Page 4, Portland Observer. May 6, 1987 THE ENTERTAINMENT *T«M ACTONE by Ken Covington You Can, Too J I til ) I C abaret S algado and S croggins Wednesday, May 13, at Noon, PSU s Cabaret C om m ittee brings to the South Park Blocks the rhythm and blues talents of Curtis Salgado and Janice Scroggins They will present an hour long, free concert in the part outside Smith Center on the Portland State University campus All are welcome Curtis Salgado is know n for fits harm onica w ork and his renditions of rhythm and blues classics He has worked w ith Robert Cray and Lloyd Jones, among others Arid it was Salgado's knowledge that John Belushi and Dan Akroyd drew from in their characterization of The Blues Brothers Janice Scroggins, on piano, lias perform ed w ith some of tfie finest blues and jazz musicians in this to w n from Thara Memory to Tom McFarland, and beyond Her styles range from gospel and swing to txiogie woogie and ragtime For a free introduction to some of Portland's best, come to the South Park Blocks No smoke filled tavern, no cover charge |ust fine entertain ment For inform ation on this and other Cabaret performances, call Byron Bei k at 229 4452 IMAACP Banquet The m onth of May marks the 33rd anniversary of the Brown vs Board of Education. Topeka. Kansas court decision. The Portland Chapter of the NAACP will com m em orate this victory at the annual educational benefit banquet on Friday May 15, 1987 at 6 30 p m Keynote speaker w ill be Richard Turner, III, President of Lane Cornmu mty College in Eugene, Oregon, a longtime advocate of educational equa lity . Please join us at the University of Portland Commons. 5001 N Willa m ette Blvd as we celebrate w ith REFLECTIONS, RECONSTRUCTION AND RESOLUTION 33 YEARS OF STRUGGLE Tickets are $25 00 and may be obtained by calling 284 7722 or at the door. S tu d e n t A rtists Display W ork A t PCC N o rth v ie w G allary The 198/ annual “ Student Hanging ' at Portland Com m unity College has been scheduled from May 13 29 at the N orthview Gallery. Sylvania Campus, 12000 S W 49th Ave The open, non juried exhibit will attract about 250 student artists each of w hom may display tw o pieces in any media according to Robert Dozono art instructor and gallery director Ttie work must have been com fileted during tfie 1986 87 school year he noted An opening reception to w hich the public is invited will be from 7 to 9 p m Thursday, May 14 The gallery is located in Room B5c of the Com munications Technology Building at Sylvania pi \ i H ’( As May brings sunshine to wipe away the chill o f w inter and bring the earth back to life, let s not forget that summer is just a touch away One of the best things about summ ertime, besides good old outside activities, is summer vacations Let this summer be the one that you w o n 't soon forget Start planning and saving now. Even if you haven't started, it’s still not too late I'd like to destroy the m yth that vacations have to be expensive, for let s not forget that where there is a w ill, there's always a way Travel is a heal thy way to rejuvenate the spirit and see how people live in different states and countries You II be surprised how people change w ith just a few hundred miles, traditions, accents, and different points of view Expand your mind Putting aside one or tw o hundred dollars a m onth really isn t hard Less trips to M cDonald s and staying in a couple of weekends are good places to start Air fare is as cheap as if has ever been $49 $99 one way And Amtrack is offering anywhere in the continental United States for $99 round trip. You can call friends or fam ily to stay w ith , or instead o f The Sheraton or the Hilton, try M otel 6 for less than half the price (They are all over the country for no more than $24 95 a night I It does not take an all new wardrobe to have a good tim e either In fact, some o , the worst dressed people I have ever seen have been tourists W hen you get where you're going, you can contact the Chamber of Com merce fo find out about zoos, museums, and other tourist attractions, or do like I do and ask someone w ho lives there W ho better than a native can tell you w h a t’s really happening/ Travel w ith a friend It makes things cheaper A nd w hen it comes to ground transportation, public transit or Rent A W reck w ill do just fine, be lieve me All in all. good people, I'm encouraging you fo get away and bring back fresh and new ideas and ideals that will help us all grow and expand Remember It's yout life. LIVE IT UP M e l B row n Q u in te t To Play A t PCC Cascade C am pus One of Portland finest jazz groups the Mel Brown Quintet will present a free clinic and concert Thursday, May 28, at the Portland Com m unity College Campus Cascade. 705 N Killingsworth The q uintet's appearance is being sponsored by the Cascade Campus Cultural Affairs Committee w ith cooperation from tfie PCC Vocational Music Department The clinic will be held at 3 p m m ttie auditorium of Cascade Hall II will be conducted by group members in their specialities Thata Memory Hum pet, Michael York w oodw inds. Gordon Lee, piano Tim Gilson, bass and Mel Brown, drums The concert will follow at 6 p m Both clinic and concert w ill tie open to the public Further inform ation is available from the PCC Vocational Music Depart ment, 283 2541. Ext 5226 KBO O 's Used Record and Book Sale S atu rd ay, M a y 16, 1987 KBOO 90 7FM will hold its annual used record and book sale, Saturday May 16 from 10 00 a m Io 4 LX) p m The sale w ill be held at the Pass Club 17 SE 8th Hundreds of books and records will tie on sale tor incredibly low prices The sale is a paradise for bargain hunters or collectors For inform ation on renting tables call 231 8032 sum i FLIRT BAND LIVE P ic tu re d are J u lia n n e R J o h n s o n and S h a w n R ogers s in g in g "I'm P ro u d to be a S tric t C o n s tr u c tio n is t" P h o to by C liffo r d U el S m ith Rap M a s te r R onnie'' C oncludes S to re fro n t's 86 87 Season The final production of S torefront Theatre's 1986 8 / season will be RAP MASTER RONNIE (replacing the previously schedule THE INVISIBLE M A N I RAP MASTER RONNIE is a musical revue w ith lyrics by Doones bury author Gary Trudeau and music by Elizabeth Swados. It w ill open Friday May 8 at 8 p m at the Sunnis Theatre Mainstage, 13 N W 13th, and play there through June 28 Tickets for RAP MASTER RONNIE are $12 regular $10 students and seniors Performances are Thursday Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m , Sun day at / p m May 8 through June 28 There is also one Sunday matinee at 2 p m June 7 NOTE THERE W ll L BE NO PERFORMANCE ON SAT URDAY MAY 30 Call S torefront at 224 4001 for advance reservations: day of show tickets are available at 227 7025 All Storefront Theatre productions are made possible, in part, by funding from the M etropolitan A rts Commission PCC Cascade S chedules Jazz N ig h t M ay 7 I he Cascade All Stars and Jazz Ensemble will present a free jazz night com ert Thursday evening. May 7. at tfie Portland Com m unity College Cas cade Campus, 705 N K illingsw orth The tw o groups composer) of students and instructors of tfie PCC Voca tional Music program will present a varied repertoire from 6.30 to 9 p.m in tfie Cascade Hall auditorium The AH Stars w ill be led by the Darin Clendenin Trio, w ith Instructor Hal le e on drums and Dao Davis on bass The Jazz Ensemble w ill play new unpublished music, ranging from be txij) to show tunes all of whn h were w ritten a n d copied by students and staff of the Voi ational M usk Department Ttie ensemble also w ill take part io a May 9 Lloyd Center Arts Festival, starting at 4 j> m Further inform ation is available from the Vocational Music Departm ent 283 2541 Ext 5226 S.L 91 h VI S TA R R Y N IG H T PRESENTS at THE ROYAL ESQUIRE T his Fri FFIR1 K IN G S U N N Y ADE W eekends Are Fun A t The Vu fSS 00? 7 M e s s e n ja h i j n i w ith 1O O % 3 H H M a y 8 th b 9th continuing the tradition of the good groove SOUL SENSATION LADY’S 2 F O R 1 Si it Sat w / D J Dr R ock 10 2 P IN E S T R E E T THEATER W m i I w M a y 20 3^* ROYAL DOUBLE TREE PRESENTS ESQUIRE *♦»«»10 k* Arte Coelom *t»oto«'»f>*y RAY C H A R LE S 1708 N E ALBERTA M n y 13 B O O p m M B fRS b O D IS T S PINE S TR E ET TH E A TE R 2 S H O W S • Ju ne 11 287-5145 Mt SI 9th ft S»n#y Bhr4 AU AGIS A M A R K L ROSE P R O D U C T IO N • Í» O O A d v a n c e et> O O D a y o f t h a S h o w S o m e th in g s C ooking Portland's Largest banco Floor Phone: 235 0027 Advance Tickets on Sale Nowl Usual Outlets DOUBLE TEE t db ENTERTAINMENT PRESENT A N D T H E W IT H F'.FJ C I A I A l’P i A H A N C E BY D A V Y D . COLO GETTING BUSY AT: MEMORIAL COLISEUM JUNE 15 TICKETS ON SALE NOW! «X JOTS. & X U S X U A M lU C M W S . rV W T K X J T S . MOWS 0 » 90UNO. C O UM UM SOX 0 W K S __________________ 2 U Q J 0 - TICXETS SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE ANO OR USER EE E • « One of the newest trends among food cognoscenti is regional Amen can fare Find out w hat it s all about at “ Regional American Cook mg, Alameda C om m unity School, 2732 NE Fremont. The classes are held four consecutive Tuesdays be ginning May 5 from 6 30 to 9 p m. Each week participants will explore different American menus w ith Eloise Carson, professional cook and caterer Seasonal ingredients w ill bring out the best in New Eng land. New Orleans, N orthw est, and Southw est cuisines The fee is $25 plus $15 for materials T ic k e ts G l JO E 'S . G A L L E R IA JE A N M A C H IN E ♦ TICKETS SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE ANO'OR USER FEE 4 & W eekends Are Fun A t The ROYAL ESQUIRE 1708 N E ALB ER TA ANNOUNCES THE RETURN OE Ladiat Night alerting W ad M ty ALSO S w ing w ith O J Or Rock Fri f t Sat Night Open House Albina A dult b Family Services is sponsoring an Open House and Resource Fair, on Thursday, May 21, 1987 between 1 00 and 4 00 pm Ovet 40 agencies have been invi ted to share inform ation to mem bers o f the North b Northeast com m unities K O J Lady Blue Every Sal 5 9 and Sundays J a r iy Jam S a ta io n t featuring M a i R iow n and Banny W ilto n MEMHERS H GUESTS 287-5145 8th