Page 8, Portland Observer, July 15, 1987 A Farewell Tribute for Mrs. Marian Watley A Farewell Tribute for Mrs. Marian Watley will be held at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 5828 N.E. 8th Avenue, Sunday, July 19, 1987, at 3:00. Mrs. Watley is the wife of Reve­ rend Matthew A. Watley, the Pastor of Bethel Church. Reverend Watley passed away on May 19, 1987 Mrs. Watley is a concerned and active member of the African Meth­ odist Episcopal Church. She re­ organized the Youth Choir at Bethel. She organized a group of young women of the church into a Mis­ sionary Unit to sponsor the Young Peoples Department of the church. Mrs. Marian W atley Kathleen Saadat o f Portland, D irector o f the C om m ission on Black A ffa irs , was appointed A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n O ffice r by Gov. Neil G old­ sch m id t last Thursday. Upon being selected, Saadat said she d id n 't w a n t A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n to be view ed solely as a B la ck-w h ite or handicapped issue, because it is m uch broader than that. Photo by Richard J. Brown The art of quilting, still popular today, has been practiced for thousands of years. Soldiers of the Middle Ages wore quilted coats and hoods under their armor. The name of the group is the Allie Paschal Missionary Unit. She ser­ ved as President of the Women's Missionary Society of the Puget Sound Conference. Mrs. Watley currently serves as the Director of the Fifth Episcopal District, Young Peoples Department. Mrs. Watley will be relocating her home soon. The public is invited to join us in wishing her well as she leaves our city. The Presiding Elder of the Puget Sound Conference, Elder Jewel B DeWitty is the interim Pastor at Bethel, until a permanent Pastor is assigned. If you have any questions, please contact the church office, 288-5429 Cancer Detection THE MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH I N.E. First b Schuyler • 284-1954 -J ^ " tW 8 John H Jackson. Minister M Ed M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 a M Congregational Worship 5:00 P M Vesper Service 10:00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Each First Sunday | The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon: Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National, Oregon, 'ortland Ecumenical Ministries, American Bible Society, M .& M . Board Peninsula Park Christian Church 5949 N. Albina (Ainsworth & Albina) 281 3576 9’45 A M Sunday Bible Lessons....................................................... .. 00 A M Sunday Worship S ervice................................................. g 3Q p M Wednesday Prayer Hour..................................... ............... ‘ p M Friday Bible Studies Class.................................................................... Meridian Park Hospital, Tualatin, will sponsor a presentation, "Early Detection and Treatment of Color­ ectal Cancer," to be offered Friday, July 31, 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. at the King City Residential Centei, Tigard. Pat Robbins, R.N., enterostomal therapist, will speak about preven tion and detection of bowel cancer. For more information, call the Healthwise for Seniors program, 692-2193, at the Tualatin hospital Union Cash (formerly known as Dave's Shop) buying everything of value "W e Pay Cash" Open 10:00 - 5 00 Mon.-Sat. 5016 N.E. Union Recreation Activities The Annex Furniture • Participation in the State Games of Oregon • Compete in the Portland Basketball League • Camping hiking and retreat facility accessible to church groups and families • Family social hour weekly activity 419 S.E. Grand Ave. Harold Bishop, M in iste r "D o you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only 4 (N|V) prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N .E. K illin g s w o r th • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always” *** ?>•••’ *>■ \rk of Safety h of C iod in Christ __ the BtUc T o l t o t i ’ p e a c e u ? ith a ll m e n 1 w it h o u t $ h o lin e s s n o Saturday iv b ic b 1 m a n s h a ll s e e J Tuesday Bible Band 7 30 p m Thursday Choir Rehearsal 7 00 p m Sunday • Sunday School 9 15am Morning 11 15 a m Worship 6 30 p m Y P W W Evangelistic 8 00pm Worship Tuesday Friday Noon Day Prayer Friday ’ The Pastor Speaks 7 30p m. L o rò Morning Prayer th e . - 9 00 a m. snowwvo* a ta a n g i Sa>tdVy ly n a r it« UHJD A M '»•» n r «AAR 14BUAM Ovt SPECIAL Dressers, Beds, Rollaways, Bunkbeds, Metal Desks, Bed Frames & Rails, Trundle Bunk Beds, Sofa, File Cabinet & MUCH MOREI! 235 5767