Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 15, 1987, Page 18, Image 18

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    S a lo m N ju n u a (R) w ith his tra in e r C lo ria O |e d a cn
tiq u e a v id e o ta p e m a d e d u rin g a m o c k |()b in te rv ie w
can see h o w th e y re a c t to th e in te rv ie w e rs g ues
tio n s
S o m e of th e tra in in g o p tio n s o ffe re d at th e
The P riv a te In d u s tria l C o u n c il as p a rt o f its pre em
p lo y m e n t tra in in g v id eo ta p e s all a p p lic a n ts so th ey
P IC are v o c a tio n a l tra in in g basic skills tra in in g and
J o b C lu b
P h o to by R ich ard J B ro w n
New PIC to TrainThousands
The newly formed Private Industry Council is planning
on providing vocational skills naming, basic skills training,
customized training, on the job naming and pre employ
meni and job search naming from approximately 3 000
youth and adults w ho face significant banters to employ
The training plan w as contained in a draft submitted
Page 8. JO BS. April 15, 1987
by the PIC to the State of Oregon Job Training Partnei
ship Administration
The new PIC is authorized to deve
lop and administer Federal Job Training Partnership Act
IJT P A ) training programs for residents of the City of Port
land M ultnom ah County and Washington County begin
rung July 1. 1987 through June 30, 1988
Funding for
the training will total $5 404 110