SECRETARY/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MULTNOMAH COUNTY D irector, O ffic e o f Em ergency M anagem ent $30,714 39,922 IDOE); plans, develops, implements and main tains Countywide emergency management program; duties in elude performing multijunsdic tional planning and training to support and increase emergency H um en Services Technician M R /D D Program $6 97 per hour; duties include screening intake calls, documen ting eligibility and escorting clients to appointments with other agencies, requires one year of related experience or educa tion response, administering the emergency management infor mation system and managing the Hazardous Waste Program Apply by May 22, 1967. C o m m u n ity In fo rm a tio n Assistant In fo rm a tio n and R eferral Program $8 26 per hour; duties include M a n a g e m e n t A nalyst S heriff's O ffic e $23,177 30,130, performs mana gement analysis work within the Planning and Research Unit of the Sheriff's Office; duties in elude evaluating data needs and designing computerized reports, researching policy issues; pre paring retorts, speeches, letters, memos and chans participating in budget preparation; requires one year of experience including statistical analysis of data, report preparation and computer use; experience in the criminal ,ustice system is desirable, apply by May 15, 1987. providing detailed information to the public about health services and developing resource lists, re quires 6 months experience pro viding information and referral services C orrections O fficer $9 33 pe( hour; perform8 worU ,n |h# cuslody care and humane „ ea,ment of adult male and fe ma|„ ,nmates in a )8(, or other deten„on environment, controls mon,tors and supervises the movement and activities of m mates. appl(Cants mus, a, |e a s l2 1, U S citizens, authorized ,o df|ve and have tyyo years pf college, two years of corrections, C o m m u n icatio n s C oo rd in ato r H ealth Services Division $11 40 per hour, develops and evaluates a communication pro gram for outreach and education for the Health Services Division, requires one year of experience; apply by May 15, 1987. law enforcement or social service related work or a combination of education and experience W H ER E TO APPLY M u ltn o m a h C ounty E m ployee Relations Room 1430 1120 S W Fifth A venue P ortland, OR 97204 An £qua| Opportunity Employer To State General Manager and Directors of Engineering and Mar keting for large cable television company Type 80 wpm, handle phone calls, maintain files, pro cess reports, communicate with field locations Send resume to S tate General M an ag er P O Box 8677 Portland. OR 97207 Equal Opportunity Employer NURSE HOSPITAL REVIEW AUDITOR Blue Cross ft Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company, has an opportunity for an RN professional to conduct claims audits, to determine vah dity of charges, medical necessi ty, appropriateness of service; to establish, apply and maintain control of UR and other medical guidelines Successful candidate must be an RN with a valid Ore gon license, DRG coding exper lence, and a current knowledge of changes and new techniques in the medical health care indus try Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competi tive salary Please apply in per son or send resume to; Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon H um an Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S W M a rk e t Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer HELP WANTED USEDTRUCKS/CARS HELP WANTED LOSERS W ANTED Need 51 overweight people to try new Herbal Based weight control pro gram as seen on TV No drugs, no exercise Cali Becky (303) 373 9367 1980 FORD F 700, 4x4 $10.950 Financing available, OAC trades welcome ,978 GMC 7,500 5 6 yrd dump truck, 366 V 8 5 2. power steering, 900 x20 on disc , $9,950 NEED 83 PEOPLE Get ready for the swimsuits Lose weight fast results 15 30 lbs per mo Doctor recommended — Guaran teed call 1303) 279 7187 or (303) 642 0903 between 10 am 6 pm Page 8. JOBS, May 6, 1987