' * — « »■ July 8, 1987, Portland Observer. Page 5 HEALTH W ATCH by Steven Bailey, N.D. E k e ji E le c te d P re s id e n t o f A .A .S . Article courtesy of The Vanguard James Ekeji, graduate student at Portland State University, was elected president of the Association of African Students in recent elections at PSU. Out of a total of 38 votes cast, Ekeji garnered 28 ballots, and, along with vice-presidential candidate Komi Kalevor, defeated the incumbent Aggrey Oswe and his running mate. Formed in 1972, the Association of African Students was set up for the purpose of promoting "cultural and social exchange among the university and the community," according to the PSU student group directory. Some of Ekeji's objectives for the up-coming year are: to seek the esta­ blishment of an African Studies department at PSU, to encourage a closer relationship between the AAS and Africans in the community, and to seek permanent office space for the association. The graduate student in Public Administration said that he hopes to generate "a positive environment of all Africans" at Portland State, and that he hopes to strengthen then internal structure of the A.A.S. PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS SPRING SPECIAL o t® ÍO M Must pick-up within 30 days. Has been serving the North and Northeast Community for 20 years. Dry cleaning; laundered shirts; alterations; fast service. You have tried the r e s t- N o w try the Best. Hours: Mon. through Fri. 8 AM —6:30 PM Sat., 9 A M - 1 PM Ask for Nellie or Frances 3954 N. Williams Ave. 282-8361 . (sit/yue (tfa&ac terror ¿Äe&toratfO/i ORIGINAL DUPLICATION FACTORY Boat Tops ■ All Types Of Repairs Landau Tops - Complete Interiors (O ne D a y S e rv ic e ) PRICES STARTING: Convertible T o p ............................................ Body Side M o ld in g ...................................... H e a d lin e rs...................................................... Vinyl T o p s ...................................................... Tonneau C o v e rs ............................................ Seat R e p a ir.................................................... VINE RIPENED LY GROWN GREENS MUSTARD C AND COLLARD $95.00 £f up ....$225.00 ........$30.00 ....$ 1 1 0 00 ........$95.00 ........$95 00 ........$30 00 Price Includes Installation 5510 N. IN T E R S T A T E - P O R T LA N D , OR. BUN. LARGE GREEN LARGE HAWAIIAN BELL PEPPERS PAPAYAS o noe A TASTE FROM THE GODS" HENRY WEINHARDT PRIVATE RESERVE SUNSHINE QUALITY CHEKD PREMIUM BEER ICE CREAM 12 OZ. CANS 12 PACK ALL FLAVORS HALF GAL. Let's Go to the Rally The Portland Extension of United Theological Seminary will be spon soring a Rally to be hosted by the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 3725 North Gantenbem Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227, the Rev. Johnny Pack, IV, B Th host pastor. Singing will be the New Hope Inspirational Choir, the St Maik Baptist Church Choir, and the D C Ensemble. Bringing the preached word will be the Reverends Arthur May and Henry Crain of the St. Mark Bap­ tist Church and the Reverends Roy Clay and Robert E. Houston, Sr., of the New Hope Baptist Church. All four are currently enrolled students with the Seminary. Dr. Benjamin F. Martin of Mon­ roe, Louisiana is the Seminary Pre­ sident, Rev. Joe S. Hardie, M.R.E., Pastor of the St. Mark Baptist Church is the Dean of the Portland Extension. Rev. Robert E. Houston, Sr. is the Program Coordinator. Services will be on Sunday, July 12, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. Bicycle Meeting 203-1620 C A R P E T ........................................................... CANTALOUPE & HONEYDEWÄ Ä i » MELONS V l l 1 ' 100% PURE COLAVITA OLIVE OIL IMPORTED FROM ITALY FULL GALLON $10Ü Gold Beach will host a meeting of the Oregon Bicycle Advisory Com­ mittee on July 16 and 17. The ses­ sion will be in the council chamber room at City Hall, 510 S. Ellensburg Ave. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. on Thursday, July 16, and conclude that evening following a public com­ ment period from 5 to 6 p.m. There will be a coast bike tour from 1:15 to 3:15p.m. The meeting will continue on Fri­ day, July 17, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. New business items will include dis­ cussion of priority projects, the new Oregon Bike Map and bikeway maintenance budgets. PACIFIC CREST RAMEN NOODLES ALL FLAVORS MisRa**"] 7 /$100 Q J | p- ~—4 jWHILE THEY LAST FRESH FRYER HINDQUARTERS IT’S BBQ TIME! Get a New York and Filet in one Steak!” which is . . . OUR SPECIALTY • AUTO • TRUCK • MARINE • AIRCRAFT • Converf/bte Tops - Carpets Knowing that marketing and science do not necessarily go hand in hand, I was more entertained than upset when I saw my first "Take Turns for Calcium" commer­ cial. However, I recently had a friend tell me that her nurse prac­ titioner advised her to use Turns for this purpose. Now that this poor advice is being given to the public by health practitioners, it is time to speak up. It is true that there is calcium in Turns. Five Turns a day will indeed satisfy the normal RDA in calcium, so why don't I like the idea of taking Turns as a calcium source? 1) Cost: Five Turns a day aver­ ages about 30C a day or $9.00 per month. Even my highest quality combination Calcium Magnesium tablets cost less than this, and this includes magnesium, an important combination that is absent in Turns. 2) Turns contains flavor (a generic term for who knows what), Sodium Polyphosphate, Starch, Sucrose and Talc. Why do we need 5 doses of these substances every day when we can get only calcium and mag­ nesium in a single product for less? 3) Calcium Carbonate, the form of calcium found in Turns and the ingredient that decreases stomach acidity, may actually impair normal digestion. Stomach acidity is natu­ rally associated with protein diges­ tion. Decreased acidity, as with daily Turns intake, may weaken the ability of your body to digest pro­ teins completely. While antacids may be necessary in some cases, I certainly do not feel that they are appropriate daily foods. There is no question that calcium supplementation and/or good diet­ ary intake of 1000mg per day is an important preventive measure for women above 30 (and for people in general) in regards to development of osteoperosis. Yet I do not re­ commend that you get this from Turns, soda pop or any other pro­ duct that may have unnecessary side effects or properties unrelated to good nutrition. I will devote a future article to the concerns of calcium loss in older age. PORTERHOUSE STEAK FALLS BRAND OLD FASHIONED SMOKED BULK SLICED BACON T -B O N E S T E A K 2 ’ S. Y 6AM4MH PRICES GOOD JULY 8-14 WHHMH