--- - Cooperative Education Program for Black College students At a time when many coollege students cannot afford the increasing costs of higher education, the Cooperative Education Program provides a solution. Since January 1981, the U.S. Department of La­ bor's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has parti­ cipated in the program, helping black and other col­ lege students gain pay and valuable work experience. This year 10 black students have been hired nationwide by the OIG's Office of Audit to partici­ pate in the Cooperative Education Program. The students participating in the program were re­ cruited from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (one of the historically black universities), the Uni­ versity of Denver, the University of Puerto Rico, Texas Women's University and the University of Colorado. Since the Labor Department began participating in the program, it has hired a total of 27 accounting, business and computer science majors. Some of the duties performed by the students included analyzing contracts under audit, scheduling spreadsheets to show monthly costs at various audit sites, assisting in Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) audits, writing COBOL programs for audit of JTPA programs and inputting data from audit sites into the mini computer. Upon graduation, if the students choose perma­ nent accounting and computer positions, their job experience will signigicantly reduce training time and costs, which will enable them to assume other duties and responsibilities much more quickly. The OIG's Office of Audit performs audits of the department's programs and operations and informs the secretary of Labor and Congress of the results. Job Information Line (S03) 220-2434 A direct dial number for employment information at 6 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS v '' PARTI INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids marked "PROPOSAL FOR MARLENE VILLAGE PROJECT," will be received by Washing­ ton County Department of Land Use and Transporta­ tion (DLUT) at the receptionist desk. Second Floor, 150 N. First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon, 97124, until 10:00 AM on August 10, 1987. THE WORK CONSISTS OF widening and overlay of approximately 4,400 lineal feet of roadway, 16,650 lineal feet of curbing, installation of catch basins, a flap gate and other related work. Bid documents may be examined at: 1. DLUT office (648-8761) 2. Construction Data Plan Center (225-0200) 3 Northwest Plan Center (232-4000) 4. Salem Contractor's Exchange (362-7957) 5 Builders Exchange Co-op (234-0281 ) 6. Northeast Business Center (289-9123) and are available from DLUT for a $10.00 fee per set. Contractor must be qualified by Oregon Department of Transportation prior to bid opening. BIDDERS MUST COMPLETE THE PROPOSAL AND BID BOND FORMS FURNISHED IN THE CON­ TRACT DOCUMENTS. OTHERWISE, THE BID WILL BE REJECTED AS NONRESPONSIVE. By signing the proposal, the Contractor shall commit to comply with the provisions of ORS 279.350. The bid must conform in all material aspects with the bid instructions and applicable laws. The County reser­ ves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any irregularities or informalities. This project is financed through the Community Development Block Grant Program with funds ob­ tained from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The contract will be subject to regulations of the Departments of Labor and Hous­ ing and Urban Development. Attention is called to Federal provisions for Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, HUD Section 3 requirements, and the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the contract documents. A pre bid meeting will be held at Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation Second Floor Conference Room 150 N. First Street Hillsboro, Oregon at 10:00 A .M . on July 30,1987 For more information regarding this project, contact Emery Marko. at (503) 648-8834. Page 8, JOBS, July 22, 1987