t CL A SSIFIED A D VER TISING SCHOOLING D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. ENJOY CHILDREN? ATTENTIONI Help Study at nationally re­ stop trade deficitl Be­ cognized nanny train­ come an international ing school. Free na­ traderl Contact U.S. tionwide placement, in­ business organizations credible demand. Con­ & foreign businessmen tact NNE, 2100 N.E. who have an interest in Broadway, Suite 3F, helping you in export Portland, OR 97232. trade. Learn to locate (503) 284-1240. Call foreign country mar­ collect. kets. Locate U.S. pro­ ducers & foreign buy­ PERSONALS, ers. Call (208) 452- ADOPTION: Young, 3992 or write: Washoe happily married but Publishing Co., P.O. childless couple wishes Box 27, Payette, Idaho very much to adopt an 82661. infant to make our fa­ mily complete. Con­ BUILDING tact our attorney, (408) MATERIALS 288-7100, collect, 24 hours; P.O. Box 7575, POLE BUILDING KITS. San Jose, CA 95150. Complete building pa­ ckages, 1/sliding door, 4/colored walls, 6 x 6 poles, 24 x 36 x 10 LOANS & $1,749; 24 x 48 x 12 FINANCING $2,349; 30 x 60 x 12 NEED MONEY? Equity $3,249. Many other loans on all types of sizes. Labor and finan­ real estate, easy quali­ cing available. 1-800- fying! Rapid funding! 331-0155, (503) 263- We buy contracts. Call 1805. now! Toll-free, 1-800- 537-5498 Oregon Land Mortgac,;. PERSONALS Dewey Taylor II DBA: PAINTING-INTERIOR & EXTERIOR W ALL & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED, BONDED 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMODELING!!!!!! HELP W ANTED CALL TODAY O’ ,co' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 287-7353 * The first president to use the telephone was James Garfield, who had a phone installed in 1878 while he was a member of C o n g r e s s . NANNY POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Care for children i , their East or West Coast home. Room, board, $120-200 per week. One year commitment. Non- smokers preferred. Call for interview, La Petite Mere, 1-800-621-1985. HELP W ANTED MFG HOMES FOR SALE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME: Learn about other cultures. Be­ come a host family for a high school exchange student arriving August 19. Telephone Inter­ national Education Fo­ rum: Yvonne Bokovoy, (503) 386-2223. BUY YOUR MOBILE HOME in Southern Oregon for best price and selection. New Redmans, Marlettes and quality used homes. Delivered anywhere. Wildwood Mobile Homes. 1-800-422- 0341. HELP W ANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RETAIL CABINET STORE. Excellent ca­ binet and ceramic tile displays. Full Remodel­ ing. Good location. Owners retiring. Tran­ sition assistance. P.O. Box 963, Hood River, OR 97031. WANT TO VEND top candies, nuts, mints, gums, etc. using ad­ vanced machines, loca­ tors, training, merchan­ dising for highest time- investment return? Re­ sponsible, mature with care and $5,000? Call 1-800-FLI-VEND. NEEDED IMMEDIATE­ LY: Welders, carpen­ ters, electricians, plum­ bers, management po­ sitions, technicians, mechanics, machinists, drivers, equipment op­ erators. Entry level, degreed, up to $32.60 hour. Call Transcon­ tinental, (308)647-5555. Fee. PICKUPS/ CANOPIES 5 5 0 C A N O P IE S CHEAP: Totem, Stam­ pede, Brahama. Save big at Totem. Free mount. Free price list. Phone free, 1-800-452- 9113, 9-5:00, 7 days. Totem Mfg., Salem, Oregon. ADOPTION: Loving young couple eagerly looks for a baby to adopt. Our home a- waits an infant to share in our lives. All preg­ nancy-related, medical, legal expenses paid. Call our Portland attor­ ney collect, (503 ) 222- 2474. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 1000 SUNBEDS: Sun- al-Wolff. Save up to 50%. Call for FREE color catalogue and wholesale prices. M/C &Visa. 1-800-835-3826. HOMES FOR SALE 652 cheers for The Home Team". OREGON COAST: Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bath; large fenced landscaped lot; near beaches, lake, rivers, hunting, fishing. $38, 900. (503) 332-7505; Box 955, Port Orford, OR 97465. | PERSONALS BANKRUPTCY - $75 - stops collectors, law suits, & garnishments. DIVORCE - $65 - no court hearings, com­ plete preparation of all legal documents. Legal Alternatives, Inc., (503) 255-3412 or 1-800-642- 2208. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED RED­ MOND cabinet and specialty shop for 1 or 2 craftsmen. Reputation throughout Central Ore­ gon for quality, custom designs, creativity. By owner. (503) 923-0808 days; (503 ) 548-3057 evenings. BUSINESS FOR SALE Last year, real estate agents throughout Oregon and S.W. Washington sold 652 HUD homes. They sold them to first-time home buyers, to repeat home buyers and to investor home buyers. And the best part was that each and every home buyer got a good, honest value. So if you’re hxiking for a truly affordable home, ask your real estate agent about I ll'l) homes in your area. Or check our HUD listings ad in the classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Go with The Home Team. We ll give you something to cheer about. HUI) and your real estate agent... W ere The Home Team 7 HUD i r DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT BOWLING CENTER AM F 8 lane with excel­ lent restaurant, seats i 50. Heart of hunting and recreation area in Eastern, OR. Before 10 am or after 7:30 pm (503) 676-5442. BUILDING - MATERIALS POLE BUILDING KITS. Complete building pa­ ckages, 1/sliding door, 4/colored walls, 6x6 poles, 24x36x10$ 1,705; 24x48x12 $2,281; 30x 60x12 $3,242. Many other sizes. Labor and financing available. 1- 800-331-0155, (503) 263 1805 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE FREE STATEWIDE DE­ LIVERY: Golden West — Best factory build modular home in Ame­ rica. Starting $20/sq. ft. Also featuring Sky­ line, Fleetwood. San- tiam Homes, Hwy 22, Stayton; 1 (503 ) 769 7744. MICHAEL T. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at LAW Criminal, Defense & Discrimination Cases AM ERICAN BANK BUILDING 621 S.W. M orrison Portland, OR 97205 (503) 226-2146 J LOSS CONTROL OFFICER $2,795 Entry “Q Are you prepared for the career of a lifetime? Do you have occu­ pational or industrial safety back­ ground and experience? Want to take on more responsibility? Read on. The City of Portland is looking for you. Duties include: In-depth know ledge of federal, state, and local occupational safety and health regulations; administering an on­ going, multi-faceted program preserving life, property and financial assets from potential loss due to injury or hazards; assist management in carrying out safety compliance measures involving all personnel, equip­ ment, property with regard to ha­ zardous waste, equipment mal­ function, fire hazards to minimize loss and liability claims; also con­ duct studies, provide mgmt staff training, advise and act as Bu reau Liaison. To qualify: You must reflect knowledge and skills in the area of loss control; state, federal and local law familiarity which govern safety and accident prevention. Apply at Northeast Business Center 828 N. K illin g sw o rth P ortland, OR 97217 289 9123 c Minorities are really encouraged to apply. BUSINESS FOR SALE RESTAURANT seats 50. Best place in town. 8 lane Bowling center, 11 leagues, great hunt­ ing and recreation area in Eastern OR. After 7:30 pm (503) 676 5442. M ISC. FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS: New 1987 Royal Electric; ele­ ctronic typewriters: $159! (List $249). Fac­ tory close-out offer. Full keyboard with "error-out” internal correction. ROYAL guarantee for service & parts. (Office models slightly higher). Check, credit cards, C.O.D. or layaway. Free delivery! (714 ) 548-4425, any­ time! MISC. FOR SALE MARKET TEST Offer! "The Sew & Serge" machine! Finally! An all purpose, free arm home sewing machine, designed to: Sew the seam, overlook the ed­ ge &■ trim off excess fabric! Plus built-in buttonholer, blindhem, stretch, etc. Heavy du­ ty "steel drive gears." 20 year guarantee. List $539! Free delivery! (714 ) 548-4425, any­ time! M U S T SELL!! SECOND HAND STORE Long Lease, High Vol­ ume, Excellent Money Maker, Very Busy Store! With Reason­ able Down. Will take trade for (Real Estate or Balance — What Have You?) (503) 252 5337 (503)252 4011 HELP W ANTED WANTED! Police Of­ ficer: City of Florence, OR (Salary: $1,378 $1,650/month; good fringe benefits). BPST certification, high school graduate, good driving record, and at least 21 years of age. APPLY BY: 5:00 p.m., 6/1/87. Submit appli­ cations to Chief of Po­ lice, PO Box 340, Flo­ rence, OR 97439. Phone (503) 997-3515. AAEOE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXCELLENT opportunity: Commercial Ag operation, equipment, shop, storage. Nice 4 bedroom home. 5.8 acre wooded site, Central Willamette Valley. Complete package $230,000. No Realtors. 503/864-2277. FINANCE/ OPPORTUNITIES REALESTATELOANS, Example: $15,000, 5 years, 14 % %, $250 month, Balloon $8993, SCHO O LS/INSTRUCTIO N costs $2,550, Apr. ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog 22.5. Espirit Mortgage nized training school. Free nationwide placement- (503) 370-4400, Salem, incredible demand. Contact NNI, 2100 NE Broad­ OR., ____________ way, Suite 3F, Portland, OR 97232. Tel (503) REAL ESTATE 284-1240. Call collect. FOR SALE I — . "BROOK - HAVEN" MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE planned community, 55 HALF PRICE! 50% off!! Our best, large flashing years and over, 42 arrow sign $339! Lighted, non-arrow $329! units, no exterior main­ Unlighted $269! Free letters! See locally. Call tenance, clubhouse, today! Factory: 1-800-423 0163 anytime. sauna, tennis/croquet courts, horseshoe pits, BBQ/picnic areas; se­ curity gate. Prices start PIC K UPS/C A N O PIES at $87,950. Building DISCOUNT PICKUP CANOPIES. Pay net To­ site sales office. (503) tem prices. 150 Brahmas, 350 Totem alumi­ 469 5118 or (503) 469 num. Free price list, phone FREE 1-800 452 3761, M&F Building 9113, 9 am to 5 pm 7 days Totem Mfg. Inc, Salem. Company, P.O. Box 1178, Brookings, OR 97415. I