Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 17, 1987, Page 5, Image 5

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    June 17, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 5
Jefferson High Reunion
Early Sign-Up Urged For
New Student Orientation
If you've been admitted to the University of Oregon starting fall term,
now is the time to sign up for the 1987 Early Orientation and Registration
Jefferson High School's class of 1957 will hold their 30th year reunion-
August 14th and 15th at the Columbia River Red Lion Inn. All class mem-1
bers are asked to contact Jack Stacey, 235-8741, for further information
and to update the Class of 1957 mailing list.
Program (EORP).
During July and early August, entering freshman can become better ac­
quainted with the campus, receive personalized academic advice and regi­
ster ahead of time for fall classes, according to Roger Morris, UO orienta
Curable Treatment
For Addiction Problems
tion director.
Special sessions addressing questions and concerns of parents are in­
Announcing a curable treatment method for human addiction problems
of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, caffeine, food and destructive habits.
In March 1987, Addiction Diagnostic Services completed 5 years of re­
search on two very effective procedures, which together produced a cur­
able treatment method for many individuals with addiction problems. The
two procedures are: The Larutan Analysis and The Thom Boothe Tomor­
cluded in the program.
Morris said students need to register by July 8 to be sure of receiving
appointments with their advisors. EORP draws more than 3,000 entering
freshman and their parents to campus each summer.
Four two-day programs are scheduled on July 19-20, 23-34, 26-27 and
July 31-Aug. 1. For those who can spend just one day in Eugene, a day
session focusing only upon academic advising and registration is set for
July 25.
The service fee of $30 for students includes a UO catalog and an outdoor
luncheon. Parents may participate for $7 each.
For more information, contact the UO Orientation Office, 686 3218.
C.l.T.Y. toHost
3rd Summer
Citizens Involved in Teaching
Youth (C.l.T.Y.) will hold its 3rd
Summer Education Program June
22nd to July 31st. The location of
the program will be at Humboldt
School, 4915 N. Gantenbein.
C.l.T.Y. was established to assist
students in improving their basic
skills, enhance their self-esteem and
increase their awareness level of
C.l.T.Y. was founded by Dr. Carl
Parker and his wife Audre in the fall
of 1984. Coordinating this sum­
mer's program is Mrs. Jamila Tay­
lor, a 4th grade instructor at Hum­
boldt School. Mrs. Taylor will also
teach 3rd and 4th grades in the
: C.l.T.Y. program.
Assisting Mrs. Taylor with coor­
dinating C.l.T.Y activities is Mrs.
Audre Parker a former elementary
and secondary teacher. Mrs. Parker
will also instruct 1st and 2nd graders
in the program.
Teaching 5th and 6th grade clas­
ses will be Mr. Doug Strong. He
has worked at Humboldt for 10
C.l.T.Y. Summer Education Pro­
gram is open to students who have
completed grades 1-6. Classes will
be held Monday through Thursdays
from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. On Fri­
days we will go on a variety of field
During the afternoon, there will
be 3 non-academic classes offered:
computers, crafts and music.
For further information, contact
C.l.T.Y. at 281-8596.
Fishing Classes
Separate multi-session classes in
fly fishing for steelhead, and in
bass, crappie and pan fishing, start
in late June under auspices of the
Portland Park Bureau's Outdoor Re­
Four 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. evening
sessions, some at Westmoreland
casting pond, will introduce fly fish­
ing on June 24 and July 1, 8 and 15.
A field trip from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
July 18 concludes the class which
will learn about rod, reel, line and
flies selection, water habitat and
Evening sessions are first at Gre­
gory Heights Community School,
7334 N.E. Stanton. Pre-registration
and payment of the $27 class fee
are required by mailing payment to
City of Portland to the Outdoor
Recreation office at 1120 S.W. 5th,
Room 502, Portland, OR 97204.
That plan also applies to those
who take the bass, crappie and pan
fishing class starting June 29 at
Metropolitan Learning Center, 2033
N.W. Glisan. Participants will get
information on lures, knots, regula­
tions, habitat and tackle for catch­
ing warm-water battlers in the Port­
land area.
The fee for two night sessions
and a one-day field trip on this skill
is $20, again payable in advance.
Recreation's inquiry
number is 796-5132.
Outdoor Tennis
Lessons to Begin
Tennis lessons for adults and jun­
iors begin the week of June 15 at
Portland Tennis Center's outdoor
Six lessons per session cost
$24.00 for adults and $15.00 for
juniors (under 18).
Portland Tennis Center is located
at 324 NE 12th. Call them at 233-
5959 to register.
Do we want criminals on the prowl in our neighborhoods
OR do we want them in jail?
Vote YES Ballot Measure No. 2
Mai! in vote June 10-30
row Procedure.
For more specific information on this addiction treatment method call
Thom Boothe at 288-8569 or 282-2216 Monday thru Friday, 9 a m. to 5 p.m.
Lectures and seminars are also available on The Larutan Analysis and
The Thom Boothe Tomorrow Procedure (how and why the method works).
This method is effective for adults and children down to the age of 11 or
12 years old who have addiction problems.
Paid for by: Bob Nelson, Neighborhood Rescue
P.O. Box 11395. Portland, OR 97211
Honest Deals
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Stock-up for summer!
Rib Steak
Safeway ‘select’ beef
Chuck Steak
Beef Blade Steak
Blue Bonnet
Margarine 1-Lb. Coffee
1-Lb. Package or
1-Lb. Tub Spread,
Your Choice!
In 1-Lb. ‘Bricks’
Mountain Grown Coffee,
Assorted Grinds
Pepsi Cola
Save Up To $ 9 .0 9
Dog Food
or Slice . . . Your Choice
of Assorted Products,
16-Ounce Bottles
Friskies Hearty Chunks
or Sauce Cubes. . .
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Save Up To 56*
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Ad Prices Effective
6/17 thru 6/23/87
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limited to retail
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