CURRENT PROFESSIONAL OPENINGS AT KERR LIBRARY AT OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY O regon S la te U n iversity current ly has four p ro fe ssio nal Librarian p o sitio ns open A ll require an M LS degree or eq uivalent from an A L A a ccre dite d library pro m ents, a system analyst, and an a c co u n tin g clerk R equired 8 years experience in te ch n ica l ser vices in an academ ic se ttin g , ex penence in planning and im ple gram m e n ta tio n o f a u tom ated library system s w ith increasing m ana A d d itio n a l degrees or experience required are listed w ith po sitio n 12 m o n th posi dons w ith fa c u lty sta tu s Rank dependent up on q u a lific a tio n s ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL AUTOMATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES O rganizes, m anages, and coor rim âtes p lan nin g and de veloping t e i hmc al services activities, in bouse a u to m a tio n a ctivitie s and ttie L ib ra ry's overall fin a n cia l sys tern in clu d in g general budget Serves on A d m in is tra tiv e Coun Supervises fieads o f Heads of tech nica l services depart CATALOG LIBRARIAN An Entry level p o sitio n p e rfo rm d original A A C R 2 and advan ed copy c a ta lo g in g on OCLC, using i lassifir a tio n and sub|ect In-.tilings R equired AAC R 2 c l standard i a ta lo g in g practice kno w le dg e library a u tom ated •vsterns and a bib lio g ra p h ic utili ty fa m ila rity Preferred a si iem e tei h n o lo g y ba ckgro und , foreign language com p eten ce (Chinese or Japanese) Applied tion deadline th is po sitio n only M ay 8 1SiB7 Salary $20 000 m in im um gerial supervisory resp on sibility D em onstrated leadership and or ganizational abilities Preferred a second subject m aster's or P h D Salary, $35,000 m in im u m ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN A d m in iste rs centralized acquisi tio n o f library m aterials prim arily o rd erin g, receiving, and accoun tin g for all m aterials (m on og raph s and serials p rin t and n o n p rm t); org am za tion, bu dget m anage m en t, plan nin g and im plem enta tio n o f policies and procedures w ith in the A cq u isitio n s Depart m ent Key person in plan nin g in a u to m a tio n o f acq uisition s and serials co n tro l system s Re quired 3 5 years of increasingly responsible professional ex per lence w h ich includes 2 years in a large academ ic or research library serials and or acq uisition s de p a rtm e n t in an alyzing w o rk pro cesses and plan nin g for applica tio n o f new te ch n o lo g y Orgaru zational, m anagerial, and super visory skills T horo ug h kn o w ledge of book trade A u to m a te d acq uisition s and serial c o n tro l system s kno w le dg e h ig h ly de sireable Salary $30,000 Educational Sem inar: Coping as a The w o rk in g parent is fre q u e n tly i o n fro n te d w ith special 'in te r n s at w o rk and at hom e th e s e in d other tim e ly to p ics w ill t»e discussed in a sem inar on ( o p in g as a W o rk in g P a re n t" in " i.e f, at the G reen w o od Inn, ► ' q tiw a y 217 and A llen Boule vard on Friday. A p ril 24 1987. 8 30 a m to 4 30 j) rn I tie in s tru c to r. Dr Jim Firth, is , h | i' COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN Oversees con sisten t im p lem e nta tio n o f the lib ra ry's C o lle ction De velop m ent p ro gra m Serve as a m em ber o f A d m in is tra tiv e Coun cil Develops and m o n ito rs the m aterials b u dg et and alloca tion s, trains and evaluates sub je ct lib rarians R equired M in im u m o f 5 years o f increasingly responsi ble experience in a cq u isitio n s or co lle ctio n d e velopm e nt in an aca dem ic or research library, m ater lals bu dg et m an ag em en t, and supervisory skills Desired: 2nd advanced degree, experience as head o f c o lle ctio n d e velopm e nt, prior u n ive rsity service and pro ven a b ility in research and publi ca tio n Salary $35,000 A p p ly to: Oregon State University Library c/o Library Personnel Assistant Corvallis. Oregon 97331 STATE P O SITIO N FOR W H IC H YOU ARE A P P LY IN G S ub m it letter o f a p p lica tio n , resum e, and tho nam es, addresses and tele phon e num bers o f 3 references A p p lica tio n deadline M ay 29. 1987 S ta rtin g date Sept 1, 1987 O regon S tate U n iversity is an A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n Equal O ppor tu n ity Em ployer and com plies w ith S ectio n 504 o f the Rehabih ta tio n A c t o f 1973 W orking Parent an associate professor in coun seling in the S cho ol o f E ducation at O regon S tate U niversity Topics to be covered include establishing and co o rd in a tin g personal, professional, and farm ly goals, w hat to do w h e n fam ily issues a ffect your w o rk reason able em ployer e xp e cta tio n s leav mg your child w ith som eone else and bridg ing the gap betw een w ork and fam ily E nrollm ents are acce pted is reached R e gistra tion is com pieted by sending $75 to Endea vors for Excellence O regon S tate U n iversity C o n tin u in g Educa tio n Corvallis OR 97331 164« fo r fu rth e r details i all Endeavors for Excellence in C o rvallis 1503) 754 2677 JOBS, April 15, 1987 .. . • x x '» • I- in the order received u n til the lim it • • ■- • X .W .