST AVE OLYMPIA LACEY OVERLAKE (355-7070) (344-4830, (491 4000) (641 1000) AURORA VANCOUVER WASHINGTON SQUARE SPOKANE (364 9000, (256 8333) (620 , 5 )0 , _________ (4891170) APPLY TODAY for America’s favorite department store credit