M ay 13 1987 P o rtla n d O bserver, Page 3 W om en of Excellence Six local w om en w ill receive Delta Sigma Theta "W o m e n o f Excel lence" Awards at the sorority's an rtual luncheon to be held at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion Inn on Saturday. May 16 L A r 1 1 á 1 J Rev V a s h ti M u rp h y have had the honor o f having her presence She is a v o unteer D rector for the Summer Blood Testing and Hyper tensive Awareness Program The program is designed to teach youth to w ork w ith older persons She is the Past President o f Les Femmes. Albina Lions W om en's A u xilia ry, Oregon Heart Associa tion Oregon Critical Care Medical Association, Nurses Corps and Van courver Avenue 1st Baptist Church L y n n Z. T a lto n P ro fe s s io n a l A c h ie v e m e n t Mrs Talton entered college to t>e come a nurse after rearing a family of 6 girls She was part of the team that perform ed Oregon s first heart transplant operation Twenty eight years ago she w ent to w ork at the Oregon Health Science Center a-, .in aide Today, tw e n ty eight years later, she is the Head Nurse over a staff of 17 nurses Mrs Talton is the only black nurse manager at Oregon S> ieni e and Health U niversity As head of the Cardiac Recovery Heart Trans plant Unit, a national re. ord has been set There have b«*en 26 heart transplants perform ed 23 p e r f o r m ed in one year, w ith only 2 deaths p e d a te Your 6 ^ % swim team, water polo team, school plays and S A D D. (Students Against Driving Drunk) Renee hopes to com bine her love for both art and science as she persues high or education An excellent student an athlete and talented in acting and drama, Renee shows versitility and enjoy m ent in life as a whole N M H N T K IN (M U IS T I0 I X I I S I X I r tlM IS M O S X l ST l i i I N M i l M I l . l l l M l K ( i m II m u s t io s m « M s s i t n i r s t t i s r s I I P (K X lS S ll) m k « t o T t l s tM IN T »LSS M s .s T ltl sun S to p , L o o k , Read R e n e e R o s a n n e K o tu b e te y s i» rlT iis rs « i ii o x id SU t l S U NIA > It lU S T lU P lt t lN s , m u u asM t s » o s u s i s s n u i s i i s e H I N I M A s* SU S t lt SIIS Ml M S I* Catlin Gabel S chool's eighth grade production o f Cole Porter s A nything Goes has been post poned from Thursday and Fridayt. May 13th and 14th, to Friday and Saturday. May 29th and 30th at 8 00 PM in the Cabell Center theater on the Catlin Gabel campus 8825 SW Barnes Road Admission is $3 00 for adults, $2 00 for students and seniors Y o u lli A w a rd Receiving ttie Youth Award for 198/ Rene Rosanne Kotubetey al ready boasts a list of achievements including National Honor Society Parkrose High School Portland Rose Festival Princess first place art award athlete of the month and student of the m onth in art In addition, she finds tim e for the % EDU \R l) E W ARD. l)MD GE SERAI DESTISTRY •DENTAL CARE H)R THE WHOLE EAMILY" 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -3 0 0 9 Dr. Edward G. ^a rd t» 10 SU Mdcr. suite AM n» psY m » .d a b '* M c K e n z ie Guest Speaker at the ceremony w ill be Rev Vashti M urphy McKen zie The awards are given annually to outstanding black wom en in the fields o f com m unity services, edu cation, professional achievement and religion On senior citizen and one youth are also honored Awards this year will be presen ted to Lois Marie Lewis, teacher/ poet, Alyce G Robinson, retired advocate counselor, Portland Job Corp , Bobbie B Nunn, com m unity services and retired from Portland Public Schools; Lynn Z. Talton, head nurse, Cardiac Recovery, Heart Transplant Unit, Oregon Health Sciences University, Lelitia E Brock, senior citizen and home maker, and Renee Rosanne Kotube tey, a senior at Parkrose High School. L e titia B r o c k Senior Citt/en Mrs Brock was chosen W om an of the Year’ ’ by the Oregon Asso ciation o f Colored W om en. Re ceived National recognition for “ Family o f the Year'' from the Na tional Urban League Her latest achievem ent being awarded "W o man of O utstanding Accom plish m e n t" aw ard at the Links "Can Do Festival." In 1980 she was appointed by Mayor G oldschm idt to position No 13 City Council Commission on Aging Delivered food to the sick and shut ins for 5 years. Chair person for United Good W ay North east area She is a volunteer sec retary at the Goodwill Industries Mrs Brock is the m other of 4 daughters (all college graduates), grandm other of 9 grandsons, and great grandm other of 2 grandsons Portland is truly lucky to have such a grand, active, dedicated sen tor citizen, w ho believes in giving to the com m unity L o is M a r ie L e w is E d u c a tio n " Lois, teacher and poet, was invol vcd in the initial planning of the Black Educational Center Book store Prepared budgets and nego tjated the funding of the Black Cul tural A ffairs Board at Portland State University, and is the author o f 6 books Math tu to r, Portland State Uni versity, HOST tu to r Portland Public Schools. Coordinator Com m unity Events for poets, musicians, and other artists, producer of television productions to encourage com m u nity talent, a volunteer instructor at Oregon State Penitentiary It has been stated and I quote. People seeking advise, assistance, encouragem ent or a listening ear often seek o u t L o is." Can you believe she still has time to be a m other of 6 and g rand­ mother o f 19? A ly c e G. R o b in s o n R »l tg lo n " Great ss¡&- I . • ,s S afew ay " s e le c t" c o rn -fe d po rk, le n d e r, fu ll-fla v o re d and fu lly p ro c e s s e d A fa m ily fa v o rite ' (S irlo in H alf. Lb SI 49) (W h o le Pork Loin. Lb. SI 45) Look Be Sute »n V out 'O' Save Up To 6 9 Lb., No Lim it! ! Ge* d e «o. S h o p p ' ' ; 2 , c V .s t O l a T ó * o " s a le ? ’ S a> S a l - a V Top Sirloin Steak T ender, s u p e r-trim m e d 1/4-lnch to give you real v a lu e 1 Franks 1-Pound Safew ay, p re m iu m fra n ks A fa v o rite of kid s & a d u lts ! Lb. Save Up To S 1 40 Lb . No L im it1 sr 9 r.A Save Up To 79’ Ea 12-Ounce Orange Juice Flaw R-Pac, fro ze n c o n c e n tra te , 100“ . p u re o ra n g e ju ic e . . ju s t add w a te r and m ix! Ea. 65 No Save Up To 52' Each Granny Smiths A A d e lig h tfu l, m int-green apple w ith lots of cru n ch and ju ic e ! Lb" Prices effective 7-full days from 7 A.M. May 13 thru May 19. 1987, at Safeway Stores in the immediate area of originating publication. Sales limited to retail quantities. No sales to dealers. • ' tz ■ f *1. OFF 25% Bread Sale Save 25 % on every s in g le lo a t o t b re a d in the s to re ! C hoose your fa vo rite s or try s o m e th in g n e w 1 L im it 1 New Zealand* Mrs Robinson, member of Bethel A M E Church; 1st Vice President, Church W om en United; 1st Vice President Puget Sound W om en's M issionary Society o f the African M ethodist Episcopal Church; 2nd Vice President Zepha Baker Mis fio ria ry U nit, Bethel A M E. Church; Historian. Fifth D istrict Connection at o f A frican M ethodist Episcopal Church; class instructor. Laymen's Seminar, active member o f the Altar Guild, Cathedral Choir, and young people’s Departm ent Leader; a fo lu n te e r for the tutorial programs Job Corps. Loaves and Fishes, are just a few o f the organizations that Rib Half Pork Loin Save Up To 40', No L im it! Stock-Up! No Limit! Large Red Ripe T o m ato es Calif. H ass A vo ca d o s F ie ld -fre s h . G reat fo r s a n d w ic h e s , to sse d sa la d s or ve g g ie tra y s ' D e lic io u s , sm o o th w ith a n u tlik e flavor. G reat for g u a c a m o le d ip A m o re ' For Save Up To 5 0 ' Lb , No L im it' Save Up To 70’ On 5 SAFEWAY I TM