I. , 4 • • • y > Leah Jackson, Bank T eller & 1985 S u m m er Youth E m ploym en t Program G ra d u ate says, $ “Call Your Private Industry Council It Works” I . I NEED A JOB? Out of School and 16-21 years old? I C all 249-8447 For Information: call, visit or write Portland Private Industry Council. Inc. Youtli Einplm ment Institute • 1 7 0 4 I 20th \ ( r • Portland. Oreuon • (5O3i249 S447 April 29 19R7 JOBS, P. kjp 3 v * * a »’ <•* . », I. ■■ ■ ■" •• • * • -* «• » »(•