•■ ■ - ■■ : _ . * ■ ., ■__________________ ■ ■ — ' ^ MULTNOMAH COUNTY CALL FOR BIDS ARENA FLOOR REPLACEMENT Bids Due: July 23. 1987 at 2:00P.M. Bid No.: B61-600-1511 Sealed bids w ill be received by the D irector o f Pur­ chasing, M ultnom ah C ounty Purchasing Section, 2505 S.E. 11th A ve., Portland, OR 97202 fo r: Re­ m oval o f existing asphalt and concrete flo o r and concrete foundations; e xca va tio n /fill o f flo o r to spe cified level; pouring o f new reinforced concrete flo or. Plans and S pecifications are filed w ith the Purchas­ ing D irector and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $5.00 non-refundable fee. CHECKS A N D M ONEY ORDERS ONLY Plans and S pecifications w ill not be mailed w ith in the Tri- C ounty area T IO N : All bidders are hereby specifically advised that these co nd itio ns require a m inim um o f 15% o f the to ta l bid am ount fo r M in o rity Business Enter­ prise p articipation in one or more o f the fo llo w in g subcontract ¿reas: bidders o ptio n, and 0% o f the total bid am ount fo r W om en Business Enterprises participation in one or more o f the fo llo w in g sub­ co ntract areas: bidders optio n. N O N D IS C R IM IN A T IO N ' Bidders on this w ork w ill be required to com ply w ith the provisions o f Federal Executive Order 11246 The requirem ents fo r Bid ders and C ontractors are explained in the S p ecifica­ tions. PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS Pursuant to the M ultnom ah C ounty Public C ontract Review Board A dm inistrative Rules (AR 40.030) Prequalifica tion shall be required fo r this project fo r the fo llo w in g class(es) o f w ork: Building A lteration and Repair No bid w ill be received o i considered unless the bid contains a statem ent by the bioder as part o f his bid that the requirem ents o f 279.350, 279.352, 279 355 and 279.356 shall be m et Prequalification applications or statem ents m ust be prepared during the period o f one year prior to the bid date. Prequalification application or proof of prequalification by the Oregon Departm ent o f Trans p ortatio n m ust be actually received or postm arked to M ultnom ah C ounty by not later than 10 days prior to bid opening. No proposal w ill be ci isi.tered unless accom panied by a check payable to M ultn om ah C ounty, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond fo r an am ount equal to ten percent (10% ) o f the aggregate proposal The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full am ount o f the co ntract. Details o f com pliance are available from the Purcha sing Section, D epartm ent o f General Services, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland. OR 97202 1503 ) 248 5111 M ultnom ah C ounty reset' -s the rig ht to reject any or all bids. MINORITY AND FEMALE BUSINESS UTILIZA K BUSSE. DIRECTOR PURCHASING SECTION July 6, 1987 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED CALL FOR BIDS The Oregon State H ighw ay Division requests sub-bids from M in ority- and W om en-O w ned Enterprises fo r the fo llo w in g projects: Pacific Power Et Liqht w ill be receiving sealed bids at 700 N.E. M ultnom ah Ste. No. 190, fo r Janitorial Services at the Portland D istrict O ffice, 3535 N.E. 15th A ve., u ntil J u ly 15’ h, 1987. Harrison Blvd. —Corvallis E.C.L. and Halsey to Harrisburg For scope o f w ork, c o n ta ct Gail at Pacific Power Et Light, 238 2819 Bid Opening: July 23.1987 9 AM 32260 Hwy. 34 • Tangent, OR 97389 (503) 928-6491 Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer July 8, 1987, JOBS, Page 7 rjiinnmncn'-vwi cwiJwwHv-ti ■nw w w w Z a