Pafle 10. Portland Observer, April 29, 1987 At Least on Tuesdays Buy From Blacks Or Don't Buy At All Whites and asians support each other. Blacks support white and asians. But whites and asians do not support Black businesses. IF BLACKS DO NOT SUPPO RT BLACKS HO W CAN WE S U R V IV E SO AT LEAST ON TUE S D A Y S WE S H O U LD BUY FROM BLACKS OR DO N T BUY AT ALL THE STRUGGLE C O N TIN U E S We need this effort of buying from Blacks because it will benefit Blacks, but at the same time it will alert whites and Asians that we are not pleased with many things which are happening in this country and in South Africa. T H IS IS A P R O -BLAC K EFFORT. It is n o t a n ti-w h ite (in c lu d in g A m e ric a n J e w s ). It is n o t a n ti-a s ia n B ut it is P ro -B la c k . This Black effort will benefit Blacks but will alert whites and Asians that we are not pleased with the racism in this country. Whites, including the police and the administration, are not concerned about Black life whether it is in Howard Beach, New York or in Soweto, South Africa. Whites and Asians have decided that Blacks can not even walk in certain neighborhoods. Whites are acting out their racism, and Asians are adopting the racism of whites against Blacks. They are even suggesting that we are inferior and illiterate. Israel and Japan and whites in America are supporting the white minorities in South Africa with our tax money Oui tax money should go directly to Blacks in Africa. Whites have said they are trying to drive Blacks out o, business, even out of businesses which produce products for Blacks. Wh'te controlled media does such negative reporting on Blacks and internationally portrays negative images of s‘ e me ia is also letting whites in South Africa determine what news Americans receive BLACKS MUST RESPOND TO THESE NEGAT.VE ACTS BY WHITES AND ASIANS . BLACKS CAN RESPOND W A W A Y THAT WILL BENEFIT BLACKS AND WILL ALERT WHITES AND ASIANS THAT WE DO NOT LIKE THEIR ACTIONS. v v c u u n u i L li\t BLACKS M U S T BUY FROM BLACKS OR NOT BUY AT ALL ON TU E S D A Y S 1 WE SH O U LD ALL BEGIN BY TU E S D A Y M A Y 19 1987 but if you want to start earlier, go right ahead. BUY FROM BLACKS AT LEAST ON TUESDAYS OR DON'T BUY AT ALL. Later we can consider extending the number of days if conditions do not change. SOME SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT YOU SHOULD DO WITH YOUR MONEY AT LEAST ON TUESDAYS Start your own account at a Black Bank, Black Savings Et Loan, or Black Insurance company, etc. Buy from lack businesses at least on Tuesdays or don't buy at all. Support the hard working Black local groups, organi­ zations, institutions. Send a contribution and buy a membership in UNCF, SCLC, PUSH, NUL, NAACP IHdgrs. Baltimore), BUF, UBF, TRANSAFRICA, etc. Buy from Black book, magazine and newspaper publishers. Sup­ port Black owned radio and TV stations and networks, and Black Music. Support Blacks producing Black pro­ grams and movies. Support Black candidates. Black businesses should buy from Black businesses and hire Blacks. No lotteries. No numbers. If you do not like one Black business go to another Black business or group, o not support a Black front business if you are not sure hold on to your money until you know for sure." Get a 1111 BUY BLACK. Get together and form new Black businesses. h r. Talking Drum Bookstore Northeast Alberta St. Thee Barber Shop 407 N.E. Mason . p o n . o r . d by , h . < o tlo w .n a B I . C b u . i n . » . . ,n N t P o n l.n T Northwest Publishing Company Portland, Oregon Ja Bell s Beauty £t Barber Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Ave. Cason's Fine Meats 112 N E. Killingsworth Richard J. Brown Photographer