INVITATION FOR BID Sealed bids for the exterior painting by the Housing Authority of Portland, OR 97203 until 2:00 p.m., PDT, Wednesday, June 24, 1987. Following a short interval, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidders may be present during the bid opening. A minimum of 20% MBE participation in the execu­ tion of this project is a HAP requirement and the methods the bidder proposes in complying with this requirement is subject to HAP review and approval prior to initiating the contract. Basically, the work includes, but is not limited to: weatherizing, moisture sealing, caulking, general painting and pressure washing exteriors. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by Bid Security in the form of a certified check, cashier's check or surety bond payable to the Housing Autho­ rity of Portland in an amount equal to 10% of the bid to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract or provide suitable bond for the faithful per­ formance of the work in the event the contract is awarded. Prospective bidders may obtain one set of bidding documents at the Housing Authority Maintenance Office, 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, upon deposit of $20 which is refundable if documents are returned to HAP in good condition within ten days after bid opening date. Additional sets of documents may be acquired for $10 each which is not refund­ able. Business firms outside the Portland Metropoli­ tan Area only may order documents by calling 283- 4602 and make arrangements for deposit by mail. A HAP representative will conduct a tour of the job site on Friday, June 19, 1987. Interested parties shall meet at the project site—6775 SW 26th —at 10:00 a.m. for a prebid briefing prior to the site in­ vestigation. Answers to questions raised during the course of this meeting that are not identified in the Specifications will be answered by addenda and pro­ vided to all plan holders of record. Attendance of bidders at this meeting is a mandatory bidding requirement. No bidder may withdraw bid after the hour set for the opening thereof until after the lapse of 60 days from the bid opening. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed bidding pro­ cedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids, and waive all informalities if in the judgement of HAP it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Loren Tarbell, 283-4602. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Barrett |.. Philpott Director of Maintenance DIRECTOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARY DEAN R esponsible for coordinating co llectio n develop m en t and m an­ agem ent p olicy, overseeing public services operations, and estab ­ lishing goals and ob jectives for SEL and its branches. Manages budgets, personnel, system s, and facilities; and develops and m aintains com m u n ication with academ ic areas. R eports to the D irector of University Libraries and serves on the Libraries' M anagem ent Advisory Group responsible for sy stem -w id e stra­ tegic planning and policy making. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Dean, College of Business Administration, available August 16, 1987. The College has a faculty of 60 in the Departments of Accounting, Administrative Office Systems, Economics, Finance and Management Information Systems, and Management and Marketing. AACSB accredited af the undergraduate level, the College is presently seeking accreditation at the graduate level, and has approximately 2,000 majors. Candidates should possess an earned doctorate in one of the disciplines represented in the College. In addition to a distinguished record of teaching and research, candidates are expected to have a demon­ strated record of academic administration. The position is available August 16, 1987, and must be filled by January 1, 1988. Letters of application should include a resume and three letters or reference. Send applications and nominations by July 1, to: Office of Academic Affairs, Business Dean Search, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer QUALIFICATIO NS: ALA accredited MLS, five years public ser­ vices exp erien ce in academ ic/research library, and tw o years managerial experience as departm ent head are required. Experi­ en ce in library problem solving; understanding o f co llection d evelop m en t issues, access services, bibliographic instruction, and scien tific research m eth od s; ab ility to plan, d evelop , and im plem en t library services; and effective com m unication skills are also required. Advanced degrees in relevant fields; experience writing successful grant applications; and fam iliarity with co m ­ puter and inform ation tech n ology are highly desirable. Candi­ d ate’s vita should include relevant research and significant pro­ fessional involvem ent. SA LA R Y : $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 or higher com m ensurate with qualifications; facu lty status at the rank of A ssociate Librarian/Librarian. Send letter of application and resum e including the nam es o f at least four references to: Ms. M.E. State A ssistant to the D irector for Personnel U niversity Libraries SU N Y /B u ffalo 432 Capen Hall B uffalo, NY 1 4 2 6 0 , An E O /A A and T itle IX E m p lo y e r June 17, 1987, JOBS, Page 3 .