Page 6, Portland Observer July 8, 1987 i S h r in e r s R e u n io n THE MOUNT O LIVfT BAPTIST CHURCH N.E. First f» Schuyler • 284-1964 John M Jackton. Minister. M Ed M 0 9:30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 00 P M Vesper Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Each First Sunday The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon: Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National, Oregon, Portland Ecumenical Ministries, American Bible Society, M .& M . Board ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Sunday School 9 15 a m Sunday Worship 11 00 a m Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00 p m Isecond and fourth Sundays) P h illip S N e ls o n (P a s to r) Tuesday Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N E K illin g s w o r th • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always" 7 30 p m 7 00p m , Sunday ■ Sunday School 9 1 5 a m Morning 11 15 a m Worship 630pm . Y P W W he \rk of Safety • • li ”* » of ( iod in Christ » .r* W W k e n a rv S ? SUm-eyt.-- Evangelistic Worship Tuesday Friday thfc 8 00 p m Noon Day Prayer Friday The Pastor Speaks ’ 7 30 p m. Foiiou’ peace tc'dh ali men e. hçLjtwse Saturday without vvbicb no Morning Prayer man shall see the 9 00 a.m . broadcaa SZ u j i . t i n l J ¿orò Skxrdr» rnomriQ HMD A M S aoor KAAR 14BQAM CMf odate your busy " .A° 'r EDWARD EDW ARD E. WARD, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY •DENTAL CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY” ^4? - PREVENTION ORIENTED - FRIENDLY PROFESSIONAL STAFF - INSLRANCE GLADLY ACCEPTED - SEDATION FOR SENSITIVE PATIENTS - FEES DISCISSED PRIOR TO TREATMENT - VISA/MASTERCARD - NEW PATIENTS WELCOMED - ALL BUS LINES - VALIDATED PARKING - OFFICE HOURS MONDAY SATL'RDAY, 8 AM - EVENINGS AVAILABLE - ADA MEMBER en' Parents Annonymous is Helping Parents Succeed. Put your parent­ ing experience or problem solving skills to good use by volunteering to be a Parent Support Group Spon­ sor. Training provided. Call our office at 234-7532. Children are our most precious resouce. Y W C A Day C am p H a s O p e n in g s !! Looking for a place for your child this summer that is fun, exciting, educational and well supervised? Enroll today in the YWCA Sum m er Day Camp! Youth, ages 514 to 12, can ex­ plore, learn about the community and develop communication and leadership skills. Weekly camp sessions run through September 4. Arrival time is from 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. and depar ture time is from 4 - 5:30 p.m. Camp activities include games and singing, in-city field trips, bus trips, swimming and overnight campouts. R egistration is now open. Please call 223-6281, ext. 235, for the Registration and Health History form. S u m m e r M e e t in g 5 PM 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -3 0 0 9 Dr. Edward G. Ward 610 SW Alder, suite 1008 A reunion for former staff and patients of Shriners Hospital at 82nd & Sandy Blvd. in Portland, Oregon, is scheduled for Saturday, August 1, 1987 at 12:00 p.m. through 10:00 p.m. at the Milwaukie Senior and Multi-purpose Community Cen­ ter located in North Clackamas Park off Hwy 224 at Rusk Road. Con­ tact Harry Howell 238-1684 or Mrs. Lenny Langley 665-5855 or W. Lout- zenhiser 281-3528. Public Service Announcement C o rn e r o f 8th an d S k id m o re k H o s p ita l p \an Apples, grapes, cranberries, plums and cherries should be stored in the refrigerator immediately after purchase and are best eaten within a week. The Travel Information Council will hold its summer quarterly meet­ ing Wednesday, July 15, at 10 a.m. The meeting will be held by way of a telephone conference call. Per­ sons wishing to participate may contact the council in advance at 378-4508 in Salem. Cheryl Gribskov, executive direc­ tor, said the meeting agenda in­ cludes rule changes for the highway logo sign program, a legislation up­ date and a report on a rest area traveler information radio system recently installed in Southern Ore­ gon. The council will also hear logo sign program applicant appeals. The council administers the rest area Travel InfoCentre and highway logo sign programs that direct motorists to services such as rest­ aurants, lodging and gas stations. Franchising: For You? By Robert E. Kushell There is a young entrepeneurial movement in our country that has heralded a new breed of individual business people. Dr. Ralph D. Abernathy, Pastor, West Hunter Street Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, was in Portland this past weekend. Dr. Abernathy, who is the current president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, participated in services held at Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church Friday, Saturday ana sunaay. ne cnau i u u r pan the Davis family reunion. (L-R) Rev. O.B. Williams, Vane. Ave. First Baptist Church, Dr. Abernathy: Rev. John Jackson, M t. Olivet Baptist Patients Expect White Beat Fatigue Doctors should wear white coats and maintain a for­ mal manner say patients that were polled. Dr. Thomas H. Lee of Harvard Medical School polled 200 patients in Boston and San Francisco. 74% said they prefer to call their doctor by his or her title and last name. And 65% said that M.D.'s should wear white coats, 53% disapproved of physicians in jeans and 27 percent disliked docs in sneakers or running shoes. "When you're sick, you want to be treated by some­ one who deserves respect, if not reverence," says Dr. Lee. "You want a doctor to look like a doctor." Find yourself sluggish behind the desk, fatigued at work? Take a three minute walk at break time in one of these modes: long strides with arms swining, or walk with a natural gait. Psychologist Sara Snodgrass of Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY studied 79 students and their walk. She found that those who walk purposefully, with their arms swinging and eyes ahead, feel much better after a walk. The right walk can be a good pick-me-up for the mind as well. Ä >W U-SAVE N E KILLINGSWORTH AT CUILEY BLVD M O N -SAT 9AM-9PM: SUN 1OAM-7PM BARBECUE SPECIALI - ¿Mfie/riose. TENDER, « s ™ T-BONE STEAK PORK STEAK "THF KING: O F STFAKS" «ggaaaamg ? DA 8AM til HAM LB LB. k iA . PA NC A KES SAUSAGE anuDPINK HERE. SAT. JULY llfh Ö B S S A V IN G S C O U P O N i SPARE RIBS COUNTRY STYLE PORK S1M I LINK SAUSAGE $179 TRI MILLER PORK ROAST S S «« ! favorite m I m m 5 H O TD O G S BULK ALL MEAT ’ I IO L i BOX S19&Û It lonty S’ i'5 iB i MAYONNAISE BESI FOODS WITH THIS COUPON^ AND $ 1 0 O O PURCHASE • ... 5 --------- ‘ QU*B,JAR *N D TOBACCO) *T BOB U SAVE EXPIRES JUtY 15 1967 G O O D AT BOBS $ L „ WATER PACK 6 5 OZ CANS — I GERBER! STRAINED FOOOS COTTAGE CHEESE TUNA lv > V z 7 , ft S — ■ ALPENROSE TRUE VALUE 1 : ■ n il BABY FOODS 4 5 OZ JARS PINI kJARS. kCANSj Cox Funeral Home has a staff dedicated to the families in their hour of need with low cost funerals, dignity and liberal terms. 3flc 5949 N . A lb in a (Ainsworth & Albina) 281 3576 9-45 A M Sunday Bible Lessons...................................................... .. & M Sunday Worship S ervice................................................. • _ 1 Wednesday Prayer H our............................................... . ” ' ' Friday Bible Studies Class...................................................e:,w r Recreation Activities • Participation in th e S tate Gam es of Oregon • C om pete in the Portland Basketball League • C am ping hiking and retreat facility accessible to church groups and families • Fam ily social hour w eekly activity Harold Bishop. M inister • Do you not kn ow th at in a race all the runners run. but only oneg 8ets the prize? Run in such a w a y as to get the prize. gr P y KRUSTEAZ Shipping • Cremation • Buriel 2736 N.E. Rodney • (503)281 4891 Portland, Oregon 97212 P e n in s u la P a rk C h r is tia n C h u r c h SAVE ÌSAVE The phenomenon is called “fran­ chising.” There are now about 500,000 owners of franchises in the United States, and about 2,000 franchising companies, or franchisors. Before one thinks about starting his own business by buying one of these franchises, there are a number of questions one should ask oneself These would include: How much money can I afford to invest? What is my ability to borrow? What type of training is offered9 Does the franchisor offer finan­ cial assistance? To assist prospective franchisees in making the best evaluation of a franchise offering, a series of tapes answering 100 of your most dif­ ficult questions, have been de­ veloped Because of the many franchising questions prospective franchisees have, I’ll be happy to answer one question about franchising to any­ one who sends a stamped, self-ad­ dressed envelope to: Franchise Learning & Consulting Ctr. Ltd., Dept. S. 20 Lattingtown Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542. PANCAKE MIX K |/1M COMPLETE butter m ilk 3 , LB BAG I TRUE VALUI tomato sé - sauce ... $ F 9 5aS1" GORTON CLAMS 6 , OZ CAN NEW KERR-READY IO USE * 1 HAMBURGER HELPER a - JEL-JAM PECTIN MIX PRJ91 r- 32 OZ RADISHES & O N IO N S - ■ NECTARINES X C O L D E N R IP E IROPICAL JK. BANANAS sv» LBS PRICES EFFECTIVE 7,8 IHRU 7/15 BUN Z U C C H IN I ZUC -V S Q U A S H , PEACHES^--- 3 with )O1O M INCED OR CHOPPED j SENECA APPLE JUICE BETTY CROCKER ASSORTED SPtC'^¿- K ■