CITY OF PORTLAND TILLAMOOK COUNTY CHIP SEAL COATS INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS PROPOSALS DUE 2 0 0 P M ON VARIOUS DATES CALL FOR BIDS Sealed P'i>po*aia will lie iK K < it(t at the Bureau ol P u t r h e » and Store» Room 1313 Portland Building 1 1 » S W Fifth Ave Portland OR 97204 lor the Piojer t detailed helow until 2 0 0 P M no th * rtwfw« »odK •!»*! Plan« and Specific at n» a may bq obtained at the above addifll Foi additional information teiephona Buyei at number hated Unieaa othenen»e »fated m the individual runpoaal hated herein no propoaal o i bid enll be i onardeied unle»a accompanied by a bid auiety foi an amount not leaa than tan percent 110% I of the aggie bate amount of the propoaal The City an. ourtgea bidding by MBE a and EBE a and will aaaiat ■ m ’ * t(1 underetei j participate torn i bidding proceaaea ' D E S C R IP T IO N O P E N IN G D ATE Eat»« ate Er Inatali Equipment to R e t on »Hurt W aahington P a d Pump Station No 1 Call M iih e le A lderm an 796 hBM EI9 Late» 5 12 87 Malena! Er Equi(vnent tor Con Crete Tanka Rehabilitation Phase II Call Michele A. keim an 796 fiHM Piequali fu at« n in Claaa 32 Special W aiet Er MRE Uae Required C 9613 The work is to be awarded in three separate co n ­ tracts The location of the chip seal coat for each contract is as follow s CONTRACT NO 1 Foss Road Mile Posts 0 00 to 5 29 CONTRACT NO 2 N ON D IS C R IM IN A T IO N No propoaal oi ted will be conaidered unieaa the tedder ia certified aa an EEO Affirmative Action Employ er aa tire», r.bed by Chapter 3 100 of the Code of the City of Portland B ID N O The proposed w ork consists of furnishing materials and placing asphalt and aggregates for asphalt double chip seal coats on approximately 15 miles of County roadways 5 ]g jj ; Im prove SE Steele 97th Si Diatnct H C D Improvement Pnger I Call Dale Baker. 796 6H56 Piequeiif« alm n m Claaa 2 S beei Improvement Required 5 19 g / PUBLIC NOTICE The City o f Vernonia Housing Rehabilitation Pro gram. Vernonia. Oregon and The City of St Helens Housing Rehabilitation Program. St Helens. Oregon w ould like to eni outage m inority and female contrac tots to partu ipate in these protects Owners of pro parties often request a list of licensed and bonded contractors to w hom bids ra n be sent There is al ways substantial participation by listed contractors In order to be placed on the contractor lists for the housing rehabilitation programs, contact C o m m u n ity A c tio n H o u s in g 622 B rid g e S tre e t V e rn o n ia O re g o n 97064 Tel N o 503 429 4001 STOP I he first state legislation prohibiting discrim ination in employm ent on the basis of tace, creed or color was the Ives Quinn At t in New York in 1945 accor ding to la b o r Fusts m America a publication of the U S Department of Labor Page 2, JOBS, April 29. 1987 • • Whiskey Creek Road Mile Posts 0 00 to 5 11 CONTRACT NO 3 Sand Lake Road Mile Posts 1 58 to 6 29 The Bidder shall submit hts proposals on the form furnished by Tillamook County Specifications and bid form s may be obtained from the Tillamook Coun ty Public W orks Department, 503 M arolf Loop, Tilla mook, Oregon, 97141, |842 3419» No bid will be considered by Tillamook C ounty un less the bid contains a statement by the bidder that the provisions of ORS 279 350 (Prevailing Wage) are to be complied w ith Sealed bids shall be subm itted to Tillamook County Board of Commissioners. Commissioners' Office. Tillamook County Courthouse, Tillamook. Oregon 97141 S e p a ra te sealed b id s s h a ll be s u b m itte d fo r each c o n tra c t The sealed bids shall be sub m itted before the follow ing deadline times on Wed nesday May 13, 198/ PRO JECT TIM E E O SS ROAD C HIP SE A l C O A l 10 IS A M W H IS K E Y I REEK ROAD C H IP S E A l C O A l 10 45 A M S A N D IA K E R O A D C H IP St A l COAT 1, IS A M Bids received after this time shall be returned un opener) Bids may be w ithdraw n at any time, prior to opening, upon w ritten request of the Bidder Tillamook County reserves the right to reject any or all bids not in compliance w ith all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements Tillamook County may reject, tor good cause any or all bids upon a finding it is in the public interest to do so The County reserves the right to waive any inform a lity in bids at its discretion All bids will be opened and read aloud at the Tilla mook C ounty Justice Courtroom. C ounty Court house on Wednesday. May ,3. 1987 shortly after the above stated deadline times