WORK PROCESSING SUPERVISOR EM PLOYM ENT O P P O R T U N IT IE S PUBLIC BUILDING ENERGY AUDITORS Finance ft A d m in is tra tiv e Services N W Regional Educational Lab M U LTN O M A H COUNTY The Oregon Department o f Ener gy IO D O E l is developing a current list of individuals and firm s qualified to conduct energy audits o f public buildings W ord Processing Center, a sub unit of the C om puter Service Center, provides w o rd proces sing services to units o f the Lab oratory. Duties mcl analyzing daily activities o f the Center, re sponding to problems and needs, organizing projects, assisting units w ith overload production work, com m unicating w ith opera tors via memos, newsletters or meetings, and developing the Center as a resource for opera Tors. Qualifications incl 2 yrs exp in the operation o f W ang w ord processing equipm ent; 1 yr su pervisory experience, preferably in w ord processing operation, experience in W ang glossary; ability to organize w ork and set priorities; ability to type 70 wpm w ith accuracy; ability to work well w ith others Salary $16 541 to $18,200 depending on qualifi cations Send resume and cover letter indicating you are applying for the position of w ord proces sing supervisor, to O D O E w ill conduct A dm inistrative Assistant C able R e g u la to ry C o m m is s io n S '9 .3 1 J - 25 098 annually p ro ­ vides operational and adm inistra tive support to the M ultnom ah C able R egulatory C om m ission, responds to and resolves com plaints and inquiries regarding cable television service perform s staff w ork for Commission meet ings. p re p a re s and m onitors budgets co ntracts and franchise tee revenue projections apply pv May 1. 1987 20 50 energy audits of public buildings between May 1987 and July 1988 Audits not done by O D O E staff will be done by individuals or firms under c o n ­ tract to 0 D 0 E The number and type of audits done by con tractors is unknown A Request For Qualifications (RFQ) that more fully describes potential auditor qualifications is available from O D O E RFQ subm ittals are due May 8 1987 For a copy o f RFQ please call or w rite Oregon D e p a rtm e n t of Energy A TT N M ik e Byers 625 M ario n St N E Salem . OR 97310 Phone (503) 378 2856 RESERVE POLICE OFFICERS WANTED Personnel O ffic e N o rth w e s t Regional E ducational Laboratory 101 S W M a in St . S uite 500 Portland. OR 97204 The Portland Police Bureau's Re serve Division is now accepting applications for Reserve Police Officers Reserve Police Officers perform a variety of duties such as park patrol, enforcem ent of traffic and criminal laws, crow d and traffic control at parades and other events, dignitary protec lion, and a number of crime pre vention related activities A ppli I cants must be between 21 and 65 A pplications m ust be received by 3 p m., on April 29, 1987 Equal O pportunity Employer HELP WANTED LARGE EXPANDING Central Oregon M oulding Co looking for career minded individuals $5 85 to $7 50 hourly depending on work history Average wage $9 hourly Excellent benefits, p ro fit sharing, tronuses Mail resumes ! years of age, possess a valid dri ver s license, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be a U S citizen by their date of appointm ent as a Reserve Police O fficer A pplicants m ust also be of good moral character w ith no history of crim inal involvement For more inform ation, call I O P O Box 108B Dallas, OR 97338 JOBS Trade Magazine 1463 N E Killingsworth » ’ E m ploym ent Proqram Trainer $ 19.69b annually tra in s ju v e n ile o ffenders in e ffective job search techniques tests and interviews individuals with em ploym ent riers to assist in vocational gm dance apply by May 1 1987 Inform ation System s Manager $35 997 46 8 7 6 a n n u a lly . M ultnom ah C ounty is seeking an experienced individual to be re sponsible for the developm ent a n d m a in te n a n c e o f co m puterized inform ation system s prim ary responsibilities include supervising and directing a staff of 22 com puter system s analysts a n d p ro g ra m m e rs , p ro v id in g consultation and advice on sys terns developm ent and m ainte nance to using departm ents and o ve rse e in g large scale develop m ent or m ajor m odification pro jects apply by May 1 1987 W HERE TO APPLY r ♦- * M ultnom ah County E m ployee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland. OR 97204 An Equal O pportunity Employer POSITION OPEN A d v e rtis in g O u ts id e Sales Full tim e classified position W orking w ith autom otive and real estate accounts Fast paced com petitive market Sales experience helpful Salary, t. ‘ « * f com m ission and mileage Excel lent com pany benefits Send re sum« and or letter o f application to Times Publications, A tten tion Kelly Gallagher. P O Box 37(7 Beaverton, OR TV07S 243 7916 Sgt Beth M u lvih ill Reserve C oordinator April 22. 1987, JOBS, Page 5 r.', •»*?>!» , •. ■>t •- • • ‘ ' - » ra » » • .. ■■,- - • > r . « ‘ * A ■ • ‘ -r . •• ,» •V . 1 b .’ » • * w • * 4 • 'i ■ * *. 1 J -JX* i