Facts About Small Business General There are about 15 million small businesses in the (n ited States, by size standards set by the I'.S . Small Business Administration. About half of small businesses operatr full time, the rest part time. The number of small businesses has increased steadily during the past 30 sears. In 19X5, new business incorporations (one measure of nes» businesses* total­ ed about 66X.904, a ness record. The presious record of 6.M.99I ness business incorporations ssas set in 19X4. Fiscal \e a r 19X5 ssas a good sear for small business. Small business income, as measured by sole pro­ prietorship and partnership in­ come, increased 12.3 percent during the first six months of the year compared ssith the similar 19X4 period. Small businesses employ about half of the prisate work force, contribute 42 percent of all sales in the country and are responsi­ ble for 3X percent of the gross national product. One out of every two new small businesses will fail within the first four sears of operation, studies show. Overall, a firm ’s chances of survival increase with size; firms with 20 or more workers have a 20 percent greater chance of survival than firms with fewer than 20 workers. Employment I hiring 19X1-X2, small business employment proved a moderating force in the recession. During these years, small businesses pro­ duced a total of 2.65 million new jobs, while large businesses were cutting their employment by 1.7 million. Thus all the 9X4,000 new jobs generated in I9XI-K2 came from small firms. Innovation Studies show that the incidence of innovation among small business workers is significantlv higher than among workers in large businesses. Small firms pro­ duce 2-*/> times as many innova tions as large firms relative to the number of persons emploved Innovation coming from small hi tech firms is expected to increase Small firms also have led employ­ in the coming years as a result of the Small Business Innovation ment gains during the economic recovery and expansion. From Research Act. I nder the Act, signed by IVesidenl Reagan in October 19X4 through September 19X5, employment in industries 19X2, 12 federal agencies with dominated by small businesses large research and development budgets must direct an increasing (industries in which firms with amount of R A D contracts to fewer than 500 employees ac­ small firms - the source of m«»sl count for 60 percent or more of innovations and new technologies. sales or employment) rose 5.9 During the first three years of percent; employment in in­ the Act, small firms received dustries dominated by large businesses rose six-tenths of one $400 million in R A D contracts; small firms are expected to percent. receive another $400 million in Jobs generated by small firms Fiscal 19X6. are more likely Io be filled by vounger workers, older workers Small businesses have been responsible for more than half of and women. Many of these the new product and services in workers prefer or are only able to work on a part-time basis, and novations developed since World thus can be more easily accom­ W ar II. modated by small employers. Almost every energy-related in novation of the past century has Small businesses create two out come from small business - for of every three jobs, and thus are example, the air conditioner, the responsible for the major cost in initial on the-job training in basic gasoline engine, the electric light, the electric auto, and petroleum skilLs. cracking