Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 13, 1987, Image 21

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Trade Mag
JO BS is a trade magazine published weekly by Northwest Publishing Company of Portland,
It was introduced in 1983, and is designed primarily as a means through w hich governm ental
agencies, contractors, and private businesses could advertise bids, sub bids, em ploym ent oppor
tunities, and items of interest that are job or trade related
Included among its advertisers are federal, state, county, and city agencies soliciting Bids or
Requests for Proposals (RFP s); as well as the private sector seeking applicants for position open
ings w ith in their firms.
JOBS is currently distributed throughout the state of Oregon, and in Tacoma and Seattle. Wash
ington, and proposes to expand to Idaho and California in late 1987
JOBS magazine has a readership of over 48,000 and is distributed free from newsstands located
in neighborhood businesses, supermarkets, shopping centers and o ffice buildings
As a special
feature for distribution, it is also added as an insert to the Portland Observer. O regon's seventh
largest newspaper and the State's oldest Black owned publication
Response from advertisers has been extrem ely positive as JOBS magazine affords them the
opp o rtun ity to advertise at more than com petitive rates There is a likewise response from the
com m unity w ho find that JOBS is a valuable tool during job search.
Advertising rates and additiona, inform ation concerning the JOBS magazine may be obtained by
w ritin g or phoning:
JOBS Trade Magazine
1463 N.E. Killingsworth
Portland, OR 97211
(503) 288-0033
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