April 15, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 9 CL A SSIF!ED A D VER T IS I N G Attention Renters NOTICE “Thke one from m e... The Housing A u th o rity of W ashington C ounty is accepting A udit p ro ­ posals, until 5 00 p m .. May 8, 1987, for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1986 thru June 30, 1987 Additional inform ation and audit contract can be obtained at the Housing A u th o rity Of fice, 560 S E Third Avenue, Hillsboro, Ore gon, or by calling 648 8511. D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. Dewey Taylor II * „ ' If you work for yourself and you make at least $4(M) a year, you must tile a tax return. Don't gel knocked for a loop on this one. Equal O pportunity Employer BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FIGURE SHAPING TA BLES Open your own figure salon or add to your «Misting business w ith the Stauffer Fi gure Shaping Tables Buy Factory Direct. 13121 234 9547 DBA: PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR W ALL & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING & MOVING MASONARY WORK EARN $$$$$ FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED. BONDED 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMODELING11" " c ^ e P ' s CALL TODAY c,e Cvo ' p o '.ci­ d '* c ' to jaxne 287-7353 BUSINESS OPPO RTUNITIES MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE EXCLUSIVE Hi TECH m anufacturer of shop liftin g pi vention pro ducts systems seeks individual com pany for regional distribution, due to massive grow th and demand Call col lect, M r Grant 16041 255 5178 Q U ALITY MOBILE homes1 Best prices in Oregon Mariettas Redmans and pre ow n ed homes; deliver ed anywhere Nobody treats our deal' W ild w ood Mobile Homes 1800 422 0341. W hite City. Oregon W ork from home $60 per 100 inserting enve lopes inform ation send stamp to K S E n te rp ris e s P O B ox 1501 H B lo o d fie ld N J 07003 JEEPS FOR SALE FOR SALE COMFORT INN b RVs 652 cheers for The Home Team. 40 ROOMS. 30 RVs GOOD CASH H O W For absentee owner or retired couple Spo kane. W A Contact M a ll H a w kin s CC IM 509 83B 2811 tomes S Black f j CO Com men ial Inc , SO 107. Howard St . Spokane W A 99204 PROPERTY FOR SALE LUSH, RIVERFRONT Camas Valley working cattle ranch 77 acres including possible 5 acre building site $145.000 w ill trade Sanders. 354 Sunlake Dr , Lakeside, OR 97449 15031 759 4494 PERSONALS BANKRUPTCY $75 stops collectors, law suits ft garnishments DIVORCE $65 no court hearings, com plete preparation of all legal docum ents le g a l Alternatives, Inc , 15031 255 3412 or 1 800 642 2208 PERSONALS la s t year, real estate agents throughout Oregon and S.W. Washington sold 652 III 1» homes They sold them to first time home buyers, to repeat home buyers and to investor home buyers. And the best part was that each and every home buyer got a good, honest value. So if you're looking tor a truly affordable home, ask your real estate agent about 1111» homes in your area. Or cheek our HI I) listings ad in the M ISC FOR SALE GESTETNER DUPLI C ATIN G SYSTEM AND SCANNER Used sten cil duplicator. Gestet ner 466s. and scanner, Gestefax 473, in good condition Misc. sup plies available stencils, ink, etc $1000 or best offer Contact Eileen at ONPA. 15031 684 1942 classified section ol your Friday or Sunday < »regonian. Go w ith I'he Home Team. We ll give you something to cheer about. ADOPTION PLEASE W arm , secure home w aiting to welcome a newborn Call collect 124 hoursl attorneys Ravel and Lach 14081 P O Box 288 7100, 7575, San Jose, CA 95150 PERSONALS I l l I) and your real estate agent... We re The I lome Team a HUD OF PARTMCNT OF MOUSING ANO URBAN D F V tlO P M F N T ir PREGNANT CON FUSED7 Choose alter native w ith Love ADOPTION We are a happily married, finan cially secure, childless, couple w ho wish to a dopt an infant into out hearts and home j Please answer our pra ' yers and call our attor ney 1(4081 288 7100 ‘ collect. 24 hours Government Surplus Jeeps appraised at $3,196 00, sold for $44 00 For details You may qualify for Housing Assistance under the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program for low income families, handicapped, disabled and elderly persons The Housing A u th o rity of Clackamas County w ill be accepting applications for families w ho qualify for one. tw o three tour and five bedroom units effective April 27, 1987 at 8 30 a m. Eligibility will be based upon incom e and family size Assistance is in the form of a rent subsidy and may be provided in the home in w hich you pre sently live, subject to program criteria We will Ire accepting applications for the Sec­ tion 8 Rental Assistance Program until 5 00 p m . June 1. 1987 Any applications subm itted after this date will be returned In addition to the above program, the Housing A uthority w ill accept applications for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program Unlike the assistance program, there is no opening closing date applications are always welcomed This rogram utilizes specific units w h ich have been rehabilitated to bring them up to program standards Applicants will be offered these remodeled units in Clackamas C ounty according to date applied and bedroom size required Rent paid by the family will be based upon the household's income The w aiting list for the Moderate Rehabilua tion Program is generally shorter than othei wait ing lists Occupants of and applicants on the present w aiting list for public housing and other assisted housing must specifically apply for the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program and or Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program if you wish to participate Applicants for the Section 8 programs w ill not lose their place on the public housing w ailing list For further inform ation, call 655 8267 lute rested families may apply for the programs al Housing Authority of Clackamas County 13930 S Gain Street Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Call 1 312 830 2260 EQUAL M XADK OPFOUTUBITT AUTOS FOR SALE CARS JEEPS b TRUCKS Under $300' Now aval (able at Local GOV'T sales Also g o v't SIEZEO vebk les Call 1 518 459 3734 Ext J 6061A for your direc tory to purchase SHAPE UP Shape and Tone Up for Spring Lose up to ,5 inches Body wrapped kil $35 00 VISA or Mastercharge accep ted 283 4589 POSITION OPEN Production Five day m etropolitan business newspaper seeks com petent layout paste up person w ith at least 5 years experience in make up and markup of both classified and display adver tisements Duties w ill include lifting heavy equipm ent, maintenance w ork, and cleaning Hours are from B a m to 4 30 p.m . 19'hr , 24 paid days o ff annually, medical and dental; no weekend work Contact All Hassanni. Pro duction Manager, Portland Business Today. P 0 Box 10127, Portland, OR 97210 ( 5031 226 1311 V A C A TIO N /E N TE R TA IN M E N T SFASIDE 3 nights starting $43 50 total per couple including breakfast Available Sunday Thursday (no holidays). Private baths, color TV. some kitchens Brochure Riverside Inn 738 8254 M ISC FOR SALE '3 0 0 '' ROSS TRIPL1 SLUICE. $10,000. D9 18A angle blade, drum, canopy, 75% undercar nage, $10.000. Unused 250 pound electric smeller furnace, spare 1 crucible, $1.200. Pren lice Model 50 w tw ist o wrist grapple, trailer mounted, $4 500 cus tom built 8 12" diesol, suction dredge, 114,000 OBO 1955 In tornational 4x6. 5 yard dump truck, licensed, operating. $1.200. 30x 24 Ball mill w (rower, $2,500 1503) 592 3358 FIN A N C E / OPPORTUNITIES REAL ESTATE LOANS. Example $15,000, 5 years, 14 'A % , $250 m onth. Balloon $8993. costs $2,550. Apr 22 5 Espirit M ortgage 1503 ) 370 4400 Salem. OR PERSONALS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ADOPTION W e're a loving Christian couple EXCELLENT opp o rtu n ity Commercial Ag eagerly searching for a operation, equipm ent, shop, storage Nice 4 baby to adopt. Our bedroom home 5 8 acre wooded site. Central lovely, large hom e in a W illam ette Valley Complete package $230,000 No Realtors 503 864 2277 country like atm os phere awaits All pre gnancy related, medi SCHOOLS INSTRUCTION legal expenses ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog cal, nized training sr hool Free nationwide placement paid Call our Portland incredible demand Contact NNI 2100 NF Broad attorney collect (503) way. Suite 3F. Portland, OR 9/232 Tel 15031 222 2474 284 1240 Call collect REAL ESTATE FOR SALE M ISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HALF PRICE1 50% o ffl, Our best, large flashing arrow sign $339' Lighted, non arrow $329' U nlighted $269' Free letters' See locally Call to d a y1 Factory 1 800 423 0163 anytime PIC K U P S/C A N O P IE S DISCOUNT PICKUP CANOPIES Pay net To tern prices 150 Brahmas. 350 Totem alumi num Free price list, phone FREE 1 800 452 91,3. 9 am to 5 pm 7 days Totem M fg Inc. Salem "BRO O K HAVEN" planned co m m u n ity, 55 years and over, 42 units, no exterior main tenance, clubhouse, sauna, te n n is/cro q u e t courts, horseshoe pits, B B Q /p icn ic areas; se cunty gate Prices start at $87,950 B uilding site sales o ffice . (503) 469 5118 or (503 ) 469 3761, M bF B uilding Company, P o . Box 1178, B rookings OR 97415