PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS Position Announcement For Director of Student Advising Center University: Portland State Uni­ versity invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Student Advising Center. The University, part of the Oregon State System of Higher Education, is located in downtown Portland, and enrolls 16,000 students including the lar­ gest proportion of minority stu­ dents in the state. The Univer­ sity offers a number of academic programs at both the under­ graduate and graduate levels. Position: The Director of the Student Advising Center will have budgetary and administra­ tive responsibilities for the Center and will report directly to the Vice-Provost for Student Affairs. Additionally, this position will be responsible for precedural and academic advising of undecided and general studies, majors, tranfers, advising and referral of students to appropriate depart­ mental advisors. The Director may also be required to be in­ volved in University recruitment efforts. Qualifications: A Masters De­ gree from an accredited institu­ tion. The successful applicant will also have a minimum of three years experience in academic ad­ vising of students, including non- traditional, culturally diverse stu­ dent groups in a college or uni­ versity setting. Position A vaila b ility: The posi­ tion is available September 1, 1987. Salary: The salary range is $18,000 to $24,000 dependent upon qualifications and exper­ ience. A pp lica tio ns Procedure: Let­ ters of application or nomina­ tions; a current resume' and three recent letters of recommen­ dation should be sent to: D irector o f S tudent Advising Center Search C om m ittee O ffice o f S tudent A ffa irs Portland State U niversity P.O. Box 751 OSA Portland, Oregon 97207 A pplication Deadline: Applica­ tion materials must be received by August 7, 1987. Portland State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Qualified minorities, women, and members of other protected groups are encouraged to apply. EDUCATION Southwestern Oregon Commu­ nity College is accepting applica­ tions for the following one year visiting faculty positions to begin September 1. DIRECTOR OF HEALTH OCCUPATIONS 11 month contract. 2/5 release time to manage nursing, EMT, nursing assistant programs, 3/5 instruction in PN/ADN program. M.N. required, plus active Ore­ gon RN license or ability to ob­ tain. sion or staff technical experience An Equal Opportunity Employer < r LEAD AUTOMOTIVE INSTRUCTOR Teach lecture and lab courses in established program leading to A.S. in Industrial Mechanics (automotive major). Degree pre­ ferred. M ATH/PHYSICS INSTRUCTOR Teach Math (basics through Cal­ culus) and Physics (Calculus- based). Practical applications orientation and success with transfer and vocational students. Masters Degree required. Salary range $16,179-$25,296 Send letter, resume, and tran scripts to: Faculty Search C om m ittee S outhw estern Oregon C om m unity College P.O. Box 3148 Coos Bay, OR 97420 by Ju ly 22 POSITION WANTED ___________ 1— 1------------------- PUBLIC AFFAIRS MANAGER M o to r Vehicles D ivision, Salem in public relations or related field Responsible for planning and im­ and degree in Journalism or pub­ plementing public information/ lic relations OR three more years public relations programs for the of pertinent experience. Starting agency; responsible to Admim salary is $2646 per month strator. Responsible for all agen cy publications, press relations, Apply immediately to: legislative liaison, and administra Personnel and Labor tivp rule adoption Supervises Relations Division staff of six people 155 Cottage Street NE Must have five years steadily in Salem, OR 97310 creasing management, profes (503) 373 7572 :» Advertising Sales Highly experienced marketing and sales person with 13 years background in direct sales, ad­ vertising, public relations, and community relations seeks chal­ lenging advertising sales posi­ tion. Knowledge of very broad range of businesses within Port­ land Metro area. Detailed know­ ledge of restaurants, hotels, air­ lines, and other tourism related industries. Contact: Courtland Carrier, Route 1, Box 363, Hills boro, OR 97124. July J 5, 1987, JOBS, Page 3 z; I f.