’ age 8* Portland Observer, July 8, 1987 CL A SSIFIED A D VER TIS I N G MFG HOMES FOR SALE EM PLO YM EN T D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. fo r O P P O R T U N IT IE S C O LLEG E STUDENTS Dewey Taylor II and GRADUATES Immediate o p p o rtu n itie s are w a itin g f o r you as an o f f ic e r in to d a y 's Navy. - The Navy w i l l pay q u a lifie d m in o rity students -SlOOO/month to f in is h th e ir ju n io r and/or se n io r year o f c o lle g e . - We have p i l o t p o s itio n s f o r in d iv id u a ls w ith any Associates degree o r w ith 2 or more years a t a 4 year school ( a ll m ajors, degree not re q u ire d ). - We have management openings in a v ia tio n , business, surface o p e ra tio n s , in te llig e n c e and many other areas fo r ju n io r s , seniors and c o lle g e graduates in a ll m ajors. BUY YOUR MOBILE HOME in Southern Oregon for best price and selection. New Redmans, Marlettes and quality used homes. Delivered anywhere. Mobile Wildwood 1 800-422- Homes. 0341. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RETAIL CABINET STORE. Excellent ca­ binet and ceramic tile displays. Full Remodel­ ing. Good location. Owners retiring. Tran­ sition assistance. P.O. Box 963, Hood River, OR 97031. MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE FREE STATEWIDE DE­ LIVERY: Golden West — Best factory build modular home in Ame­ rica. Starting $20/sq. ft. Also featuring Sky­ line, Fleetwood. San- tiam Homes, Hwy 22, Stayton; 1 (503) 769- 7744.______________ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT TO VEND top candies, nuts, mints, gums, etc. using ad­ vanced machines, loca­ tors, training, merchan­ dising for highest time- investment return? Re­ sponsible, mature with care and $5,000? Call 1 800 FLI-VEND. DBA: Whether y o u 're lo o kin g fo r th a t im portant f i r s t job or searching fo r a c a re e r, we have p o s itio n s w a itin g fo r you. As a naval o f f ic e r you w i l l have outstand­ ing pay, e x c e lle n t b e n e fits and the upward m o b ility th a t w ill ensure your fu tu re success. Experience the prid e and pro fe ssio n a lism o f to d a y 's Navy. Call Navy O ffic e r Programs in P ortland t o l l fre e a t 1-800-452-3872 (o ut o f s ta te c a ll 1-800-547-2024). PAINTING-INTERIOR & EXTERIOR W ALL & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED, BONDED 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMODELING!!!!!! • TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER • HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR M en A W om en CALL TODAY ,o^’ ‘O'- \O S e° 287-7353 The first president to use the telephone was James Garfield, who had a phone installed in 1878 while he was a member of Congress. $2,795 Entry • C O O U fS P O N D E N C t/W S lO e N T TRAINING • LOCAL » N A ' i O NA L JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE • ELIGIBLE INSTITUTION GUARANTEED STUDENT LO A N S » PELL GRANTS . ACCREDITED MEMBER N H S C S U P E R IO R T»AININOS