j - * -f ««V t> Hm*»'«** '> **« Page ID, Portland O bserver, J u n e 17, 1987 King's Capsule to Visit Oregon The M artin Luther King, J r. tim e capsule w ill be visiting Oregon in J u ly o f 1987. To be hosted by the Oregon Com m ission on Bieck A ffa irs, the tim e capsule is scheduled to arrive late in J u ly and w ill stop in Portland, Salem, Eugene and M e d fo rd . O regonians w ill be able to have th eir nam es laser- inscribed on the tim e capsule libe rty bell. The bell, w ith a m illion or m ore names inscribed upon it, w ill be placed inside the tim e capsule, w h ich w ill th en be im bedded at an h istoric site in W a sh in gton , D .C ., to be opened a fte r 100 years. Look fo r m ore in fo rm a tio n soon. 36th Annual Debutante Ball On Sunday evening, June 28, 1987, Les Femmes w ill present a pproxi­ m ately 20 debutantes and cavaliers at the 36th annual D ebutante Ball. A ro un d the them e "T o d a y 's Dreams, T o m o rro w 's A c c o m p lis h m e n ts /' these young w om en and men w ill make their public d eb ut celebrating their high school graduations and achievem ents. This year, Les Femmes have the d istin ct honor o f presenting one o f the Rose Festival Princesses. The ball w ill begin at 7:00 P .M . at th e Red Lion Jantzen Beach w ith pre­ sentation at 8:00 P .M . Wigs, Hairpieces N A M E BRANDS and Beauty Supplies Izzie G re a t & W u z z y W o n d e rfu l m e e t O sca r th e G ro u c h in S E S A M E B a rk le y a n d b u d d ie s B e rt f t E rn ie in s c e n e fr o m S E S A M E STREET IIV E , at P o rtla n d C o lis e u m , J u n e 17-21. STREET LIV E , J u n e 17-21 a t P o rtla n d C o lis e u m . Sale & Restyling A Special rr Place I / ANiqton É The N orth Portland Nurse Practitioner C om m un ity Health Clinic (Mariah A T aylor's C linic) at 5311 N. V ancouver Avenue, Portland, Oregon, innounces its F irs t A n n u a l D e b o n a ire P ro d u c tio n s F a s h io n S h o w . . . A SPECIAL P L A C E ". . . to be held on Father's Day, June 21, 1987, at 7 00 p.m . in the U .S . Bancorp Tow er 37th Floor. M r. W illaim a. Hilliard, Eva Gabor • Born Free Rene o f Paris • A ndre Douglas Zurv and more • Carefree 283-3171 OPEN (across from Safeway Lloyd Center) Mon.-Saf. 9:30-6 Tel. 282-1664 VISIT OUR DELI V in t a g e a t P o rtla n d C o lis e u m W e d . S u n ., J u n e 17-21. V e n tu re NEW & UNIQUE !!! MISTY —featuring— '20’s - ’3 0 ’s - ’4 0 ’s ■ '50's Victorian Clothing Costume Jewelry Misc. Collectibles Small Antiques B e a u ty & B a rb e r S u p p ly O p en to th e P u b lic can be m aintained. For additional inform a tion on the upcom ing b loodm obile, co nta ct Ema­ nuel H ospital's Employee Relations D epartm ent at 280-3963. 50% D A V E 'S h ' ^ n A a ^ We went curly yesterday. A0‘>/o-20o/°-30°/t 40% r ,CE Jeanne O'Doherty 5 9 2 3 N.E. Glisan Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 1 3 1 -5 0 3 -2 3 4 -0 0 7 0 Retail & W holesale W e sell all brands S top in and check our prices. OPEN TEES. TH R U FR I. llO O ■ 5.00 SAT. 12:00 ■ 4 M ) 5852N.E. 42nd Ave. SHOP OR BY APPOINTMENT Across from A dam 's Track on 42nd Street O1 ► O ver 3 0 Years 1105 N.E. Broadway B ig B ird , G u y S m ile y a n d B a rk le y th e D og in S E S A M E STR EET LIVE * Serving Portland for 10:00 a.m . 'til 6:00 p.m . M onday Thru Saturday Elena C am pisteguy-H aw kins, U nited W ay. 1 he Nurse P ractitioner Clinic (NPCHC) is a n o n -p ro fit tax exem pt co rp or­ ation in Oregon. It provides prim ary pediatric care to young people from zero to 21 years o f age in the Portland M etropolitan Area. It has been in operation since 1980 and its services are available to all patients on a sliding blood drive w ill be open from 11:00 a.m . to 5:00 p .m . "W ith the Ju ly Fourth holiday w eekend preceding th e blood drive, Red Cross is really co un ting on staff and co m m u n ity particip a tion on W ednes­ d a y ,” state D onny A dair, bloodm obile chairm an and D irector o f Employee Relations at Emanuel Hospital. T ra d itio na lly, holidays pose a problem fo r blood collections as all Blood Centers and bloodm obiles are closed. The lo s t" collection day's goal (535 units o f blood) m ust be incorporated into the pre- and post-holiday collection days so th a t the region's blood supply 8 0 0 N Killingsworth S to re H o u rs Grannis. 280-5630 Ext. 367. Celebrity m odels w ill include: W illiam Hilliard, Oregonian, Ray Leary, Urban League o f Portland; Kenny & Adrianna Carr, Portland Trailblazers; Joe Et Elena W y a tt, The Pacific Ballet Theatre; Reym undo & Maria M arin, M etro H um an Relations Com m ission Volunteers o f Am erica; and Maria On W ednesday, Ju ly 1, Emanuel Hospital w ill host a Red Cross blood- m obile in room s 1075 and 1077 at the hospital on 2801 N. G antenbein. The F O O D STAMPS W ELC O M E Groceries Below W holesale each, single ticke ts are $15, and tickets per couple are $25. For further in fo im a tio n call D orothy at (503) 288 7461, Ext. 238 or Elaine Blood Drive For Red Cross CANNED DELI FROZEN, ETC. THE BEE COMPANY Editor-in-C hief o f the O regonian, is the 1987 H onorary Chairm an. Tickets for th e B enefit may be purchased in blocks o f 10 or more fo r $10 fee schedule on ability to pay. GROCERIES BELOW WHOLESALE AT TO M S SHOP H O U R S : M o n S a t 8 A M -5 :3 0 P M buying everything of value "W e Pay C a s h " Open 10:00 - 5.00 M on.-S at. FOR STEREO«. TVs. VCR«. CAMERAS & ANYTHING 5600 N.E. Union OF VALUE 2 5 3 -1 7 7 1 F R Y M E F IR S T ! vuuiti mi n . THEATRE s„ ALI ▼ I OREGON MUSEUM OF SCENCE AND MDUSTRY The Lvifáímw Nocini Uhi cf Orcf m 510 SE 82nd PORTI A N O FIXE STREET z S.E. 9ih at ©RISI P h o n e : 282-1817 A.S.K. SCIENCE CENTER (A.S.K. - ALBERTA SCIENCE FOR KIDS) ysAAin Ri.vn.p s fili" 3rd. THURSDAY. JUNE 25 T* i HHC V Dance! S A T U R D A Y , JUNE 27 1 987 \ CURTIS SALGADO AND THE STILETTOS k-TJ « CLARENCE "GATEMOUTH BROWN W ED J U N E 2 4 th 9:00 pm Curtis Salgado and th e S tilettos P IN E STR EET T H E A T E R S.fe. 9th & Sandy 8 lvd A LL AGES __ $7.00 advance ____ 3RD A N N U A L LO U IS IA N A STYLE ‘. • Y ? í JU N ETEEN TH BUFFET D INNER A N D DANCE In Concert ^Dinner, 7-9 p.m .. $2 50 D o o r - 9 :30PM Dance 9-2 a.m . FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Harmonica Virtuosa NORTON BUFFALO M e m b e rs & G u e s ts AND THE KNOCKOUTS Sum mer RmfcT E ífttw V íW > v J70S h|. f . 9PM • $6 A d v ZS7.5O D o o r P o rtla n d 's L a rg e st D ance F lo o r P hone: 235-0027 Advance Tickets on Sale Now! Usual Outlets «A > - zi .. • e . • S ession» (F ro m Jun« 22-July (Grades 1-3) meets Mondays. 10 00 12 00 Noon (Grades 4-6) meets Tuesdays. 10:00 12:00 Noon (Grades 1-3) masts Wednesdays. 10:00-12:00 Noon (Grades 4-6) meats Thursdays. 10 00 12 00 N o o n (Grades 7-12) meats Friday. 10:00-12:00 Noon GROUP! GROUP II GROUP l-A: GROUP ll-A: Group lll-IV: »