FIREFIGHTER P ortland In ternatio n al A irport The P o it of P iii ti,nit| announces re c ru itm e n t in establish a civil serve e list (il q u a lifie d i an didates In till f u i i i i f A 'lp n ii F irefig hter vai iin i ms A iip m i F ire fig h te rs w in k s h ills n t 24 ho urs on 48 h u m s n tt w h it h ro ta te ,o in clu d e w e e k e n d s and ho lid a ys They a ie h ig h ly n a m ed in crash (ire lest ue p io c e d u re s p e rfo rm io u tin e fire s ta tio n cho res and le spin nt io p h ysica lly de m a n d in q e m e rg e n cy situ a tio n s S ta rtin g s a la iy is $23 389 annually Basil qualifications include be at least 1b years of age, have valid Oregon oi Washington do vers license lor obtain one upon appointment), demonstrate a commitment to an established re gime of physical conditioning and fitness, plus the ability to follow instructions and learn operating procedures Preferred qualified tions, in the event of a substan tial number of applicants include previous crash fire rescue or paramedic experience and or education Applications will be act epted in person only at Lloyd C enter M e e tin g Room W est M e zza n in e Level above Stevens and Sons Jew elers from 8 30 a m to 5 00 p m Monday, June 1 and Tuesday. June 2, 198/ No advance in quiries or telephone calls please Applications will not be accepted prior to these dates The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer HELP W ANTED DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES Opportunity for motivated person with newspaper experience to sell total marketing concepts Send resume to The Daily Astor ■an. P 0 Box 210, Astoria. OR 97,03 TEM PORARY EM PLOYM ENT The Portland, Oregon Post Office will be accepting applications for casual (temporary! positions Persons who are 18 years of age or a high school graduate are eligible to apply If selected, em ployment would last for 90 days with a possibility of an additional 90 days The salary is $5 00 per hour, and those selected will not be covered by benefits such as sick leave, health insurance and retirement Eight hours of work a day cannot be guaranteed Casuals must be able to pass a physical exam and. if selected, will perform miscellaneous man ual tasks which frequently re quires heavy lifting EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES M U L T N O M A H COUNTY Assistant C ounty Cousal 3 I $33,930 37 229, this is a litiga I tion position with emphasis on I defense of tort and civil rights I claims against Multnomah Coun ty requires throe years of civil or I criminal litigation experience and I membership in the Oregon Bar; | apply by May 22. 1987 W HERE TO APPLY M u ltn o m a h County E m ployee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth A venue Portland, OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer Prior to placement, applicants must be available for any hours or days of the week Applications may be picked up at the following locations M ain Post O ffice 715 N W H oyt St Room 2001 Portland. OR 97208 9998 only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, May 19 through 21 between 10 00 am to 3 30 pm and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, May 26 through 28 between 10 00 am and 3 30 pm E XEC UTIVE A D M IN IS T R A T IV E ASST A N D OFFICE M G R SECRETARY TO PRESID EN T Requires accomplished secretar lal skills Media background and management experience a con sideration NO CALLS Resumes to A M aier K PDX TV 49 910 N E Union Portland, OR 97322 EOE ENGINEERING TEC H N IC IA N TRI MET needs an electro mech anical engineering technician at the Gresham Ligh Rail facility Must be experienced in field and Office environment An AA de gree in electronics or related technology plus 5 years exper lence or 7 years related work | experience only, are required Full |ob description and applies | tion material are available at the: TRI M E T Personnel O ffice 4012 SE 17th Ava Portland. OR 97202 Applications must be field at that location no later than 4pm Fri | day. May 15. 1987 An Equal Opportunity Employer FOR SALE DAVE E M M E T T C O M P A N Y B UILDERS New Homes from $99,000/ $115 000 Locations in Hillsboro, Tualatin and Rock Creek Phone office 648 2828, evenings 642 9037 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY May 13, 1987, JOBS. Page 3 ' } . ■ ''. k . ■. t -V r- ■ - • ’« Z w ■-