April 15, 1987, Portland Observer. Paye 7 STOP Is this the Mother s Day you w ill consider becoming a mother (or father) to one of Oregon's special children? A doptive parents are needed for children w ho are older (over age 6), or handicapped or part o f a sibling group, or a member o f a m inority Older, experienced parents and single adults, including men, are w elcom e to apply No fees are charged for the adoption study. For more inform ation, contact Claudia Hutchison at the Special Needs A doption Coalition. 222 9661 The address is 2301 N W Glisan Street Portland, Oregon 97210 f mn I ASPARAGUS c 79 OSU Offers Courses These tw o identical programs are sponsored by OSU Extension Ser vice Food and N utrition Education Program and w ill be held at Univer sity Park C om m unity Center and at LIFE Center "S p en d Less $$$ Eat B etter" is a weekly series of free lessons star ting Monday, April 20 from 1 00 to 2 00 p m at University Park Com m unity Center, 9009 N Foss Port land. Oregon For inform ation, call 254 ,500 The second series of free lessons will be held at LIFE Center every W ednesday, from 2 LX) to 3 00 p m The LIFE Center is located at 2747 N E Union, Portland. Oregon For inform ation, call 254 , 500 Jam es D e P reis t to S peak at First A nnual S acred A rts A w a rd s B e n e fit James DePreist, music director of the Oregon Sym phony Orchestra and internationally recognized conductor, w ill speak at the First Annual Sai red Art Awards Benefit. May 8 7 30 in the Mago Hunt Center at the University of Portland The first of its kind art event w ill be Chaired try Rodney Page executive dire« tor o f Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and Bishop Wald Schmidt of the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon This unique arts event w ill showcase the cultural achievem ents of the Church com m unity in the greater Portland area The evening s activities will include an exhibition of contem porary visual sacred art the p r e s e n t.! tion of awards to artist and patrons There will also be a presentation of the award w inning local Christian perform ing artists in the fields of dance music, and drama The exciting performance w ill be follow ed by an ad dress by James DePreist A public Hypertension (blood pressure) Screening clinic is sche duled Thursday, May 21, 1987, from 1 30 3 p m at Meridian Park Hospi tai, Tualatin The clinic, staffed by hospital nurses and auxiliary volun teers, w ill be held in the first floor cafeteria conference room s There is no charge U S NO Eva Gabor • Born Free Rene of Pans • Andre Douglas y and re • S to re H o u r * 10 00 a rn til 6 00 p rn Monday Thru Saturday 1105 N E Broadway cross from Sdfeerav Lloyd Ceriferi Tel 282 1664 1 LB FRESH. NO. 1 POTATOES MUSHROOMS Thursday, at the April 23rd meet mg of Radical W omen, at 6 30 p m at the D ow ntow n M ultnom ah County Library S W ,0th and Tay lor, a video showing of Oprah Win fre y’s 1 ,4 87 talk show w ill be shown The talk show included feminists, including New York Radical W omen member and actress Emily Woo Yamasaki a s they battled right wing male sexists Join us in viewing and discussing this program Every one is welcome Radical W om en is a socialist tem mist organization dedicated to achieving the full equality of wo men We believe this can be done only by making radical changes in ttie econom ic, social and political structure Because of our oppres sion as women and our often double and triple oppression as women of color and lesbian workers, we have the (>otential to be m ilitant leaders in the struggle for change For more inform ation w rite ,510 N E Brazee, Portland. OR 97212 or «all 249 8067 k J AUSTRALIAI USDA CHOICE STANDING LEG O’ LAMB RIB ROAST WHOLE 6-8 LB AVG. GAINER S OLD FASHIONED OABA Reveals Black Concerns to Goldschmidt SMOKED HAMS P F R M A II UCnlVIflll * TENNER'S YOUR Y U U h CHOICE C M U IC t BOCKWURST or SLICED PEPPER BACON i S I 99 I SHERIDAN FRUIT COUPON Last m onth members of the Oregon Assembldy for Black Affairs (O ABA) met w ith Gov Neil G oldschm idt in Salem to discuss issues concerning Black Oregonians Calvin O L Henry president of O A B A . said he along w ith O ABA vice president Robert Phillips. W illie Richardson, Treasurer. Shirley Minor, Chair, Employment Com m ittee Dr W ilbert Gamble, Chair, Education Committee, and Mu hael Clark discussed a wide range of issues that are im portant to Blacks and other m inorities during the meeting w ith Gold schmidt The issues discussed w ith the Governor were part o f the O ABA resolu tions agreed upon during its ,987 Call to A ction Leadership Conference and the 1986 Oregon Black Political C onvention The concerns include lack of business and econom ic developm ent in Black com m unities, adult and youth joblessness, edu< ation, health services, energy and transportation, and housing to name a few Henry praised Goldschmidt for inviting O ABA to meet w ith him and dis cuss his adm inistration s objectives and the concerns o f Blacks in the state Henry said the O ABA wishes the Goldschm idt adm inistration success, and that his organization is ready to assist the Governor in the "O regon Come b a ck." Henry said although the meeting w ith Goldschmidt was a positive one, O ABA voiced its concerns to the Governor about the A ffirm ative Action Advisory C om m ittee he established The Advisory Com m ittee will evaluate the Governor s A ffirm ative A ction office and develop specific recommend«! tions for expanding and im proving the state's program Henry said, "T h e tim e lines for this raises questions about G oldschm idt’s seriousness concerning A ffirm ative A ction and involving Blacks and others in his adm inistration " Henry feels such a com m ittee should have been established during the transition "S ta te laws establish the Director of A ffirm ative A ction in the office of the Governor O ABA feels that the Governor should appoint his Director of A ffirm ative A ction im mediately, Henry said He said the position can not be moved to the Executive Departm ent w ith o u t Legislative action, and that the Director of A ffirm a tive A ction should have the powers o f the Governor behind him or her for the A ffirm a tive A ctio n program to be sue cessful. Beside the issue of A ffirm a tive A ctio n , O ABA members listed four other areas o f concern to G oldschm idt that they hope to resolve 79 SWEET THOMPSON by Jerry Garner Sale & Restyling LB SEEDLESS GRAPES C Does M ale Chauvinism Exist? Awards w ill be annually presented in several categories, to those p e r s o n s w ho have made outstanding contributions to the cultural life of the Chris tian com m unity However, because the Christian com m unity is filled w ith talent and dedicated artists and patrons, only a few can be singled out for recognition Also receiving recognition at the Sacred A rt Awards Benefit will tie Char ter Members of the Sacred A rt Society Those w ho have taken the lead in supporting a cultural m inistry and witness for the C hun h are Rodney Page and Herbert Zorn o f Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, Catholii Bishop Paul E W.ildSchrrtldl Methodist Bishop, Calvin D Mi Connell Episcopal Bishop Robert L Ladehoff, philanthropist and art patron M intieth Collins freelance artist, Jonathan Maier, Oregon Catholic Press (representative Jean Germano), liturgical architect, J David Richen. the Jesuits of trie Oregon Province, (Fr Robert Pospisil, S J . representative! patrons John Rosenberg and Nancy Faaren, George H Weller Elaine A le w is artist Vaunie Maier liturgical arts adm inistrator, Nathan Zodrow O S B Busr nessman, John Emrick, M etropolitan Arts Commissioner and artist Ed .Carpenter, Skyline Printing Cross Roads and Christian Supply, bookstores and Fr Thomas Oddo, CSC, president of the Umveristy of Portland All proceeds from the benefit w ill be used to further ttie work o f the Sar red A rt Society Tickets should be reserved in advance due to lim ited se.it ing Call 236 2145 for ticket inform ation Master« ard and VISA , ii epted Blood Pressure Clinic NO. 1 SPRING TENDER GREEN SPEARS 1 DOZ "AA" LARGE EGGS LB f: WITH $15.00 OR MORE PURCHASE IN OUR MEAT DEPT. PRESENT COUPON AT TIME OF PURCHASE COUPON GOOD APRIL 15 21, 1987 SAVE!! OVER 250 BULK FOOD ITEMS AVAILABLE DRIED TURKISH FOR YOUR EASTER CELEBRATION FROM SPAIN BRUT MAHGUIS DE MONISTROL CHAMPAGNE CASE ,2 »41 00 THE BUY OF THE St ASON FROM AUSTRALIA GOURMET l APRICOT LOGS COMPARE AT $3 49 LB S E U N IO N & O A K 2 3 5 -9 3 5 3 DAILY 6AM-9PM SUNDAY 6AM-SPM s a w asta PRICES GOOD APRIL 15-21, 1987 J .1 r' •u* • • * ■ w r . » » • «. « • • 4 - * » ¿-e' M " * • » '9 ^ f » I, •* .A / a