Page 8. Portland Observer. April 15, 1987 G ra n d m o th e rs A g a in s t Drugs to H old O pen House Grandmothers Against Drugs, a newly formed N E Portland organization assisting children of parents suffering from substance abuse, has announ ced plans to host an open house to commemorate its grand opening on Monday. April 20th. 1987 The program, housed at 4128 ME Union Ave., Portland, also s e rv o hot meals to the children and operates under the direction of Mrs Vera Benson, long time welfare rights activist and 1987 Jefferson Award reci pient A recent request for donations was quite successful." states Mrs Bai’ son. "but items such as food, clothing, and other necessities are «¡Jill needed ." J The open house is scheduled to begin at 5 pm with child care provirffd for parents who bring toddlers Seniors are especially welcomed For } formation, call 281 1611 or 281 1927 i HOW MCICH DID YOG PAY FOR YOGR LAST TGNE-GP? $100 $80 90 ■ COMPLETE The law firm of Royce Sw anson and Thom as w as honored at the 50th Anniversary Banquest of the N ational Lawyers Guild IN LG I The firm is involved w ith the Law yers' C o m m ittee on Central A m er ica. NLG's Litigation C o m m itte e . NLG s Labor C o m m itte e . NLG s Sub C om m ittee on Toxic Tort Litigation and tho N LG ’s Crim inal Defense C o m m itte e They w ere involved in the successful defense of anti apartheid protestors, they successfully defended a m em ber of the A m erican Indian M o v e m e n t and brought the issue of the U S G overnm ent s role in C entral A m erica before the Bar and the public Seated from L R are M ichael Royce. Doug S w anson and Ray Thomas Photo by R ichard J Brown M oving? Give N ew Address to IRS and Post O ffice Have you moved? Is so and you are expecting a federal refund check, you need to notify your pre vious post office of your address change Postal carriers are instructed to forward federal refund checks if there is a new address If not, refund checks are returned as unde liverable to the IRS This causes a delay in getting your refund of at least eight weeks Don't delay, notify your post of fice today Blood Pressure Clinic S enator Jim Hill testifies supporting House Bill 2001 introduced by Rep M arg aret C arter last w eek The bill calls tor d ivestm ent of funds from com panies doing business w ith the m inority g o vern m en t of So A frica In an a fte rn o o n of testim ony, only tw o people testifying did not support the bill Photo by Richard J Brown A public Hypertension I blood pressure) Screening clime is sche duled Thursday May 7. from 1 30 3 p m , at the King City Retirement Center 11777 S W Queen Eliza beth, King City The clinic will be staffed by registered nurses from Meridian Park Hospital, Tualatin The clinics are scheduled the first Thursday of each month appoint ments are not necessary, and there is no charge For more information, call 692 2656 The C rucible The Catlin Gabel Players will per form "The Crucible by Arthur Mil ler at the Gabel Center for the Per forming Arts on Thursday, April 30, Friday. May 1 and Saturday. May 2, at 8 00 p m A matinee on Sunday. May 3, is scheduled for 1 00 p m Admission prices are $2 00 for adults and SI 00 for stu dents The Gabel Center is located at 8825 S W Barnes Road on the Catlin Gabel School campus lor 4, 6 a n d 8 cylinder cars, in c lu d in g parts a n d labor, b a c k e d up by 6 ,0 0 0 m ile /6 m o nth w arranty A *- ••W RleJ* • 4 vvWV4»< I (4 <•><% ftf*»f»t $ ft. . »S / ute ■> 4 FT V v l »W »-ta»M I* few» ADJUtTWNTt •*-; •* • <-«••>) PUJt • • - * I V '• •» I • Ar • >N 4 *’< ■><*»•',-s*f l"iiim*i» « « * < *• FREE O ***r 4 'n in t r s H a * ». I ? WHEH YOU BUY A SPAPKS TUNE UP Oft r- UWrtfft ’■•MM h» » Ae Kbe haft 8 4» itftihM 1S ,^«nr.¿ I d O P i 4*« t«r*e, ft* Nt* V» • * Uh • vftM »W» « R 4 « * < lN R t« 4 OIL CHANGE LUBE a n d OIL FILTER M nt * " H lM (5 r I A IR C O N D IT IO N IN G ^S E R V IC E *2 4.90 PO R TLA N D I/O * N I Hrn.xfw.iv St « 12nd f i Hn kXfw.iyl W C 79 90 284 5970 HOUBS M o n th ru En 8 6 Sat 8 4 M )$'♦» »I. J V . J 7 ’ »A A. . ’••»1 . {/tfu /u e 4L- (favusú: . /r tfe n o r /ïe tifo ra fto /t ORIGINAL DUPLICATION FACTORY • AUTO • TRUCK • MARINE • AIRCRAFT Convertible Tops ■ Carpels Boat Tops All Types O l Repairs Landau Tops • Complete Intenors 203-1620 (Special C arpet Sale $95.00 (One Day Service) PRICES S TA R TIN G Convertible Top Body Side M olding Headliners Vinyl Tops Tonneau Covers Seat Repair $225 $30 $110 $96 $95 $30 Price Includes Installation 5510 N INTERSTATE — PORTLAND. OR FREE April Specials at D eath W ith D ignity Lucien Loiseau. referring to the 11 students sus pended for taking over one of the buildings on the Reed campus as héros w as am ong the m any speakers calling for Reed College to divest its funds from com panies doing business in South A frica during a rally last w eek The sus pended students w ill be allo w ed to finish this term but w ill not be allo w ed to return next term Photo by Richard J Brown H appy 100th A S S O C IA T IO N OF O REG ON BLACK LAW YERS M o n th ly S yposium TOPIC The Criminal Justice System From Intake to Sentencing d e s ig n The Urban League of Portland and Oregon Health Decisions are co planning a community meeting presentation on "Death with Dig nity" issues which is open to the public on April 21, 1987 from 1 00 to 3 00 p.m at the Matt Dishman Community Center, 77 N E Knott Mrs Lydia Timms Munford and her brother J T Timms, Jr., of Portland recently attended an event in Mmden, Louisiana, which was in celebration of their father's 100th birthday The Rev James Thomas Timms of Minden was honored by over 75 farm ly members and friends at the surprise birthday party which was capped with a special card from President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy. Rev Timms proudly boasts of 3 daughters, 3 sons, 15 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren, 13 great great grandchildren, 1 sister, 9 nieces, 4 nephews, 2 daughters in law. and 1 brother in law Call 249-1940 Hollywood D istrict 2 0 1 4 NE 42nd Portland. OR FREE FREE w ith M A K E OVER $25.00 $8.00 Reg $32 00 f » p i r n 4 30 87 Let s Go To Th e Rally SPEAKERS The Honorable Aaron Brown, Jr . District Court Judge for Multnomah County; and Roosevelt Robinson. Deputy District Attorney for Multnomah County PCC Cascade Cam pus A u d ito riu m 7 00 to 8 30 P M Thursday, April 23. 1987 Oregon People for Prison Alternatives is sponsoring a rally and visitors strike for family and friends of Oregon prison inmates in support of House Bill 2536 which would provide for extended visiting programs for families at our state prisons The rally will be held on Tuesday, April 28, 1987, at 12:30, on the steps of the State Capitol Building in Salem On that same afternoon, visitors are being urged not to visit inmates at the prison as a show of support for improved visiting programs and as a show of support from the inmates that this issue is important enough for them to sacrifice an afternoon of visits NOTE: The Corrections Division is not sponsoring this rally and, in fact, has confiscated all literature advertising the rally which was sent by our organization to inmates at the Oregon State Penitentiary. LIPSTICK Manicure with Pedicure Designer Curls $45.00 Rog $60 (on Tue» it W ed only) Reg $10 • ■ p ir n 4 30 87 FREE To New Clients ONLY First Tanning Visit w ith purchase of Tanning Packet Tanning P acket • ■ p irn 4 » 87 • ■ p irn 4 30 87 I e « 00 00 00 00 00 00