P o rtla n d is S ite o f N in th A n n u a l C o n fe re n c e Al W illiam s, General Manager at the Portland Observer, anticipates Photo by Richard J. Brown the new seatbelt laws. Oregon's New Safety Belt Law w o u ld b e im p r a c t ic a l o r h a r m f u l to th e |n e .i i Ue, a o .e co nd itio n, medical problem , or body size) • If the person is in the custody of a law enfu icem en t agency • If the person is delivering newspapers o r mail in the regular < nurse of B elts and 65 M P H : their w ork. • If the person is riding in .in ambulam e giving aid and the safety belt system w o u ld substantially inhibit P •> udmmistr in n o f medical aid law. • The 65 MPH speed limit wiil not be voted upon The S a fe ty B e lt Law : The safety belt use law contains tw o offenses. Both are traffic infiac tions with a m axim um fine of $50 This is the lowest fine for a traffic of fense, just like driving with a taillight out. The first offense is called "failure to use safety belts” . The other offense is called "failure to maintain safety belts in working order” . , W h o M u s t W ear S a fe ty Belts? • All drivers and passengers, all ages, resident and non resident • Children under one year of age must ride secured in an approved child safety system (infant/child car safety seal) E xpections: • If there are more persons than safety belts • If the person has obtained a "certificate of exemption" from the DMV (requires a physicians statement to DMV that the safety belt system to promote the rights of sexual as­ sault victims and to encourage bet ter services for victims in local com munities. In addition to sponsoring an annual conference, NCASA test ifies before congressional commit tees, provides technical assistance to groups and agencies on request, and works to raise the public awaie ness around rape, incest, molesta tion, sexual harrassment and sim lar crimes. NCASA membership is open to any individual or group »hat wishes to support NCASA activi ties. The Ninth Annual NCASA Con ference, to be held in Portland July 22-25, is open to the public. For registration information, write NCASA '87, P.O. Box 42311, Pori land. OR 97242 0311. S u m m e r D ance E xperience Conn; to Peninsula Paik lot a suinmei dance experience. Learn the ihythm dance routines based on Black Ethnic music choreographed by Laura Teverbaugh A recent arrival in Portland, Laura has choreogiaphed for dance groups in Texas and New Jersey. Classes will be held al Peninsula Park Com miinity Center, 6400 N Albina located at N Portland Blvd and Al bind Ave July 11 to August 29 Satuidays bom 2 5 p.m Cost is $10 for 8 weeks. Partial scholai ships are available. Contact Lesley Unthank at 285-4222 foi mote mfoi mation. • TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER • » HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR • Men A Women it p h y s ic a l During the rush to close the 1987 legislative session, a safety belt use law finally emerged. There has been some confusion about the contents of the law and what relationship it has to the 65 MPH speed limit on rural inter state freeways. Here are some answers to those questions.: • The safety belt use law and the 65 MPH speed limit on rural interstate freeways are separate pieces of legislation. • Both laws go into effect on September 27th of this year. • The safety belt use law will be on the ballot on November 8, 1988 At that time the people of Oregon will decide whether or not to keep the Rape — still one of the most underreported crimes in the U S. an other problems of sexual assault will be the focus of examination when more than 700 people gather July 22 25 at the Portland Hilton for the Ninth Annual Conference of the National Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCASA). The Oregon event will feature more than 70 workshops, institutes, and other events addressing the theme "Confronting the Violence: Our Work, Our Struggle, Our Vi­ sion, Our Future," according to NCASA President Fern Y. Fergu­ son. The Ninth Annual NCASA Con ference opens on Wednesday, July 22, with the "Women of Color Institute," a day long forum featur­ ing panels, discussions, and social events designed for women of parti­ cular ethnic identities to address cultural concerns associated with rape. The Women of Color Caucus from the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence is helping coordinate this institute. Other highlights of the four-day conference include a healing insti­ tute for victims/survivors, a speak out on sexual assault, a Take Back the Night March (in cooperation with the Portland committee of the same name), the President's key­ note, and a long list of workshops covering topics related to sexual abuse. The National Coalition Against Sexual Assault was formed in 1979 TRAIN NOW FOR A HIGH PAYING CAREER! • : f >RRS SPONDE NCE'RE SIDE N T TRAINING • A. 4 N A - O N A . . P lA . f M f N - ASSISTANI I • E. . « I F INSTITUTION •_ »PA N'SEC S 'U O fN ' IOANS » PS.. GBANh MÉMBEQN m S •ACC&ÉDi’Et S U P E R IO R W h a t V e h icle s: TKAINIWO StHVICIS • All m otor vehicles under 8000 ; mu:, ir luumg pickup trucks). Exceptio ns: • Commercial vehicles (defined in ORS 801 210) • Any vehicle m anufactured w ith o u t safety belts. Safety belts need not be installed in these vehicles. However, if safety belts have been temoved fion, a vehicle that had them when it was new, then the safety belts must be replaced (Motorcycles do not have safety belts.) • The law states that safety belts must be worn PROPERLY Tins means that if a vehicle has a lap and shoulder combination, both belts must be worn as intended, not one or the other • The law also states that an o w n e r m ust keep belts in w o rkin g ordei j I | ; • Dovers are responsible for them selves and passengeis under 16 years v 284-8411 $3.00 OFF on processing of any 36 exposures. $2.00 OFF on processing of any 24 exposures. $1.00 OFF on processing of any 12 exposures. ! ONE HOUR SERVICE co/ ^ O a , Expires Aug. 31, 1987 C O U PO N • C O U P O N • C O U PO N • C O UPO N • C O U P O N o f age • Passengeis 16 yeais and over are responsible fo i them selves. • Owners are responsible to keep safety belts in working order. MRS.C’s WIGS $18.50 & up or by the ft. $4 Et up B u lk H u m a n H a ir $ 2 3 .9 5 £t u p Bettv Cabme Proprietor FMtunn« « s n by NAOMI SIMS ANDRE DOUGLAS, NATALIE COLE b MICHAEL WEEKS W ig S tyling $7.50 AND UP (long or specialty styles slightly higher) BR A ID S $2.95 PO RTLAND CLEANING W O RKS SPRING SPECIAL /« f OPX Must pick-up within 30 days. Has been serving the North and Northeast Community for 20 years Dry cleaning; laundered shirts; alterations; Dry Cleaning fast service You have tried the Hours Ask for Nellie or Frances M RS. C ’s WIGS 707 N.E. Fremont 281-6525 Closed tun. t Mon. OPIN Tuo«, thru tat. 11:30 AM to t:00 PM rest - N o w try the • COUPON • COUPON 5022 N .In te rs ta te Nine of our states got their names from the rivers that flow through them — Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska Ohio, Oregon and Wisconsin. WEAVING HAIR Toll Free: 1 800 452 2669 5665 N E G LIS A N INTERSTATE PHOTO EXPRESS 5 « i W ho is R esponsible: NOW) 238-7620 C O U PO N • C O U PO N • C O U P O N • C O U PO N • C O U P O N I A b o u t S a fe ty B elts: CALL Headquarters: Phoenix, AZ Best. Mon through Fri. 8 AM 6 30 PM Sat., 9 AM 1 PM 3954 N. W illia m s Ave. 282-8361 I / «r & • C O U PO N • C O U P O N