► J X i-, .• -A*. ♦ HELP W ANTED career minded individuals $5 85 to $7 50 hourly depending on w ork history Average wage $9 hourly Excellent benefits, profit sharing, bonuses Mail resumes 1-0 $100,000 PLUS FIRST YEAR Possible in our multilevels 14K sol'd gold jewelry 5000 items % retail to public. No invest ment. A n d U S No 1 Membership program $125 00 each sale Only 39 people in group equals New Caddy, Insu rance. Vacation and up to $5,500 For inform ation package call 1 800 437 3760 Use voice address number 534 3635 Fire destroyed names from goldrush ad Please recall, if you answer ed that ad SECRETARY 3 (RISK M A N A G E M E N T) $1376 $1673 mo. Performs cleri cal duties o f considerable com plexity for the Risk Manager in eluding taking dictation, skilled typing, word processing and pre paration of correspondence Req substantial exp m secre tarial work including bookkeep mg, accts rec and pay, exposure to workers compensation, liabi lity insurance and employee benefits, exp in risk m gm t en vironm ent pref County appli cation form s req , resumes NOT accepted A pply by May 8, 1987 to W a s h in g to n C o u n ty P e rso n n e l 150 N F irst A ve R oom B 2 H ills b o ro . OR 97124 An E O E C o rre c tio n s T e c h n ic ia n $8 25 per hour reviews and ova luates inform ation, prepares re ports on client activities, refers clients of the adult criminal |us tice system to com m unity re sources, requires tw o years of related education or one year of related experience apply by May 8 1987 The Oregon Department of Ener gy IO .D O E .I is developing a current list of individuals and firm s qualified to conduct energy audits of public buildings O .D.O E p O B ox 108B D allas, OR 97338 M U L T N O M A H COUNTY PUBLIC BUILDING ENERGY AUDITO RS LARGE EXPANDING Central Oregon M oulding Co looking for will conduct 20 50 energy audits of public buildings between May 1987 and July 1988 Audits not done by O D O E staff will be done by individuals or firm s under con tract to 0 D O E. The number and type o f audits done by con tractors is unknown A Request For Qualifications IRFQ) that more fully describes potential auditor qualifications is available from O D O .E RFQ subm ittals are due May 8. 1987 For a copy of RFQ please call or w rite O re g o n D e p a rtm e n t o f Energy A TT N M ik e B yers 625 M a rio n S t N E S alem , OR 97310 P hone 15031 378 2856 RESERVE POLICE OFFICERS W ANTED The Portland Police Bureau s Re serve Division is now accepting applications for Reserve Police Officers Reserve Police Officers perform a variety of duties such as park patrol, enforcement of traffic and criminal laws, crow d and traffic control at parades and other events, dignitary protec tion, and a number o f crime pre vention related activities Appli cants must be between 21 and 65 years o f age. possess a valid dri ver's license have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be a U S citizen by their date of appointm ent as a Reserve Police Officer Applicants m ust also be of good moral character w ith no history of criminal involvement For more inform ation, call NEED S O M E B O D Y FOUND? C all B ill at 774 7241 243 7916 S g t B e th M u lv ih ill R eserve C o o rd in a to r WHERE TO A PPLY M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty E m p lo y e e R e la tio n s R o o m 1430 1120 SW F ifth A v e n u e P o rtla n d , OR 97204 An Equal O pportunity Employer M EC H A N IC A L ENGINEER CD Medical, a m anufacturer of electro mechanical dialysis equipm ent, needs a mechanical engineer w ith BSME and 1 3 years experience for product de sign Must have good know ledge of materials, manufactu nog processes and plastic mol dings If qualified, please send resume and salary history to CD M e d ic a l. Inc A TTN M rs K a rja la in e n 13520 SE P le a sa n t C o u rt P o rtla n d OR 97??? NO PHO NE C A LLS PLEASE An Equal O pportunity A ffirm ative Action Employer ELECTION TECHN IC IA N $ 1248 $ 1517 mo Services, re pairs and supplies all votom atic and ballot boxes for elections, maintains election records and supplies Req responsible office exp , w ith exp working w ithin the election process pref Coun tv application forms req, resumes NOT accepted A pply by May 8 1987 to W a s h in g to n C o u n ty P e rso n n e l 150 N F irst A v e , R o o m B 2 H ills b o ro . OR 97124 An E O E April 29, 1987, JOBS, Page 5 -, ' 7 ..- •• . * . - r . .. • . . «1«,