Page 2 „rilanci Observer. April 22. 1987 Along the Color Line CIVIL RIGHTS JOURNAL by I)« M a n ning Mardbfe* A NI WS Of fill SI K \ K I U N H ID ( HURÍ H Of ( U R IS I 0* COMMISSION FOR RACIAI JUSTICE A lc e e L. H a s tin g s W e have been taught to believe that if you'-e tried and found not guilty by a jury of your peers, you can not be tried again They call it double jeopardy Well, it seems this only applies if you are not an African Arne rican federal |udge who consistently speaks out against the inequities of the legal system, as they are applied against the poor and the powerless This is the q u an da ry is w h ich J u d g e A lcee L Has lin g s fin d s him self Ju d g e Hastings, a p p o in te d by Pre sident C arter, w as th e firs t A fric a n A m e rica n ju d g e nam ed to the federal be nch in Florida He is n o w being re co m m e n d e d for im p ea chm en t by the U S Jud icia l C onference ttie jio lir.y m aking arm of the federal |udi Clary The im p ea chm en t a tte m p t is supposedly based on brib e ry charges o f w h ich Ju d g e H astings was a cq u itte d in 1983 Rem em ber that w o rd "a c q u itte d Jud ge H astings was fo u n d not g u ilty after a fu ll trial, yet the Ju d icia l C onference has decided Io try him again That panel is headed by Chief Ju stice o f the Suprem e C ourt W illia m H R ehnquist W e fin d it p a rticu la rly in te restin g th a t R ehnquist is leading the attack against Ju d g e Hastings, given the dam ag ing evidence presented d u rin g his c o n firm a tio n hearings, b e fore fie was a p p o in te d Chief Justice W it nesses te stifie d th a t w hen R ehnquist was a lawyer back in Phoenix. and w o rk in g a ctive ly for the R epublican Party, the y had seen him harrassing A frica n A m erican and Hispanic vote rs in Phoenix He w as seen m illin g around the (»oils, qu e stio n in g vote rs ab ou t their q u a lifi i ations, and u n jily in g tha t tfie y m ig h t be do in g som e th in g illegal by vo tin g But no one trie d to im peach R ehnquist fo i th is clear v io la tio n o f vo tin g rig hts In fa ct, fie was p ro m o te d to Chief Justice A lso revealed d u rin g the Senate c o n firm a tio n hear mgs w as w h a t c o u ld on ly be lalteled ju dicial m iscon du ct As a S uprem e C ourt Justice, R ehnquist heard a i ase in w h ich he had been a< liv e ly in volve d before In s a p p o in tm e n t to th e C ourt The case in volve d a la w soil filed to challenge the A rm y 's .e of anti H e re a p o p quiz 1 W h o is P ortland s No 3 em p lo yer, be hind Tektro nix and Fred M eyer? (It's the 5.300 em ployee O re g o n Health S i irtni es U n iversity, w h ic h n o t on ly edur ates dental, m edical and nursing stu d e n ts tin t also operates U n iversity H o spita l, C rippled C h ild re n 's D ivision and de ntal clin ics I 2 W h a t higher e d u ca tio n in s titu te a ttra cts up to a half m illio n dollars annu ally to tho Coos Bay area? (It's the O regon In s titu te o f M arine B io lo gy at C harleston w h o s e rece nt S3 75 m illio n in n e w c o n s tru c tio n adds even gre ater p o te n tia l for a ttra ctin g professional < on ferences to O re g o n 's sou th coast .) 3 W h o h e ljie d the C ity o f S u m p te r (p o p u la tio n 1451 d ra ft an a p p lica tio n for sewer fina ncing? (It was the Regional Services In s titu te a, Eastern O regon S tate College, La G rande I war activists d u rin g the N ixon A d m in istra tio n W h ile at th e J u s tic e D e p a rtm e n t. R ehnquist he lp ed the N ixon A d m in is tra tio n de ve lo p the p o lic y on w h ic h the surveillance w as based In 1971 he presented tha t a d m in istra tio n s defense o , the surveillance d u rin g Sen Sam Erw in's S enate c o m m itte e hearings in to d o m e stic spying In fa ct, a cco rd in g to Professor C h ristop her Pyle, then on the Erw in C om m ission s ta ff. R ehnquist b ro u g h t the A rm y 's records to the Ju stice D e pa rtm e nt ju st so ttie E iw m c o m m itte e c o u ld not subpoena them Then, one year later R ehnquist became a S uprem e C ourt Ju stice He the n cast the de cid in g vo te w h ich dism issed ttie la w suit file d against ttie surveillance he helped engineer For th is legal legerderm ain J u stice R ehnquist was not im peached fie was n o t even cha rge d H ow ever, as a friend o f the Reagan A d m in is tra tio n fie tias strong allies Justice H astings has no such frien ds In fact, he has been .1 stro n g critic o f the cu rre n t ad m in istra tio n on just about every judicial p o in t has com e before his bench For exam ple, he tilo c k e d the d e p o rta tio n of Haitian im m ig ra n ts, in d ire ct c o n flic t w ith Reagan Ad m in istra tio n po licy Reagan has added 3(X) fudges to the federal judiciary Of those five are A frica n A m erican T h o u g h Jud ge H astings has already been fo u n d in no cent in a c o u rt of law it is this federal |udir lary w in ch n o w star.ds in lo dgem ent o f him This is clearly a test case The Reagan A d m in istra tio n as it a tte m p ts to sha jie the federal ju d icia ry in its im age, un de rsta nd s the threat o f Blur k federal ju dg es For. .ill federal fudges are a p p o in te d for life supposedly so tfiey w ill n o t he susi ep tlbfe to po lite al m an ip ula tion If this A d m in is tra tio n is able to fell p o litica l dissidents, like J u d g e H astings th ro u g h im p e a ch m e n t, it w ill be only the b e ginning • N ew port H atfield Marine St tern e Center is nut only a w o rld i enter fo i m arine research but also a m.i|or tou rist dra w that welt om e i) m ore than 336.(XX) visitors in 1986 alone • Salem Western Oregon St offered 161 o ff arnpus. Salem area i redit courses durin g ,985 86 w as re< en tly au thorized to offer a bachelor's degree in jiu b lic p o lii y and a d m in istra tio n designed for 14.000 state em ployees in M arion C o un ty T echn ology E ducation au th o rize d by the 1985 Legi slature delivers high te c h n o lo g y ( lasses and w ork shops to corp ora te si le ntists and w o rk in g engineers in tlie Sunset C orndoe w e st o f P ortland M e a nw hile O regon H ealth Sciences U n iversity Hos jn tias i ared for p a tie n ts fro m every O regon co u n ty O H S U 's C rippled C h ild re n 's D ivision operates clinics in M e d fo rd and Eugene and p u ts travelin g clinics in Bend. Coos Bay. Corvallis P endleton and R oseburg The 11 m em bers of th e O regon S tate Board o f H igher and Portland O regon S tate U n iversity alone figu res it has 69 lor a lio n s across the state, in clu d in g Extension Services o ffic e s in each o f O regon s 36 c o u n tie s O SU s A g ri cu ltu ra l Experim ent S ta tio n has scie ntists stu d yin g g ro w in g o f fru its, vegetables, grains and livestock at A u ro ra Burns. H e rm iston, H ood River, K lam ath Falls M e d fo rd , M o ro , O ntario. Pendleton, Redm ond and U n io n a research s ta tio n at H arbor, sou th of Brook mgs. w o rk s w ith Easter lily gro w e rs, and a fisheries c u ltu re sta tio n on N etarts Bay. near Tillam ook pet fo rm s salm on research. • A sto ria O SU s S eafoods Laboratory a ttra ctin g sea food scie ntists fro m ,5 20 co u n trie s annually, per fo rm s research on ne w p ro d u cts (such as using Pacific w h itin g , or hake, for im ita tio n cra b p ro d u cts! and im p ro vin g e xistin g processing techniques • Bend U n iversity o f O rego n's Pine M o u n ta in Ob e d ito rs , p h a rm a c is ts v e te rin a ria n s , nurses, s to re m anagers and in o th e r trades and professions W it,to u t qu estio n, pu blic higher e d u ca tio n is serving the entire state in si ores o f w ays For higher ed uca tion , the real test is h o w w ell w e are serving Oregon s citizens serva to ry is the Pacific N o rth w e s t's only year rou nd research ob se rva to ry Equipped w ith the re g io n ’s lar gest telescope it is k n o w n for discoveries such as those on black hole, bina ry and m ag ne tic stars Located 35 W ill,am F D<«v,s i t chancellor o f the O re g o n Slat»* S ystem o f H igher f i l m at »on Portland Observer lU S P S MDt (MihMhed avary Thursday by fa»a Pobfc\h«ng C om pany k x 1483 N I tfrfknqs M ^ lb P - x HU k w I Oregon M l o » f . « fen a 313? Portland O e q n n 977GR S e c o n d , lavs postage pa«d at Pndlarxl Oregon Tha M v r /tta r /Í J fh rrtrr U S 00 pet MfMBER PER founded IM S The racial in cid e n ts at Purdue are o n ly one m in o r exam ple o f a g ro w in g na tio n a l crisis the e s c a la tio n of racial vig ila n tism and violence against Blacks at pre d o m in a te ly w h ite universities A sho rt list o f dozens o f cam puses in cid e n ts includes the fo llo w in g cases A t the U n ive rsity o f Alabam a in Tuscaloosa, a cross was to rc h e d in fro n t o f a ne w Black so ro rity house At the U n iversity o f Texas A u stin , w h ite rea ction ary stu d e n ts have fo rm e d the A ryan Collegiates, w ith the specific goal o f elim in a tin g all Blacks and o th e r " o u t spoken m in o ritie s fro m their cam pus At M in n e so ta 's Pillsbury B aptist Bible College, a Black form er stu d e n t filed disc rim m a tio n charges, asserting tha t the in s titu lio n d isciplin ed 3 la c k s m ore severely than w h ite s, and that he w as also fo rb id d e n by colleg e a d m in istra to rs to date a w h ite w o m a n A t the U n ive rsity o f C olorado, a w h ite fra te rn ity circu la te d posters on Dr M a rtin Luther King Jr s. B irth d a y o f a revealing p o rtra it o f a Black the poster was cap tion ed . "Come Play W ith Me At W ellesley College last Jan ua ry, a w h ite college trustee w h o also o w n e d a Los A ngeles based m an ufac turm g firm dei lared th a t she had tro u b le keeping Black w o rkers fro m g o in g "b a c k to the streets to earn m ore m oney selling drugs The trustee, H e nrie tta H olsm an, was jire ssu ie d to resign from th e board by o u tra g e d Blai k stud ents Bu, a num ber o f w h ite ad m in istra to rs and professors w ere still prepared to ove rlo ok Hols man g a ffe W ellesley e co n o m ics professor M arshal G oldm an insisted th a t people s s e n s itiv itie s " w ere up set tier ause ttie form er trustee had b lu n tly described tier real life experience on the fa c to ry flo o r In aca de m ii life there com es a tim e w h e n you d o n 't tell the tru th a p ftra rt o ve r 140 C o lle g e C a m p u s e s A t tne university o f M ichigan, an outbreak of racist violence culminated in an 18 hour occupation of an adm inistration building by 400 progressive w hite and Black students on March 19 In the wake o f the demon stration. 35 neo Nazis displaying swastikas rallied for w hite supremacy in Ann Arbor subsequently a Black student was threatened by "ly n c h in g " in an anonymous note On March 26. more than one thousand people rallied at Columbia University to protest a racist assault against A fro American students by a gang of w hites And at Northern Illinois University, about 2000 students held an antiracist dem onstration, in the afterm ath o f the distri bution of Nazi like, racist flyers circulated across cam pus When Jesse Jackson was invited to speak at this university this February, a group of w hite thugs yelled racist epithets at people attending the lecture H ow can we explain this upsurgence o f racist vio lence against Blacks on w hite campuses? There are several interrelated factors w hich reinforce the campus clim ate of prejudice and race hatred First, w hite uni versities are rapidly cutting back programs to increase the size of Black students, faculty and staff Most insti tutions make only half hearted e fforts to implement affirm ative action and m inority recruitm ent A t Welles ley, for instance, there are only tw o Blacks out of 124 tenured professors, and in the past 8 years only one m inority person has been granted tenure. A t the Uni versity of Michigan, Black enrollm ent was 7.7 percent in 1976, and has dropped to 5 3 percent today Purdue University has only 15 Black professors, below one half of one percent o, all instructors S tatistics from the American Council on Education indicate that the num ber of A fro Americans enrolled in undergraduate school declined by one fifth between 1980 and 1985 Black Studies and other academic programs w hich reinforce cultural diversity are being destroyed or reduced Not surprisingly, w hite students receive the unam biguous message that it is "o k a y " to exhibit racist tendencies Similarly, given the Reagan adm inistration's overt hosti lity tow ards civil rights, many w hite youth logically con elude that their bigotry is sanctioned even by their "com m ander in c h ie f." Campus racism ca n 't be uprooted unless there is a firm com m itm ent to social justice, racial equality and affirm ative action in our governm ent, courts, the eco nomic system and society as a whole Universities only m irror the racist realities o f American life The R o o ts o f O u r T ro u b le s by A lexander R Jon es The fp< ent indie en ts o f racial violent in N ew York and G eorgia, w h e re Blacks are harassed beaten and killed fu n d a m e n ta lly have n o th in g to do w ith race al all Tlie n x it of this in sa n ity goes m u ch deeper than a m ere layer of skin It is co u ch e d in the insane .m il c o n tin u o u s co m p u lsio n to suppress other people; any people Take aw ay the easy identifier o f rat e and these anti socials w o u ld fin d other people to atta ck It w o u ld n 't m atter as long as tfiey had som e decent g ro u p u p on w h ich to spew their ven om There are tw elve specific ch a racteristics and m en ta l a ttitu d e s whi< h cause afrout 20% o , a race to c o m p u l sively seek to harm o th e rs Just a fe w o , these a ttn (nites give im m e d ia te in sigh t in to the type o , th in k in g th a t led to the b ru ta l racial events w e have re ce n tly w itn esse d • i f " ' anti - c personality habitual . w ro n g targe t I, a tire is flat fro m d rivin g over nails, he or she curses a com panion. • I ins typ, I pa i •, ■ . • ■ ■ ai tion s and fig h ts against co n s tru c tiv e or h e lp fu l actio n or a ctivities • Hatping others is at ai tivrty iMw h d- The 11 m em bers of the O regon S tate Board o f Higher E ducation, w h o s e t sta te w id e p o licy for pu blic higher ed uca tion , are residents o f Coos Bay. Corvallis. Elmira. La Grande, M e d fo rd . P ortland and Veneta In a d dition, it w o u ld tie hard to im agine any O regon co m m u n ity ttia t does n o t be ne fit fro m graduates o f the sta te 's colleg es and u n ive rsitie s w h o are w o rk in g as architects, d o cto rs law yers, a cco u n ta n ts, teachers, Consider some other examples Tha During this spring semester at Purdue University, a series o f racist incidents has polarized the entire com rnunity This January 25, a Ku Klux Kian style cross burning occurred on the lawn o f the university's Black Cultural Center The next m onth, a racist threat was carved on the office door of a Black administrator Uni versity officials responded w ith "benign n e g le ct," at best W hen asked w hat actions should be taken to deal with campus racism and specifically the cross burning, Purdue President Steven Beermg advised Blacks to forget it ' Outraged, over 150 students, faculty and staff protested the adm inistration's at best casual and indeed callous approach to race relations w om an A u »» hj f he Cufcx L<*c • M e Hi >"f Mary Phipps Medford < an pus 1 i ■ tiy S ou thern O regon S t.ite College, served 5 (XX) citi zens last year w ith cred it and non i redit ( lasses .in Other ?00 jie o jile were served by the college s R egional Serve es In stitu te • Washing« in Ci >unty Oreg Yes the reach o f O regon jiu b lic higher ed u ca tio n exte n d s far b e yo n d the eight cam puses in La Grande. A sh la n d . M o n m o u th . K lam ath Falls, C orvallis, Eugene rfrfe 1% ( x o f e t w * o f w x io fo g y a n d p o M < a* M t e n r e •»»»••« »».»lonaBy R a cism on W h ite S u p p o rt J u d g e m iles sou thw e st of Bend o ff H ighw ay 20. it is open to ttie public e ve iy evening you ve done w ell • MM- n e w x n t» A ll A fric a n A m e rica n judges are at risk w ith these p ro i eedings W e m ust n o t let Ju d g e H astings stand alone In fat t w e need m ore federal ,ridges like Jud ge Hastings w tio are not afraid to speak ttie tru th If you get even ono a n s w e r right, M ennm q M. « I Pu»fK *r U m v t f M t y eve t*% h ed m 1^M> yea- r , tha Tn ( area m a tta » Sand arktreea , ha» »get to tha Avrfcr»«/ Roa 313? Portland O r e g o n i n A lfn it I H e n iirm o i ! A ! M illitim i, ( ir n r r u l Alanagrr P o at PO r 288 0033 N a tio n a l A d v a t lix m q A a p ia x a m a iiv « A tn a lq a n ta la d P u b h x h a i« N a w V o i* In . social personality nearly berserk tht A ctivitie s, ho w e ver, w hich destroy in the name o, help are closely sup ported Such attitu d e s can be seen in the psychiatrist w h o prom otes lobotom ies for Blacks as a "cure for ghetto rioting, or in the IRS agent w ho shuts dow n a m ulti m illion dollar concern because of $10,000 in back taxes, or in the Klansman w ho blames Blacks for everything from unem ploym ent to poor garbage removal W hen the anti social moves on a relatively small scale, we can have things like murders, rapes and senseless racial violence W hen he moves on a large scale, we can have a Hitler blitzkrieging his way through Europe The way to stop such people is to expose and label them for wha, they are whenever they surface Truth be know n, they are the enemy of all decent people, and once identified, will be shunned liy most M ost im portantly, however, we have to realize that am, social characteristics have nothing to do w ith race Black or white, male or female, the anti social person ality is hard at work, denying freedom, causing terror, and dragging good character through the mud A lexa n d er K Jonea i t the D»rm lo r o f M in o rity and Third W o rld A ffa irs for th e C hu rch o f St te n to io y y iR ) In te rn a tio n a l EDITORIAL/OPINION C a m p a n is Id e o lo g y S h a re d B y M a n y The racist remarks made by former Los Angeles Dod ger executive Al Campams about Blacks during an inter view w ith ABC TV host Ted Koppel on Nightline several days ago is shared by many in society Koppel asked Campams why, after 40 years since Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in major league baseball, there are no African American field managers and few Blacks in baseball management positions Campams responded w ith this statem ent, " I d o n ’t be lieve it s prejudice. I truly believe tfiey I Blacksl may no, have some of the necessities to be, let's say. a field manager I don , say all of them, bu, how many quar terbacks, how many pitchers, do you have that are Black?" Campams believes that the m ajority of African Amen cans are inferior to whites in ability, and, therefore, should no, be given positions of leadership or respon sibility His racist ideology is shared no, only by base ball owners and executives, bu, by football and basket ball owners, as well. Racism is still a serious problem in our society Under the Reagan adm inistration racism has become more over, People are exhibiting their bigotry openly be cause the president and other public leaders are sending ou, the message tha, " it's o ka y" to do so This explains w hy Campams gleefully made his racist remarks before a national audience on Nightline. African Americans are jus, as capable as w hites in becoming baseball managers, and football and basket ball coaches Racism, and racism only, prevents them from achieving this goal This explains w hy w hites like Billy Martin can be fired as a baseball manager over and over again, while Blacks like Joe Morgan and Ernie Banks are never given an opportunity to manage in the major leagues Professional sports isn't the only institution w hich discriminates against African Americans. Corporate America, police departments, institutions of higher lear ning, e tc ., are also guilty The remarks by Campams; the Howard Beach, New York and the Cummings, GA, incidents are all remin ders tha, racial bigotry is still a cancer in the United States and tha, some individuals are denied equal op portum ties here because o f their skin pigm entation Such biases must be eradicated if this nation as a whole is to survive