Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 29, 1987, Page 17, Image 17

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    " A ^ l R M A T l v t A f iV Id N
The GOVERNOR is seeking ap
pticants to fill the position of
FICER for the State of Oregon.
This position is a key function of
the Governor's Office to assure
that the Governor's commitment
to affirmative action and equal
employment opportunity is car
ried out The AA OFFICER also
assures that issues involving
minorities, females and the han
dicapped are acknowledged and
addressed at the highest level of
State government
EARN $$$$$
Work from home $60 per 100
inserting envelopes information
send stamp to
K S Enterprises
P O Box 1601 H
B loom field. NJ 07003
Some people have become very
rich by follow ing one simple invest
m ent principle Invest a set sum
reg ularly over a lifetim e in gissf
companies that are increasing
sales and earnings
Local public agency seeking ac
countant to perform accounts
payable and disbursement pro
cessing, payroll preparation and
tax reporting, journal entry pre
paration and account analysis
Qualified candidates will have
three years experience in data
processing environment hand
ling afore mentioned tasks . ol
lege lovel accounting and bust
ness courses, and skill in use of
10 key and typewriter
Completed Commission applica
tion forms to be submitted by
5 00 PM Monday May 4 1987
Applicants should be skillful in
producing change; highly ener
getic and results driven; a leader
who can create, motivate, and
Portland D evelo pm ent
C om m ission
1120 SW 5th 11th floor
796 5300
energize direct, forthright; and
skillful in working with and
understanding diverse commu
The AA OFFICER develops, im
plements, monitors and admini
sters the State's Affirmative Ac
tion Plan and Program In addi
tion to compliance monitoring,
the AA Officer is involved at the
community level, working with
community groups and identify
mg candidates for placement,
and being a liaison to the
GOVERNOR on other minority
related issues.
Qualified candidates must have,
in addition to the abilities listed
above, knowledge and under
standing of affirmative action and
EEO laws, regulations, policies
and practices and substantial ex
perience involving steadily in
creasing management responsi
The starting salary for this post
tion is $36,816 $46 968
Range M 32
Please send re
sume by May 20. 1987 to
O ffic e of the Governor
c /o Jan Ball
S tate Capitol
Salem . Oregon 97310
An Equal Opportunity Employer
starting salary
At a recent m eeting o f a group of
investors in South C aro lina, one
m an stood tip and told his story He
had heard that principle xt reused
ID years ago and decided to follow
it He started by investing one day's
pay every m onth in the electric util
it y from w horn he hought electricity
and to re invest his dividends
He -aid there were times when,
for two or three years, he was dis
couraged lierauac the price of the
stin k would go dow n instead of up
Hut generally his dividends kept
getting lugger and eventually were
a lot larger than the new money he
was investing each m onth
He -a id he was now the largest
single in d iv id u al shareholder of his
u tility 's stock His accum ulated
s h a re s were now worth $1 ,4(MI,000
and his dividend checks alone were
more each year than his salary had
ever been
There is a plan w here vou or any
one can invest as little as $25 a
m onth and build like this m an has
don.' W rite N A H '. Dept I ’ ( | ’ ( l
Box 2211 Koval O ak M l P x O O m arid
ask lo r details on the low ( ’ost In
vestm ent Plan You can huv st.sk
in any of 2H difTerent companies on
the installm ent plan and have the
companies you invest in pav the
JO B S Trade M agazin e
1463 N E K illingsw orth
An Equal Opportunity
Affirmative Action Employer
IRS O ffers Part Tim e
E m p lo ym en t
Unique PART TIME job o p p o r
tunities with the Internal Revenue
Service Start at $6 35 per hour
fluctuating week day hours pri
manly December thru April pro
viding tax assistance by phone
Two years college or a p p ro p ria te
public contact work experience
To apply, call
294 7267
Leave you name, address, and
daytime telephone number You
will be contacted by the Office of
Personnel Management to take
a general aptitude test
IRS is
an equal opportunity employer
This notice expires 5 29 87
A fe w Spare H o u rs* He. e.ve
fo rw a rd m ail fro m h o m e 1 U n i le
Sam w o rks hard you p o i ket
h u nd reds h o n e s tly 1 D etails, send
self addressed, stam per) enve
Tucson AZ 85731
April 29. 1987, JOBS, Page 7