June 24, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 9 Smith Rocks Rock Climbing ference books. The center w ill house a co lle ction of m aterials by, fo r and about Black people. Photo by Richard J. B row n Follow ing Friday's dedication o f the Black Re­ source Center at the North Portland Branch o f the M u ltnom ah County Library, 512 N. K illin g sw o rth St., Ursula Madden looks throu g h one o f the re- As part of the JOY EXPLOSION, we will have the first of what we hope to be an annual Paul and Silas Musicale, (Acts 16:25). We have featured guest choirs from the city and, as a special treat, we will have the Washington Family in Con­ cert. Rev. and Mrs. Shirlean Wash­ ington as vocalists, Miss Trina Washington, Pianist; DJ Washing­ ton Jr., 6-year-old percussionist. The entire community is invited to come and share in our annual JOY EXPLOSION. Free transportation t i t o Mrs. Shirlean W ashington 7 p.m.: Neighborhood Witnessing. Monday through Friday, 7 p.m.: Evangelistic Services, Dr. DJ Wash­ ington, speaker. Friday, 10 p.m. to 12 midnight: Paul and Silas Musicale. Rev Dr. Donald J. W ashington On Sunday night, June 28th at 7 p.m. in the church's basement, there will be a showing of the film, "Sex, Drugs, and AIDS.'' The film is narrated by actress Rae Dawn Chong and is produced by O.D.N. Productions, a non-profit educa­ tional media company. Then on Monday night, we will begin our week of Evangelistic Ser­ vices. Our guest Evangelist will be the Rev. Dr. Donald J Washing­ ton, pastor of the Mount Herman Baptist Church of Columbus, Ohio. The services will begin at 7 p.m. each night following the Neighbor­ hood Witnessing conducted by our young people. Rose City Connection, Inc., will again be hosting the fourth annual COMMUNITY TEAM CHALLENGE on Saturday, June 27, at Delta Park. Teams of 12, 6 males and 6 females, can enter into the competi­ tion in events such as the egg toss, hot shot, relay race, football, obsta­ cles course and tug of war. The entry fee is $120 per team ($10 per team'member), and the proceeds go to support ROSE CITY CONNEC­ TION'S scholarship fund. Since 1984, COMMUNITY TEAM CHALLENGE has become as annual tradition in the community. Once again, CTC will be taped and tele­ vised on Rogers Cablesystem Chan­ nel 38. Application forms for teams can be picked up at the Portland Ob­ server neyvspaper, 1463 N.E. Kil­ lingsworth, The Skanner news­ paper, 2337 N. Williams, The Urban League, 10 N. Williams, or by call­ ing 285 2065. The DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IS June 20, 1987. •/ .i-: -• •» lim u n i * - • J» « *• • 1 - a - •fi;-' ’ 2- «V NfA 4 • V .î: - A ÆX t— . «r. Celebration! Celebration! Celebration! A Worshipful Celebration with Dr. Ralph D. Abernathy, Pastor, West Hunter Street Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, at Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church, 3138 N. Vancouver Avenue, Dr. O.B. Williams, Pas­ tor Dr. Abernathy is Chairman and president, Foundation for Economic Enterprise Development (FEED), Washington, D.C., President Emeritus, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Abernathy rose with awesome duty of succeeding his closest friend and associate. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as President of Southern Chris­ tian Leadership Conference. In fact. Dr. Abernathy was there standing at Dr. King's side when he was assassinated. An hour later Dr. King died in his arms. Everyone is invited to attend these services, Friday night at 7:00 p.m., July 3; Sunday, 10:35 a m. and 7:00 p.m., July 5, 1987. The Struggle Against Racist Violence . • • , ■ ■ "The Struggle Against Racist Violence", presented by Frontline news­ paper will feature keynot speaker Gerald Lenoir from the Bay area, who is the co-chair of the Black Liberation Commission of Line of March Local panel includes Ben Priestly of the Black United Front, Chisao Hata of the Japanese American Citizen's League and Mazen Malik of the General Union of Palestinian Students. Sunday, June 28th at 6:30 p.m. at Mt. Olivet ap- tist Church, 116 N.E. Schuyler. $2-4 admission. Call 282-4153 fo r childcare and more in fo rm a tio n . Walnut Park Lock & Key 533 N.E. Killingsworth 503-288-6338 Free Workshop The Oregon Chapter of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice invites you to a free informational workshop on jobs in the criminal Trina and "D .J .' and nursery services provided. The Church is located at 106 N.E. Ivy, one block west of Union Ave. and one block south of Fremont. The following is a schedule of the JOY EXPLOSION events: Sunday night, 7 p.m.: Film, "Sex, Drugs, and AIDS, narrated by Rae Dawn Chong. Monday through Friday, 6 p.m. to To keep warm—put on a hat. Eighty percent of your body heat escapes through your head justice system. t The workshop will be held Friday, June 26, 1987, at Portland Community College Cascade Campus, 705 N. Killingsworth, in Jackson Hall, on the 2nd floor, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend. Women s Chapter to Hold Banquet The Mt. Olive Grand Chapter, O.E.S. affiliated with the M.W. St. Joseph Lodge A.F. Et A M. of Oregon will host its annual banquet this Saturday, June 27' 1987 at 6 p.m. at the Viscount Hotel on N.E. 2nd. This gala event will be capped by the crowning of a new queen, states Mrs. Clara Mae Peo­ ples, out-going Queen. The illustrious Clarence Talbert is Grand Master of the M.W. St. Joseph Lodge. Elected officials of the Mt. Olive Grand Chap­ ter, O.E.S. are: Sister T.M. Sylvester, Gr. W. Matron; Brother George Jones, Gr. W. Patron; Sister M L. Scott, Gr. A. Matron; III. J.C. Moore, Gr. A. Patron; Sister Luella Jackmon, Cor. Secretary; Sister T.M. Diggs, Gr. Treasurer; Sister Willie Ranson, Gr. Conductress; Sister Viola Horsly, Worthy Matron. Allen Temple Hosts 1987 Mammoth Tea ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8»h and S kidm ore Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 00 a m ( Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p m (second and fourth Sundays) Phillip S. Nelson IPastor) T H E M O U N T O L IV E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H N.E First Et Schuyler • 284-1954 John H Jackson, Minister. M Ed , M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 0 0 P M Vesper Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Each First Sunday The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National, Oregon PoHland Ecumenical Ministries, American Bible Society, M.EtM. Board YOU ARE WELCOME TO W 0R9HIP AT 84 N E K illin g s w o r t h • 281 0499 A warm spirit of fellowship always' Tuesday Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal Sunday • Sunday School > • oí Safeix * oci in Christ Lord X ° (Ainsworth & Albina) 281-3576 Sunday Bible Lessons........................................................ A M. Sunday Worship Service..................................................11:00 A . M . Wednesday Prayer Hour..................................................... 6:30 P.M. Friday Bible Studies Class................................................... 6:30 P.M. Recreation A c tiv itie s • Participation in the State Games of Oregon • Compete in the Portland Basketball League • Camping hiking and retreat facility accessible to church groups and families • Family social hour weekly activity Harold Bishop. M inister "D o you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." 1 Cor 9:24 INIV) - - - - - .............................- EDWARD E. WARD, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY DENTAL CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY’ 9 15am Evangelistic Worship 8 00pm Noon Day Prayer Friday The Pastor Speaks 7 30 p m. b ■ 3 if V h » i Chair Gladys McCoy, City Commis­ sioner Dick Bogel, State Senator Bill McCoy, and 1987 Miss Tan Cheryl Brown. The co-chairpersons for the 1987 Tea were Robert Phillips and Lydia Mumford. The pastor of the church is Rev. Phillips. Nelson. Peninsula Park Christian Church 5949 N. Albina odate y o u r 7 00 p m 1115a m 630pm Saturday Morning Prayer Allen Temple C.M.E. Church, lo­ cated at 4236 N.E. 8th Avenue, held its 1987 Mammoth Tea on Sunday, June 21, at 4:00 p.m. This year's tea theme was "Roots and Wings in the Spirit of Love." Special hosts and hostesses for this event included Multnomah County 24 hr Emergency Service KâE 7 30p m Morning Worship YPW W Tuesday Friday • » ■ ‘ Smith Rocks in Central Oregon will be the setting for two days of rock climbing in late June for those experienced climbers who sign up with the Portland Park Bureau's Outdoor Recreation service. With lead instructor Gini Horn- becker, the group will use rope clim­ bing and rapelling skills in this pre- meir climbing area. Leaving Port­ land at 6 p.m. June 26th, they'll return June 28. A June 23 orien­ tation and instruction session pre­ cedes the trip. The $60 fee pays for leadership and group climbing equipment. Participants will furnish food and personal gear, including helpnets and slings. Carpools will be arran­ ged. Required pre-registration, with enrollment on a first come first serve basis, involves check payment to City of Portland, mailed to Out­ door Recreation, 1120 S.W. 5th, Room 502, Portland, OR 97204. Outdoor Recreation's inquiry num­ ber is 796-5132. Community Team Challenge Joy Explosion Comes to the Northwest Beginning Sunday night, June 2)Bth at 7 p.m. through July 5th the Morning Star Baptist Church will celebrate JOY EXPLOSION. It is a week long series of activities sponsored by the Youth and Young Adult Ministry of our Church. I lit t it ll 9 00a m w 'W** X PREVENTION ORIENTED FRIENDLY PROFESSIONAL STAFF INSLRANCE GLADLY ACCEPTED SEDATION FOR SENSITIVE PATIENTS FEES DISCLSSED PRIOR TO TREATMENT VISA/MASTERCARD NEW PATIENTS WELCOMED A U BUS LINES - VALIDATED PARKING OFFICE HOURS MONDAY SATURDAY. I AM - EVENINGS AVAILABLE ADA MEMBER 503-228-3009 — Dr. Edward G. Ward 610 SW Alder, suite 1008 pt»n A*»' •o' pev’1' F.U S PM Cox Funeral Home has a s ta ff dedicated to the fam ilie s in th e ir hour of need w ith lo w cost funerals, d ig n ity and liberal term s. Shipping • Cremation • Buriel 2736 N.E. Rodney • (503)281 4891 P ortland, Oregon 97212 Sundry m o rw tç 104JD A M s r t t r W AAR 1 « * M M ■ • -s •; .. « ■ i, A fjSfiká*