Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 22, 1987, Page 4, Image 4

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    P a ty - -i
P o rti ,
given The President s Awdicl by the
National Courn il of Bl.f k Studies it
the council's re< ent nai onal r onti
The President ■> Award is
given to an individual who has i"'n
vided outstanding servce * n,..
The award recognizes little '
contributions hi three areas
motion and develupn . nt ■ ,» Hl«». ►
Studies s ’
leadership in the African gkibal
Little, who has been im the PSU
faculty since 1976. oarne I l
M as
ter of Social Work and Ph 0 de
grees from the U n iv e rs ity o f W a s ’
Bill Little Awarded
President's Award
William Little, associate professor
of Black Studies and Urban Studies
at Portland State University, was
N A A C P M o n th ly M noting
The NAACP w ill h o ld its n o o ib ly
general memeberstup meeting >'■
Sunday. April 26 at K in g Ne ijh l •’
hood Facility .it 4 00 j> in
plan to attend
For Colored Girls"
And "Able Met A Brick"
On Stage
Richard J. Brown
Oregon State University's Cortnght Studio Theatre presents a twin bill
Ntozake Shange s For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When
The Ra t txiw Is Enuf and an original production of Able Met A Brick",
d ire, te d by Ron Ben Jarrett
P o la n d . OM. 91 ¡ I I
I.W J H » 9 O '0 1
Butt, piays will be performed April 16. 17. 18 and April 23. 24 and 25th
at 8 ,5 p m in the Cortnght Studio which is located in the Education Hall
uf OSU Campus Corvallis, Oregon
r kets may be purchased at the door $2 00 for students, and $3 00 for
rill others
Free Workshops For Seniors
>is will ret eive information on home security and Medicare at a free.
■ ■ i ¡nt workshop held at Alameda Community School, 2732 NE Fre
in. nt For registration information, contact coordinator Janice Dolan at
?84 1686
Senior Hom e S ecurity, Friday May 1. 10 11 a m Group discussion of
sj ■ il sei only com •••ns of senior citizens, led by a City Crime Prevention
S| m ’ i idlist
M edicare In fo rm a tio n , Friday. April 24. 10 1, a m. (Session I) or Fri
day M a y 22 10 11 a m (Session 21
Discussion led by Healthchoice
The Cleveland High School class
of 1967 has scheduled its 20 year
reunion for the weekend of August
7. A Friday evening get together at
‘the Rafters restaurant is slated for
alumni only Saturday evening the
activity moves to the Columbia
River Red Lion, with a buffet and
dance for alums and their spouses
Sunday afternoon is family day at
Woodstock Park
For more information about re
union activities, or if you can help
locate missing and out of state gra
duates, call Gary Purpura, 775 2461
or Joanne Fuller Johns, 254 0113
Policeman Gives
Limited Testimony
L ean
G round B e e f
Before Auditing
by Jerry Garner
Last Thursday, three Portland
policemen were scheduled to testify
tiefore the Police Internal Investiga
lions Auditing Committee IPIIAC)
concerning a police misconduct
charge brought tiefore the Commit
tee by a Black man However, only
one policeman testified briefly
Although a Multnomah County
district |udge had ruled that the
Auditing Committee has the power
to mako (Xilico officers testify before
it. the actions by the policemen
shows that the Portland Police
Association is still trying to circum
vent the Committee's authority
When members of the Committee
asked one of the policemen involved
in the case specific questions regar
ding the incident, the policeman re
peatodly claimed faulty memory or
told the Committee that the ques
tions were outside their jurisdiction
After this went on for several
minutes, Committee members and
the policeman s attorney agreed to
cease questioning until each officer
reviewed the taped interview they
made with the Bureau's internal
investigation regarding the incident
The case was brought tiefore the
Audit Committee back in 1984 by
Barry J. Franklin. Franklin alleges
that in March 1984. two Portland
policemen on horses stopped him in
the downtown area without justifi
cation and proceeded to physically
abuse him with their horses He said
the officers pinned him against the
wall with the horses, grabbed him,
shouted racist epithets and obseni
ties Franklin said the officers then
told him that he had ton minutes to
get out of downtown He said then
the officers chased him on their
horses, and that he was forced to
run into the Meier and Frank store
Franklin later filed a complaint
against the officers with the Bu
reau’s Internal Investigation D ivi
The Bureau ruled that there
was insufficient evidence to sub
stantiate his allegations He accu
sed the Bureau of not investigating
his complaint in an adequate man
ner to reach for the truth, and that
there was selective questioning on
the part of the investigator.
Franklin stated that although he
was frustrated with the fact that his
case hasn't been resolved after al
most three years, he is determined
to press on until he finds out why he
was attacked by the officers
praised the Audit Committee for at
tempting to find out the truth.
"They are trying as hard as they can
to seek the truth and get these offi
cers to testify This is a new situa
tion for them I subpoenaing the offi
cers |."
W ith
S a fe w a y s lean g round
beef is ve rsa tile and
very taste Makes
great h a m burge rs, m eat
loaves, meat balls,
ca sseroles and m ore!
Not to exceed 22°o fat co n te n t!
No L im it!
to r V o U f
q Guide
ete lis t » '
5 on sale
. Saleway
Pork S te a k
B la d e Cut
Safew ay " s e le c t ' corn fed
pork, super trim m e d 1/4-lnch!
Z ee P a p er
T o w e ls
Save Up To 59
Lb , No Lim it!
C ountry P rint. 2-Ply tow els
or 60-C ount Zee N apkins!
Your C hoice!
2 Fo,Sl
P a cific Friend
C hunk Lt.Tuna
Packed in water, 6 5-Oz
can M akes great sa n d w ic h e s '
S a v e U p To 9 8
On 2
Plump, ju ic y and ready to use in your
favorite sprin gtim e treat! Try them
on shortcake, sliced on ice cream and more!
S a v e U p To 9 0 ‘, N o L im it
_____________ /
Prices effective 7-full days from 7 A. M. April 22
thru April 28. 1987, at Safeway Stores in the
immediate area of originating publication.
Sales limited to retail quantities. No sales to dealers.
P in t
C om plete B u tte rm ilk or
W heat/H oney! For d e lic io u s
pancakes, w affles, and m ore!
R u sset
P o ta to e s
G row n in Oregon. U.S.
No. 1 s, all-purpose,
bake, boil or fry!
__________ /
H ead
L ettu ce
Iceberg le ttu c e . . . the
basis for co u n tle s s
salad cre a tio n s!
99* 29!
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No Lim it!
Save Up To 20' Lb.,
No Lim it!