SALEM AREA MASS TRANSIT DISTRICT SALEM OREGON INVITATION TO BID FOR L ^ r ,r ^ RTIAL CONSTRUCTION OF A BUS MAINTENANCE FACILITY b OPERATING BASE AT 3180 DEL WEBB AVENUE NE IN SALEM CONTRACT B SITE WORK, UTILITIES. EARTHW ORK ft PA VING . SERVICE ft CLEAN E» BUS W ASH BUILDING S. LANDSCAPING ft IRRIG ATIO N PROJECT ENGINEERS GANNETT FLEMING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC Sealed bids will be received at the Salem Area Mass Transit District (hereafter called "O w n e r"). 216 High Street NE. Salem. Oregon. 9730 , 3669. until but not after 7 30 p m , Local Time, on W ednesday, Juno 10. 1987, at w hich time all bids w ill be publicly opened and rear) aloud in the District Conference Room. .11 the same address, for C O N T R A C T H SITE WORK. UTILITIES. EARTHWORK b PAVING. SERVICE b CLFAN b BUS W A SH BUILDINGS LANDSCAPING b IRRIGATION AT 3180 DEI WEBB AVENUE NE. SALEM, OREGON Refer to specifications for complete details and bid require merits Plans, specifications and other bid docum ents may be inspec ted at the Salem Area Mass Transit District 216 High Street NE, Salem, Oregon A set of specifi cations and plans can be obtained at this same office for $50 refundable upon return of the specifications and plans in good condition The bidder shall not file the book of "S tandard Construction Spe. ifications w ith their bid Bids shall be received on the form s furnished by the Owner, addressed and mailed or delivered to the Adm inistrative Officer. Salem Area Mass Transit District, 216 High Street NE. Salem OR 97301 3669. until but not after 2 30 p m. Local Time. Wednes day. June 10. 1987. in a SEALED ENVELOPE plainly marked CON1RACT B SITE WORK b SPFCI EIED BUILDINGS. EQUIPMENT b M ATERIALS AT 3180 DEL WEBB AVENUE NE SALEM Bids re coived after the date and time specified above shall be considered late bids and shall be returned to the bidder unopened A surety bond, cashier's check or certified check of the bidder, made payable to the Salem Area Mass Transit District, in the am ount of ten percent (10%) of the Primary Bid must accompany each bid as security Bid security of all save the three lowest bidders will be returned follow ing the bid opening All bid security w ill be refunded upon execution of the contract by the successful bidder A Pre Bid Conference will tie held at 10 00 a m . Local Time, W ednesday May 20 1987 at 3 ,80 Del W e ,iti Avenue NE Salem Oregon Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend the Confereni e to be come fully inform ed of the Owner s pi,ms, specifi cations and policies _ N n t)u l w ill ............ e i . . i l o r ' o r is id e ie d b y t, . O w n e r Page8, JOBS, May 13. 198/ or any of its officers unless the bid contains a state merit by the bidder (by signing their proposal) that the provisions o , ORS 279 350 shall be follow ed during the execution o f the work Every contractor or subcontractor IS REQUIRED TO POST the appli cable prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous and accessible place in or about the work site for the duration of the job Contractors and subcontrac tors w ho in te n tio n a lly fail to post the PWR can be made ineligible to receive any public w orks contracts for up to three years All bidders must certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors, or the State of Oregon List of Contractors Ineligible to Receive Public W orks Contracts This project will be funded by a grant from the U S Department of Transportation. Urban Mass Trans portation A dm inistration (U M TA ), and also by the Oregon Department of Transportation w ith proceeds from the Oregon Lottery The successful bidder shall be required to com ply w ith all applicable safety and health standards, as well as Equal Employment O pportunity, and Disadvantaged Business Enter prise IDBE) laws and regulations DBE's must be certified by the Oregon Department of Transporta tion. and are encouraged to submit bids Assistance m preparing bids is available for qualified DBE firms The Owner reserves the right to accept any bid. or reject all bids and resolicit or cancel this invitation to bid. as deemed by the D istrict to be in its best inte rests The Salem Area Mass Transit District is an equal opportunity employer, and does not discrim inate w ith regard to race, color, creed, sex. religion or national origin Inquiries concerning the contents of the bid specifi cations should be directed to the Project Engineer Michael Corcoran Gannett Fleming Transportation E n f litw m l-H at 15031 362 0241 Inquiries .o n cerning the general terms and conditions of the bid docum ents or DBE requirements should be directed to the Owner's A dm inistrative Officer Sue Hollis .it 1503) 588 7885 SUE C HOLLIS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER BID OPENING DATE June 10. 1987 7 I0 P M Local T im e