- Page6, Portland 01 >s< . ’ db/ New Cable TV Health Talk Show "Healthwatch", a new health talk show specifically targeted at mino­ rity viewers, made its television de but July 12, 1987 in Portland. Ore gon. The show airs several times monthly on „able channels 13, 27, and 33 Th thirty-minute program fea­ tures leading medical professionals who discuss a variety of interesting health topics. "Healthwatch" is special, because it's the only health show in Portland which offers Ab ¡can-American perspectives of current medical issues," explains Aleem Shabazz, Director of the Nodheast Health Resource Center Topics scheduled for future dis­ cussion include: AIDS, hyperten­ sion, diug abuse, cancer, as well as a variety of other issues concerning the health of African-Americans. To clean a badly stained broiler pan, sprinkle heav­ ily with dishwasher deter­ gent or dry laundry deter­ gent. Cover with dam­ pened paper towels and let stand an hour or so. studio and talked about his m edium , a rtw o rk , process and the business skills required to run a studio. Photo by Richard J. B row n P articipants o f the Portland In stitu te for Educa tors on Discipline Based A rt Education visited the studio of Portland a rtist Al Goldsby IL) Goidsby a metal sculptor, gave the group a tour of his new CORRECTION Ella Powell is Chairman of (he Board of Directors to1 Highi uul Cumn 1 nity Services Karen Powell was mistakenly identified is chairman and. according to Highland Community Services, has had nr, involvement in Highland Community Services. The Observer regrets printing the incorrect information. o ö a te y o u r 6ü EDWARD E. W ARD, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY DENTAL CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY PREVENTION O R H N ÎE D EMLNDLY PROFESSIONAL STALE IN S l RANCE GLADLY ACCLPTED SEDATION EOR SENSITIVE PATIENTS EEES DLSCLSSED PRIOR TO TRE AtM ENT VISA MASTERCARD NEW PATIENTS WELCOMED ALL BLS LINES - V ALIDATED PARKING OEEICE H O IR S MONDAY SATl RDAY. 8 AM EVENINGS AVAILABLE ADA MEMBER 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -3 0 0 9 Dr. Edward G. Ward 610 SW’ Alder, suite 1008 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 15-JULY 21. 1987 M O N -S A T 9-9, SUN 1 0 -7 NO SALES TO DEALF^S NE. KILLINGSWORTH AT CULLEY BLVD OREGON GROW N CUT-UP FRYERS X r I * S • * ■ - n u s’ L . j LhAN DELICIOUS IMITATION RED HOTS CRAB MEAT $p? $929 b LB sGROUND BEEF BACK RIBS $-|38 7 RO UND STEAK REFRESHING, RIPE WATERMELON k LO C A L I BROCCOLI.............. SWEET. VINE RIPENED ^CANTALOUPE ....... F FRESH FIRM BELL PEPPERS k RED JUICY F SLICING TOMATOES ^MARGARINE comet cleanser ,, KRAFT M A C A R O N I & CHEESE BETTY CROCKER TRUE VALUE G O L D N' SOFT CAKE MIX BATH TISSUE 19$ 19$ JELL & JAM PECTIN 32 oz JAR MUGS 6 oz $199 69e t .. VJ*’ - a«M ZIPLOC STORAGE BAGS so Qi TRUE VALUE C A T FOOD óoz $239 4/$1