— «■ I l r r - -— CITY ENGINEER - CITY OF SALEM ($3024 $3832/mo I 6 ELITE OFFICES FOR LEASE Pending Council approval 7 1-87. Professional position managing all activities of municipal engi­ neering division; responsibilities include supervision of approx. 34 professional engineers, tech nicians and adminisfrative per­ sonnel in design, construction and inspection of public works projects and preparing capital improvement budgets. Requires five years management exp. in Civil Engrg. program; consider­ able supervisory experience and thorough exp. in civil engrg work. 4 yr degree in civil engrg or equivalent exp Et training. Re­ gistration as Oregon Professional Engineer or ability to obtain with­ in 6 mos of appt. Closing date 6-26-87. For more info, contact Starting at $85.00 per month. 114' to 522'. $6-$7 per sq. ft. per year including utilities and janitorial, air conditioned w / elec­ tronic filters. 3802 N.E. Union, Phone: (503)281-1017 DATA ENTRY/ BROADCAST Portland radio stations looking for experienced radio traffic assi­ stant and radio traffic manager. Prior broadcast traffic experience necessary, computer experience a plus. Send resume to: Carole Parks KFX/KKRZ 4949 SW Macadam Ave. Portland, OR 97201 City o f Salem Pers. Dept. 555 Liberty SE Salem, OR 97301 EOE. ENGINEERING ENGINEERING/ DRAFTING TEC HNICIAN 2 (INSPECTION) Performs a variety of technical tasks associated with design and construction of sanitary sewers, design and drafting of sewer systems plans; mapping; inspec­ tion of sewer construction; assi­ sting on construction surveys. Req. increasingly resp. exp. in engineering, drafting, graphics, survey, inspection and posses sion of an associate degree in civil engineering. Agency appli­ cation forms req., resumes NOT accepted. Apply by June 26, 1987 to: Subject to Council Appvl. 7-1-87. Considerable experience and knowledge of public sector labor relations including contract nego­ tiations and administration; con­ tract interpretation and employee discipline. Four year degree in personnel, business or public ad­ ministration; or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Closing date: June 26, 1987. Apply: City o f Salem Personnel D epartm ent Room 225 555 Liberty S.E. Salem, OR 97301 $2473 $3006/mo. No calls please. An Equal Opportunity Employer ASST. DIRECTOR Oregon State Library Talking Book and Braille Services. Re­ sponsible for supervision of gene ral operation of library. Masters degree, Library Science and two years professional library exper­ ience required. Salary range: $1705-$2174 monthly. For appli­ cation, contact: Kathleen M cHard Oregon State Library State Library Bldg. Salem. OR 97310 0645 or call (503) 378 3849 Manages the County Elections Division; resp. for the coordina­ tion of all general and special elections and polling places; de­ signs ballot layouts; supervises processing of elections results. Req. college-level training in po­ litical science, bus, or pub. ad­ min. or related field; increasingly resp. exp. within the election process and thorough knowledge of Oregon and Federal election laws. County application forms req., resumes NOT accepted. Apply by July 3, 1987 to: W ashington County Personnel 150 N. First Ave., Room B-2 H illsboro. OR 97124 An E.O.E. $100 $300 plus WEEKLY POSSIBLE! Mail order co. needs homeworker for “ NEW HOMEMAILERS PRO­ GRAM" . . . No exp. nec. $2.00 per envelope stuffed per instructions. HURRY! LIMITED OPENINGS!! “ WRITE TODAY” M & L Distributors, P.O. Box 1262-00, Lynnwood, WA 98046. June 17, 1987, JOBS, Page 7 * * ** ’ k « , •. ' * • • . • 4 t :• E.O.E. ELECTIONS MANAGER Teresa Branham KEX/KKRZ 4949 SW Macadam Ave. Portland, OR 97201 AnE.O.E. $2478 $3169/mo. An Equal Opportunity Employer Receptionist position open imme­ diately at Portland radio stations KEX/KKRZ. Prior experience necessary, experience with Dimension telephone system a plus. Send resume to: Washington County Personnel 150 N. First Ave., Room B-2 Hillsboro, OR 97124 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS REPRESENTATIVE No calls please. RECEPTIONIST U nified Sewerage Agency $9.83 $11.95/hr. • • * I