kJL, July 22, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 3 Ben Linder Memorial Fund Koch Lends a Hand for Teen Jobs, Restitution Program C om m issioner Bob Koch lent a hand —and a p a in tb ru sh —to join in w ith a w o rk crew fro m Project Pay­ back to paint playground equipm ent on a c o m m u n ity park at 1906 N.E. Prescott S t, Tuesday, Ju ly 7, 1987. Project Payback, co-sponsored by M ultn o m a h C ounty and the Boys and Girls C lub o f Portland, arranges w o rk fo r yo u th to pay back court- ordered restitu tion to victim s. The yo uth are paid $3.35 an hour, w ith 60 percent o f their wages going to pay back victim s. The c o m m u n ity park is on W ater Bureau p roperty, and is m aintained because o f lack o f nearby parks fo r the Sabin neighborhood. Koch supports the idea behind Project Payback and says the bene­ fits o f th is particular project are tw o ­ fo ld : "C lea n in g up the park and helping change young people's a tti­ tudes to w a rd crim e are b oth w ays to im prove neighborhood liv a b ility ," Folk Dance (form erly kn o w n as D ave's Shop) A benefit Folk Dance w ill be held Ju ly 24, 1987 from 7 - 10 p .m . at the Garden Home R ecreation Center, 7475 S .W . Oleson Road, Portland, Ore­ gon. The proceeds from th is benefit dance w ill help continue Ben's h um an ­ itarian w o rk in Nicaragua. There w ill be fo lk dancing w ith expeiienced leaders as w ell as Nicaraguan slides and in fo rm a tio n . Refreshm ents w ill be served. There is a suggested in n rn u n d buying everything of value donation o f $4.00, w h ich is tax deductible. This event is sponsored by the W est Hills U nitarian Fellow ship's Social Concerns C om m ittee and the Portland C orinto Sister C ity Association. For m ore in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta ct Garden H om e Recreation Center, 244- "W e Pay Cash" Open 10:00 - 5.00 M on.-S at. 1101. Meeting Notice! International A ir A cadem y w ill host a free 2-hour sem inar at the P o rt­ land Urban League, 10 N.E. Russeii, fn r those interested in a career w ith the airline industry. The seminar is scheduled fro m 7 to 9 p .m . and those in te r­ ested are reauested to use th e rear entrance. D a te : T h u rs ., J u ly 30, 1987. Comm. Bob Koch and Project Payback participant Jeff Hunt at Sabin tower. 5016 N.E. U nion When it gets cold outside, insects move indoors. Discourage them by discarding their nesting places— leaves, rotted wood and weeds EXTRA! SAFEW AY he said. Koch gave a pep ta lk to sum m er yo uth program w orkers w h o began their firs t day o f w o rk at 8 a.m . at W ater Bureau headquarters at S outheast 60th and D ivision. A b o u t 80 yo u th hired th ro u g h the Portland Private Industry Council w ill be w elcom ed to the w o rld o f w o rk Union Cash painting, landscaping, m aintenance and repair Girl Scout Reunion to be a "Campy Picnic Party" To celebrate the 75th anniversary o f the Girl Scouts, The Columbia River Girl S cout Council is invitin g all fo rm e r Girl S couts and their fam ilies to a special reunion. The "C a m p y Picnic P a rty" w ill be held Sunday, A u g u st 16, fro m noon to 4:00 p .m . at P ortland's Oaks Park. Special features include classic cam p fo o d . . . h ot dogs, ice cream and, o f course, "S o m e -m o re s ", those gooey m arshm allow , ch o co ­ late and Graham cracker co n co c­ tions made over a cam pfire. M usic, entertainm ent and m erry- go-round rides are all part of the day's events. In a dd ition, a special award w ill be made to form er Girl S couts selected as "W o m e n of Dis­ tin c tio n " from th eir com m unities. Prizes w ill also be awarded fo r Extra S avin gs Arc In-Store For You W hen You Pick Up Your “All N ew ” S afew ay S h o p p er C om ing July 2 9 th At Your g « Nearby S afew ay ■■ ■ - w OPEN 24 HOURS AT M O ST S A FE W A Y STORES! Prices Effective 7 /2 2 Thru 7 /2 8 /8 7 At Safeways In The Vicinity Ot Originating Publication. Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. No Sales 1 To Dealers. ■■ L Hairpieces Beef Round Steak Bone-in Safeway "Select" grain-fed beef. A family favorite that’s full flavored and economical. | Save Up To $ 1 .7 9 Lb.,No Limit! Beauty Supplies Sale & Restyling 0out>i»fi4„K G At hen Hem» Ci«n Shape \ 1 t»ep R etan e n a b le Tape* *“* **•« Shield Mouture Barrier r NEW ! * ULTR A A B S O R B E N T ULTRA T H IN ’ Disposable Diapers r Eva Gabor • Rene o f Paris • 7 Zurv and more Asst’d. Colors Lusciously Sweet Cantaloupe Great to have for a delicious fruit salad! 5 Choice Ultra, 48-Ct. 36-C». Lg., 32-Ct Maxi Store Hours 10:00 a.m . 'til 6:00 p.m . M onday Thru Saturday Save Up To 21* Lb., No Limit! 1105 N.E. B roadw ay ( i c ross from Safeway Lloyd Center) Tel. 282 1664 1 ■ . ' ' ' ‘ ‘i S V '