Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 15, 1987, Page 17, Image 17

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Sealed bids for the partial demolition and remodeling
of Science Annex and the old Museum of Natural
History buildings, University of Oregon, Eugene, will
be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher
Education until 4:00 PM PST, Tuesday, August 11,
1987, m Conference Room 2, UO Physical Plant De
partment, 1295 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, OR 97403
Briefly, the work includes the partial demolition and
remodeling of a one-story wood frame shop building;
the partial demolition and remodeling of a one-story
concrete frame office building; site demolition and
improvements and utility service terminations and re­
For further information, contact UO Physical Plant
(phone: 503-686 5243)
T h e U n iv e r s ity o f N e b ra s k a C o lle g e o f M e d ic in e , D e p a r tm e n t c f
O p h th a lm o lo g y , is se e kin g a n e u r o p h th a lm o lo g is t w it h a s tro n g
c o m m it m e n t to r e s id e n t, m e d ic a l s tu d e n t te a c h in g a n d re se a rch .
R e q u ire m e n ts in c lu d e s a tis fa c to r y re s id e n c y a n d n e u r o p h t h a l­
m o lo g y fe llo w s h ip c o m p le tio n a n d A B O e lig ib i l it y o r c e r t i f i ­
c a tio n . M u s t have d o c u m e n te d p r io r te a c h in g and research
e x p e rie n c e . S e n d q u a lific a t io n s and c u r r ic u lu m v ita e to :
R a y m o n d E. R e c o rd s , M .D .
C h a irm a n , D e p a r tm e n t o f O p h th a lm o lo g y
U n iv e r s it y o f N e b ra s k a C o lle g e o f M e d ic in e
4 2 n d and D e w e y A v e n u e
O m aha, NE 68105
A n E q u a l O p p o r t u n ity E m p lo y e r
The Oregon State Highway Division requests sub bids
from Minority- and Women-Owned Enterprises for the
following projects:
Harrison Blvd. — Corvallis E.C.L.
Halsey to Harrisburg
Bid Opening: July 23, 1987 9 AM
32260 Hwy. 34 • Tangent, OR 97389
(503) 928-6491
Equal Opportunity Employer
N e w C ivil R ig h ts
A d m in is tra to r Nam ed
R aleigh le w is , former administrator of the Wash-
ingiiin State Human Rights Commission, has been
named administrator of the Civil Rights Division of
the Bureau of Labor and Industries, Commissioner
Mary Wendy Roberts announced.
Lewis, 47, was selected from among 120 appli­
cants from throughout the country for the post. The
selection process included interviews with finalists by
a seven-member citizens' panel appointed by
"I am very pleased that Raleigh has accepted the
position His wide background and personal com­
mitment to civil rights will strengthen the Bureau's
effort against discrimination,” said Roberts.
Lewis' salary is $3,914 a month.
The new administrator served as executive secre­
tary of the Washington Human Rights Commission,
which is charged with enforcing the state's anti-
discrimination laws a position he held from 1980
through 1985 Prior to that he was deputy director
of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Commu­
nity Affairs with a staff of 200 and he served as
director of the Illinois Office of Manpower and
Human Development.
A graduate of Lincoln University of Jefferson City,
Mo., Lewis is a candidate for a doctorate in educa­
tion from the University of Massachusetts. He joins
the Bureau after working as a private consultant
in Olympia.
The Bureau's Civil Rights Divison handles about
1,600 new discrimination complaints annually. Lewis
said his major goals include speedy resolution of
cases and an education program to make the public
more aware of the services offered by the Bureau
in handling discimination complaints in employment,
housing and public accommodations.
Lewis and his wife, Donnie, have three children.
July 15, 1987, JOBS, Page 7
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