Page 8, Portland Observer, June 3, 1987 "L e t's Do It A g a in " w as the them e o f the Eliot Reunion held at E liot School, n o w Tubm an M iddle School, Friday evening. A b o u t 100 fo rm e r s tu ­ dents, teachers and parents a ttended the a ffa ir and listened as speakers re fle cte d on past exper- iences and events. A m ong those enjoying the evening w ere L-R A hm ad M oham ed, Louise Payne, Joseph Nunn, Jam es M oon, Emma Chiles, Dennis Payne and Joyce Carter. Photo by Richard J. B row n The clim ax to the Eliot School Reunion w as the singing o f "W e Are The W o rld " by the fo rm e r stu- dents, teachers Er parents Photo by Richard J. Brown Reunion The Cleveland High School class of 1967 has scheduled its 20-year reunion for the weekend of August 7. A Friday evening get-together at the Rafters restaurant is slated for alumni only. Saturday evening the activity moves to the Columbia River Red Lion, with a buffet and dance for alums and their spouses. Sunday afternoon is family day at Woodstock Park. For more information about re­ union activities, or if you can help locate missing and out-of-state gra­ duates, call Gary Purpura, 775-2461 or Joanne Fuller Johns, 254-0113. SAFEWAY D ia b e te s Classes S la te d A series of Diabetes Education classes is planned Monday through Thursday, June 22-25, at Meridian Park Hospital, Tualatin. Scheduled from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. in the hospital cafeteria conference room, the series is designed to teach diabetics the skills necessary to manage their illness, to help adapt these management skills into already-existing lifestyles, and to help set realistic goals for diabetes control. Cost is $110 per client, or $27.50 per session, and with physician re­ ferral, is covered by Medicare and most major insurance carriers. Fa­ mily members are welcome to at­ tend at no additional charge. This session is taught by hospital Diabetes Educator Cindi Balias, R.N., Dietitian Martha Hirsch, R.D., Physical Therapist Pat Quintana, R.P.T., and Staff Physicians Ken­ neth Martin, M.D. and Donald Bouma, M.D. For more information and pre­ registration, call 692-2656. RED RIPE Plump, juicy red ripe berries-a perfect springtime treat. Try some fresh strawberries on shortcake & whipped topping. 28-O unce Heinz Ketchup Rich, thick, real tomato taste-in a handy squeezable light-weight plastic bottle. TOMATO KETCHUP C P R Classes S c h e d u le d Two classes in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) are scheduled in June at Meridian Park Hospital, Tualatin. The classes are scheduled on Monday, June 22, from 1-5 pm, and June 24 from 6-10 pm. The new, 1987 CPR standards from the American Heart Association are used in-the Meridian Park curricu­ lum. The new standards are of par­ ticular interest to people of the com­ munity who wish to particpate in these basic life support classes as they are easier to learn and remem­ ber in an emergency. Meridian Park's classes teach a one-person rescue technique. In­ fant and child CPR are optional, but are also available during the class times, for those who wish to parti­ cipate. Group sessions may be arranged. Fee for the four hour class is $10, and pre-registration is required. For registration/information call the Community Education office at the Tualatin hospital, 692-2656. H e a lth E d u c a tio n C lasses: C a n c e r "Community Resources for Can­ cer Patients, Families and Others Who Care," Wednesday, June 24, 7 p.m .. Discovery Center, Tigard, is the topic for discussion in the se­ cond session of the new health education program co-sponsored by Meridian Park Hospital and the Am ­ erican Cancer Society as an effort to provide appropriate health care information to the community. Linda Pedersen, R.N., from Meri­ dian Park Hospital will discuss the various community resources avail­ able to cancer patients, their fami­ lies and friends, or anyone inter­ ested in assisting those with cancer. For additional information, con­ tact the community education de­ partment at the Tualatin hospital. FT Save Up To 50» Ea No Limit! Save Up To 59* No Limit! Frozen O range Ju ice Flav-R-Pac 12-Ounce Frozen 100% Pure orange juice concentrate Save Up To $1.57 On 3 No Limit! grade Natural Turkey Manor House Grade A natural turkeys no additives or preservatives. Choose from 18-to-23 pound turkeys. Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix 46-0z. Dill Pickles « Save Up To 30* Lb. No Limit! Parkey Margarine Pictsweet Frozen Okra Whole or Cut...Great subtle taste like eggplant...Perfect tor Gumbo soup or Creole dishes, stir-try & more Prices Effective 7-Full days from 7 AM June 3 Thru June 9, 1987, at Safeway in the im­ mediate area of originating publication. Sales limited to retail quanities. No sales to dealers. ir Safeway ing Guide or plete ° L i8 ¡¡s on saie tb«s at Saleway'. lto ■ Special Purchase While Supplies Lasi' SAFEWAY k,' i-. . ' ‘ ‘ ’i ’ 'W - ' . Z ».