: U : . » .',• » ■ • ... L. / • k '• ■* ■ v # * 8- f' * I * WM. CIVIL ENGINEER II 92196-92813 mo. Advanced pro fessional and supervisory work with emphasis on budgeting and design of sewer, water and stormwater projects Computer experience in hydrologic, hydrau lie (HEC 1.2) modeling preferred Considerable experience and 4 year degree in civil engineering or equivalent combination of ex perience and training Oregon P E . license or ability to acquire within 6 months of appointment. Closing date: 5 29 87 Apply: City of Salem Per« D e p t , Rm 225 566 Liberty SE Salem . Or 97301 EOE FIRE DR IVER / ENGINEER SALARY RANGE Approxim ate ly 91720 to 92198 per month, based on FLSA, plus excellent benefits Requires high school or equiva lent GED, plus two years exper ience in a fire service position May substitute 45 hours of fire science course work for one cal endar year of fire service training Requires EMT I, Eire Fighter I, and Apparatus I Certificates upon comapletion of one year proba tionary period Required valid Class IV Oregon Drivers License at time of appointment To be considered, must receive a West Linn job application on or before Monday, May 18, 1987, 5 00 p m City Hall 4900 Portland A venue W est Linn, Oregon 97068 A written and physical agility test will be given to qualified appli cants on May 30th Only non smokers need apply An Equal Opportunity Employer i: RISK M A N A G E R The Port of Portland, who value« I it» employees as its key resource. I «seeking a Risk Manager to join 1 its management team The Port I offers an opportunity to work I wtth a variety of risk manage I mpnt exposures, i e marine, aviation, industrial and admini tstwtive I Preferred Qualifications include • Demonstrated performance in the management of a self insured Worker's Compensa tion program. • Knowledge of Longshore and Harborworkers' Compensation and Oregon Workers' Com pensation Acts • Education or responsible work experience equivalent to a de gree with emphasis on risk management, business admini stration, or general property/ casualty/marine underwriting • Certified Property and Casual ity Underwriter and or Asso Ciate in Risk Management de pignation > Demonstrated successful per fprmance in a risk manage ment position providing expo sure to supervision, financial, and and insurance manage ment and providing knowledge to perform typical duties as listed Ability to learn all elements of Port operation. Apply in person E m p lo ym en t O ffice 700 N E M u ltn o m a h 12th Floor or call 1503)231 5000 extension 700 For complete application packet This position will remain open un til sufficient applications are re ceived, but close any time after Friday. May 15, 1987 An Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS Trade M agazine 1463 N E Killingswnrth ASSOCIATE AC C O U N TIN G CLERK P A R T T IM E 98 47 910 .30/hr. Performs a variety of regular and recurring (accounting procedures including payroll, accts payable and re­ ceivable and special fiscal re­ ports Req demonstrated exp in accounting and bookkeeping work perferably in local gov’t setting, supplemented by cour ses in bookkeeping methods and procedures Exp wtth telecom mumcations call accounting sys terns pref County application forms are req., resume« are not accepted Apply by May 16 1987 to a • a It* • W ash in g to n C ounty Parsonnal 160 N First A v e ., Room B-2 H illsboro. OR 97124 f. • * ** *. An E.O.E 1RS O ffers Part Tim a E m p lo ym an t Unique PART TIME job oppor­ tunities with the Internal Revenue Service Start at 96 36 per hour Fluctuating week day hours, pri­ marily December thru Apnl, pro vidmg tax assistance by phone. Iw o years college or appropriate public contact work expenence necessary To apply, call 294 7287 Leave you name, address, and daytime telephone number You will be contacted by the Office of Personnel Management to take a general aptitude test IRS is an equal opportunity employer * < • ■ • • This n otice axpiras 5 /2 9 /8 7 HELP W ANTED A Few Spare Hours/ Receive/ forward mail from homel Uncle Sam works hard you pocket hundreds honestly' Details, send self addressed, stamped enve lo p e B ED U Y A , Box 17146, I Tucson, A2 85731 May 6. 1987, JOBS, Page 7 « « 4 \t >• * • 4 '. . '