Paqe 10, Portland Observer. July 22, 1987 . > Observer Moves Into New Facility i * I bi . * A lb e rt W illiam s Publishing Editor n L_ - - az ; m ■ «1 Gary Ann G arnett Business Manager ; .'’*’18# i ‘ » .,'sf J-*- The P ortland Observer new spaper recently m oved to a m ore m odern and spacious fa c ility at Bobby W ashington Sales Representative J Richard J. B row n Photographer 5011 N.E. 26th Ave. a ’ "K ììh The 4,975 square fo o t fa c ility features executive o ffice s, a dark room fo r ' i ' 7 ‘ p h o to g ra p h ic d e ve lo p m e n t, a co m p le te la y o u t/p a s te -u p section and a , sr a . large storage area. The b uilding o ffe rs th e O bserver th e o p p o rtu n ity to provide m ore Rebecca Robinson Typesetter & Production expanded services to its advertisers and cu stom ers. Ken C o vin gto n Entertainment Editor A T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r w ill p ro v id e th e s e services: typesetting, layout, PMTs, poster design, souvenier booklets, flyers, resumes and letterhead. 7 Lonnie W ells Dark Room Specialist Leon Harris Public Relations & Writer The O bserver's te le p ho n e num bers rem ain th e same: 288-0033 Z- General Information 435 288-0020 Classified Advertising Jeri White Layout & Design