May 6. 1987, Portland Observer, Page 3 Fraud On O ld e r P e o p le Older persons are often targets o f fraud schemes As w ith people of all •fle groups, seniors can be manipulated in to m aking decisions based on tjjeed. desperation, carelessness or naivete Con artists get rich when they fitjd others in this state of mind 1 Be cautious when contracting for home repair service, particularly if the worker solicited you Before paying for the job inspect then work to assure yourself it has been properly perform ed Pay only in installm ents arid n e ve r w ith cash Ask for old parts or equipm ent to ascertain that re placements were actually installed 2 Be suspicious of work at home schemes advertised in newspapers and magazines where you are obligated to send your money in advance lor a starter kit 3 Check out organization or individual soliciting you for funds 4 Never let strangers urge you into w ith d ra w in g large sums of money regardless of their credentials 5 Do not reveal financial affairs, marital status or banking practices to anyone unless you can confirm the legitim acy o f their inquiry Do not tie fooled by fake business cards or professional appearances 7 Beware of the bank examiner, stragers wishing to share lost or gambling money w ith you the furnace inspector or any high pressure salesperson Remeber swindlers rriay be men or women, are usually very personable and convincing the kind of person you w ould be willing to trust o n short notice A r tq u a k e '87 A p p lic a tio n s A rtquake Portland s m ulti arts festival o f the people, by the people, for the people is m oving back to the heart of the city, to Pioneer Courthouse Square Appropriately this year s theme is Oregon Arts and A rtis ts ," A rtquake 87 w ill be held on Labor Day Weekend, September 5, 6, and 7th Proposals are now being accepted tor all programs Applications for Kid space Theater Dance, Music, Literary and Visual Arts. Arts Organization and from those interested in operating Food Booths are available at the Artquake o ffu e located in the Masonic Tample at 922 S W Main Street or send a self addressed, stam ped envelope to the appropriate program at Artquake, P 0 Box 9100 Portland OR 97207 STOP N otification of Class A ction suit! Individuals w ho have been discrim inated against by Fred Meyer, Inc. . . . Call 284-7837 The G o ld e n Rule B e a u ty S alon G ra n t H ig h S c h o o l P re s e n ts Grant High School w ill present "T he International T o u ch ", their 2nd Annual 1987 Spring Fashion Show. Friday May 15, 1987 at 7:00 p m in the Grant High School A uditorium 2245 NF ,16th Portland, Oregon Advanced tickets are $1 00 and support the Scholarship Fund Tickets are available at the Grant Student Store and from participating stu dents For m ore inform ation call Grant High School. 280 5160 Ray Johnson Ext 52 Tues Spec Complete Beauty Service 412 N E Alberta Open Tues Sat M a ry Paris 281 7063 L e t's S h a p e Up W om en o f all shapes sizes and ages are invited to a special fitness w orkshop "L e t s Shape U p ", Tues day. May 19, 7 9 30 p m., at Mere dian Park Hospital, Tualatin. Regardless of the shape you re in. you'll learn how to begin lor im ­ prove) your personal fitness plan and to tailor a w hole body program to meet your needs Testing will be done for body com position ana lysis, flexibility and muscular endu rance, and exercise equipm ent will be available for demonstrations. C lothing should be com fortable. The w orkshop w ill be led by exer cise physiologists Patti Fmke There is a $12 fee, and pre registration is required For additional inform ation or to register, contact the Com m unity Education Department, 692 2656 In fa n t T o d d le r CPR C o u rse O ffe re d A t E m a n u e l Parents, teachers and others who w ork w ith children can learn CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and general lifesaving techniques for infants and toddlers at a special course offered at Emanuel Hospital £t Health Center. The in-depth, four hour sessions are taught by registered nurses from the hospital's highly regarded new born intensive care unit. It is one of the only courses in the area that uses a toddler sized mannequin for CPR training, according to Mary Kaye Brady, course coordinator. The classes also include first aid and an exercise program to give babies a healthy start in life Courses this spring will be held May 12, 19 and June 2 and 9 from 6 p.m . to 10 p.m . at Emanuel Cost is $18 and includes certification upon com pletion. Classes are limi ted to six participants, so persons are asked to pre register right away by calling 280 4284 O regon W hole Fryers Fresh from sunny C alifornia! Fircrest plum p w hole fryers! / 65 49 Lb. If \ f \ E m a n u e l O ffe rs D ia b e te s E d u c a tio n P ro g ra m A comprehensive education pro gram for diabetics and their families is being taught this spring at Eman uel Hospital £t Health Center Led by a specially trained team of registered nurses, physicians, regi stered dietitians and other health professionals, the four session, evening course teaches skills to m aintain wellness and minimize sym ptom s This condition's causes and sym ptom s, and the latest tre a t­ ments are covered through discus sion, audio visual presentations and dem onstrations Instructors also help participants develop individual diet plans and exercise programs Cost of the program is $110, and is covered by m ost major insurance companies and Medicare Physi IS Oil or W ater Pack, 6.5-Oz. 48 Ea. 7^ CRISP CRUST Party Pizza / B eef Rib S teak Totino’s Pizza Safeway ‘ S e le c t’ grain-fed beef! Crisp C rust, Asst., 9 to 11.4-Oz. 89 O ne D ay W o rk s h o p Meridian Park Hospital, Tualatin, w ill offer a one-day w orkshop "Dea ling W ith D ifficu lt People" on Satur day. May 23. from 9 a m to 4 p m. at the hospital Participants w ill learn how to deal positively w ith the anger and fru stration that d ifficu lt people can cause, w hether they're co workers, clients, fam ily or friends. Also covered w ill be identifying the d if­ ficult person's m otivations, reinfor cing positive behavior, and how to be less of a target Cost of the w orkshop is $25, w hich includes lunch. For more in ­ form ation or to register, call the C om m unity Education Department at the hospital, 692 2656 Star-Kist Chunk Tuna Fresh Ripe Strawberries c Ea. 'll Look for our 12-page Shopping Guide in 'This Week' V 'ttlx ’ Prlces effective May 6 thru 12 at Sateways in Oregon and SW Washington SAFEWAY 1 OPEN 24 HOURS