Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 29, 1987, Page 3, Image 3

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    April 29, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 3
M i n o r i t y S t u d e n t s D r a m a t ic D e c lin e s In
M inority students posted dram atic reductions in high school drop out
(»ercentages last year, compared to overall districtw ide averages for Port
land Public Schools released this week
Porter Sexton, manager o f management inform ation services for the
school district said only 6 0 percent 1,21 students) o f blacks and 6 9 per
cent 1,8» o f Hispanics were "i arty leavers" in 1985 86
That compares to 7.1 percent (1431 of black students and 10 4 percent
(1671 of Hispanic students dropping out of high school in 1984 85 The
1979 80 percentages were ,2 4 percent for blacks 16 7 percent for His
Portland's 10 high schools enrolled 14,717 students in 1985 86 14 828 in
1984 85
Last ye a rs districtw ide d ro p o u t rate was 7 3 percent 11,0731
w ith a male female ratio of 605 468 compared to 586 403 in 1984 85
Portland Public Schools districtw ide averages have sustained annual
drop out rates of below 7 5 percent for the past four years, compared to
9 10 percent averages when formal statistics were first com piled in 1977 78
The drop out rate is calculated by counting enrolled students w ho leave
school and do not return during the academic year
Such students, according to Sexton, may enroll in com m unity colleges
in private or alternative schools or programs, may return later to high school
oi may drop out entirely from formal education
D r o p - O u t R a te s
W itnesses W anted
Portland's American Indian students, who traditionally have the highest
drop out rates (21 5 percent in 1978 791 posted only ,3 0 percent (31) in
1985 86 a drop from 14 5 percent (341 in ,984 85
Asian students posted a ,985 86 drop out rate of 5 1 percent (721. com
pared to 5 0 percent (731 in ,984 85 Non m inority students in 1985 86
posted ,i 7 7 pe rcen t 18311 early leaver fate, compared to 7 3 percent (7931
in 1984 85
By co m p a riso n , na tion al d ro p o u t rates for m in o ritie s are generally one
th ird high er tha n averages fo r non m in o rity stud ents, a c c o rd in g to S exton
S e xto n said d ra m atic re d u ctio n s in m in o rity d ro p o u t pe rcen ta ge s were
due to p ro g ra m s such js Je ffe rs o n High S c h o o l's P rotect Pride G rant High
Si ho of ■ P ortla nd N ig ,it S chool and the d is tric tw id e em phasis on early
pre p a ra tio n and re m e d ia tio n for strin g e n t basic skills req uire d to gra du ate
fro m high scho ol
A d d itio n a l p ro g ra m s i redded by Sexton w ere the Indian E ducation Pro
Its t and oth er eq uity e ffo rts fo cu se d on m in o rity stu d e n ts
S om e 11 pe rce n t o f fem ale d ro p o u ts q u it hig h scho ol because o , preq
nancy. S exto n said
th e in tro d u c tio n o f teen he alth clin ics at fou r high
sch o o ls and exp an sion of the scho ol d is tric t s C o n tin u in g Edui a tio n for
Girls p ro g ra m w ill tirin g fu rth e r re d u ctio n s in d ro p o u t rates for such stu
de nts
W itnesses to incident on 3-31-86, 9:45 a.m . at 15th and
Fremont when elderly lady caught arm in door w hile
boarding Tri Met bus No. 8
Call Marcia at:
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C ongressional
H oop S hots
Representative Ron W yden ID),
3rd District, created a lot o f interest
recently at his free basketball clinic
C om m unity
School The April 15th event a ttra c ­
"g re a ts " including Al Daniels, Jr.,
an 8th grader at Floyd Light Middle
Young Daniels enjoyed the clinic
but enjoyed meeting Cong W yden
even more.
- i« ’
.-1 ^ .•
P P I.C .
M o n th ly
M e e tin g
The Private Industry Council, ser
ving M ultnom ah and W ashington
Counties and the City of Portland,
will hold its m onthly Board of Direc
tors meeting Tuesday, May 5, 1987,
7 30 a m ., Room 400, Cascade Bull
ding, 520 S W Sixth Avenue. Port
The agenda includes the follow
mg com m ittee reports
W orker
A lle rg ie s is T o p ic o f Free
T a lk a t E m a n u e l
"W heezes, Sneezes and Y o u " is
the title of a free com m unity forum
sponsored by Emanuel Hospital Ft
Health Center on May 12, from
to 9 p m in Room 1077.
Led by Portland allergist June Haw
kins, M D the program will allow
participants to ask an expert ques
tions about this springtim e malady
For more inform ation or to pre
register, call 280 4284
Let's Shape Up
W om en o f all shapes, sizes and
ages are invited to a special fitness
w orkshop "L e t's Shape U p ", Tues
day, May 19, 7 9 30 p m , a, Meri
dian Park Hospital, Tualatin.
Regardless of the shape you're in.
you'll learn how to begin lo r im
prove) your personal fitness plan
and to tailor a w hole body program
to meet your needs. Testing will
be done for body com position ana
lysis, flexibility and muscular endu
rance, and exercise equipm ent will
be available for dem onstrations.
C lothing should be com fortable
The workshop w ill be led by exer
cise physiologists Patti Finke There
is a $12 fee. and pre registration is
For additional inform ation or to
register, contact the Com m unity
Education Departm ent. 692 2656
“ 3 rZ
: i
VX5 -
B la c k U n ite d F ro n t
C o n d e m n s U.S.
In v o lv e m e n t in C e n tra l
A m e ric a
The BUF is outraged at the c o n ­
tinuing U .S involvem ent in Central
America and its support fo r the
The U.S Cannot avoid
re sponsibility fo r its role in the
death o f Portlander Benjamin Lin
der M illions o, U S dollars support
the Contra and support for the ta r­
geting of civilians, schools, medical
facilities, etc , non military targets,
has resulted in the death of Bejamin
Linder, an American citizen
W e hope the Linder fam ily finds
some co m fo rt in the messages of
support they have received
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Prices effective 4/29 thru 5/5/87 at all Safeways in Ihe area of originating publications. Sales limited
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