Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 03, 1987, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page 4, Portland Observer, June 3, 1987
Retiring Howard Athletic Director Still Enjoys NFL Officiating
b\ Henry D uvall
By name, Leo F. M iles may be better known as Howard U niversity’ s athletic
director even though m illions o f football fans would recognize him as a National
Football League o ffic ia l.
M iles has worn the N FL o ffic ia l’ s fam iliar black-and-white stripes tor 1 7 years
and is believed to be the first black to officiate a Super Bow l — the 1973 N FL
"1 enjoy it. It keeps me part o f the game,” says the former New York Giants
player. “ I f it hadn’t been for football, I probably w ou ldn 't have gotten a college
The Washington D C ., native indicates that it w ould have been d iffic u lt fo r him
to go to college as the youngest o f 11 children w ith his father w orking as a janitor.
But his high-school football coach, who later coached him at V irgin ia State
College, not only helped him become an outstanding athlete but he also em­
phasized education.” M iles recalls.
Injuries ended a promising football career to r M iles when he played the 1953
season w ith the New York Giants. Earning a degree helped him venture out into
another profession He chose teaching combined w ith coaching.
As Howard U niversity’ s athletic director fo r 16 years. M iles has been charged
w ith building a competitive athletics program at a school that has prided itself more
on its academics than its athletics.
The 54-year-old administrator can now take a breather and reflect on those
vears, since he recently announced his retirement, effective June 30.
“ I think he has set the stage for the university to move further in accomplishing
its goal o f achieving an athletic program that’ s competitive in every respect," says
D r. Carl E. Anderson, vice president fo r student affairs, who oversees Howard
. . . .
Although credited w ith improving the overall athletics program. M iles has
succeeded on a bumpy road, encountering critics along the way.
He says he may be viewed as controversial because " I stand for something,
know how to m odify, adjust and change, but 1 don’ t compromise basic princi­
ples,” he emphasizes, adding. "1 don't cheat, and I don t bend the rules.
Anderson calls him a man ot "com plete in te g rity .”
That v irtue is important to the 107 men who dictate the rules ot the game in the
National Football League.
In 1969 M iles became one o f tour black pro football o fficia ls, actually starting
out in the form er American Football League. Later that year, he was one,of six
officials chosen to serve as a member o f a jo in t N F L -A F L experimental officiating
Since then. M iles has been in numerous post-season games and has received two
inscribed watches and a ring representing that he has officiated three Super Bow K
Art M c N a lly , supervisor o f N FL officials, says that M iles has been “ a top-flight
o fficia l since he came into the league "
Asked how he views NFL games on television on the one weekend he s ott
during the season. M iles savs that he looks at games from the perspective o f an
o fficia l. " I ’ m conscious o f this because I’ m always trying to get better. I f you re
going to officiate, you can t spectate, he stresses.
He declined to discuss the use o f television instant replay in o fficiatin g, noting
that N FL officials have been advised not to comment on the issue at this time.
But on the issue o f why there aren't any black head coaches in the N F L. Miles
replies, “ It’ s beyond my comprehension
.. especially since there have been
blacks managing baseball and basketball teams. You have general managers in
basketball and even assistant general managers in fo o tb a ll."
M iles is one o f 10 black N FL officials today, but is looked upon as a pioneer
since he is believed to be the first black to officiate a Super Bow l.
He remembers well the excitement. It was Super Bow l \ 111, January 13, 1974,
and the M iam i Dolphins were battling the Minnesota Vikings.
But another memorable game was when he made his debut as a pro tootball
o fficia l. There was a fight on the field that he was trying to break up.
" I kind o f looked around and did n't see the other officials breaking up the fight.
1 asked what do you do when there's a fight. 1 was told to stand back and take
When Leo F. Miles is not
directing Howard University’s athletics program, he is a National Football League official, and is believed to be the first black to
elevated to National Collegiate Athletic Association (N C A A ) D ivision I status.
• The Bison soccer team won the N C A A national title in 1971 (later stripped) and
in 1974. giving Howard the distinction o f being the first historically black
university to w in an N C A A national title.
• The men’ s and women's basketball teams in 1981 went on to participate in the
N C A A post-season playoffs.
• The Bison track teams have produced 49 All-Am ericas and two Olym pians in
I his was certainly different from when he officiated high-school and college
football games. N F L players are much bigger and stronger.
Miles has been injured as an o fficial on several occasions and had to be removed
from the field in at least two games in 17 years o f pro officiating, he says.
His most embarassing moment as an NFL o ffic ia l came in Atlanta when he
missed a play because o f a blinding glare on the field.
He was moving from the sunny to the shady side ot the tield when the ball carrier
was hit by oncoming defenders. But in the process, the player tumbled the ball and
Miles didn’ t see it. He had blown the play dead even though the ball had sailed
some 35 yards away.
Miles notes that o fficiating makes him alert, increases his concentration and has
sharpened his decision-making skills when he wears the hat o f athletic director.
And it’s' “ a form o f relaxation for m e,” he says.
What has been accomplished under his administration at Howard?
• The establishment o f an athletic tutorial program has helped produce a "c o n ­
stant increase" o f student-athletes graduating, he says.
• More than 175 scholarships are now offered in Howard's 15 sports, up from
some 35 to 40 in football, basketball and soccer available in the early '70s.
• More women are active in intercollegiate sports thanks to the development o f a
women’ s program.
• The level o f competition has grown since the Howard athletics program has been
the past 12 years.
• The Howard Stadium is currently being renovated w hile there’ s talk o f building
a 30,000-seat, multipurpose domed complex.
Now that he is stepping down as Howard AD . what are his retirement plans?
Miles hopes to do some consulting work, but he has been thinking fo r quite a while
about someday opening an academy to teach young people fundamental skills ot
various sports.
His daughter, Damita C. M iles, a Howard freshman management student, says,
" I t 's time for daddy to take a break after years ot hard work in maintaining
Howard’ s athletic department.”
Congratulations Class of '87
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