— .J . HELP WANTED a Silviculturist ref ore station related silviculture b Soil c. Fish habitat scientist aqautic habitat relation ships in managed forest ecosystems d ADVERTISEMENT PUBLIC BUILDING ENERGY AUDITORS Oregon State U niversity an nonces four fa cu lty positions in research and continuing educa tion are being established as part of a 10 year Coastal Oregon Pro ductivity Enhancement (COPE) Research and Development Pro gram. Positions are available July 1, 1987, and w ill be located in Newport, Oregon Responsibi ties are to develop and conduct research and continuing educa tion programs in O regon's Coast Range in managed second g ro w th forests as part of a four person interdisciplinary team All positions are assistant professor, 12 m onth, fixed term appoint ments w ith annual reappoint ment potential for the duration of this 10 year program The posi tions are LIBRARIAN Hatfield Manne Science Center, N ewport, Oregon 9 m onth tern porary appointm ent at $18 $20,000 (annual base) Rank of Instructor Required ALA ac credited MLS, and ability to work effectively w ith library staff stu dents, and faculty Prefer know ledge of science reference sour ces, ability to do online search mg, and supervisory experience Responsibilities include collec tion developm ent, interlibrary loan, maintenance o f serial re cord and card catalog, reference service and online searches for HMSC patrons, and liaison w ith OSU Library in Corvallis Avail able April 1, 1987 Applicants should subm it by March 15, 1987 a letter o f interest, a resume, and 3 references to: The Oregon Departm ent of Ener gy IO D O .E .I is developing a current list of individuals and firm s qualified to con d u ct energy audits of public buildings O.D O E w ill con d u ct 20 50 energy audits of public buildings between May 1987 and July 1988 Audits not done by O.D 0 E staff w ill be done by individuals or firm s under con tract to O D O E. The number and type of audits done by con tractors is unknown A Request For Q ualifications' (RFQ) that more fully describes potential auditor qualifications is available from O D O E RFQ subm ittals are due May 8 1987 For a copy of RFQ please call or w rite Barbara Thornburg Kerr Library Oregon S tate University Corvallis. OR 97331 Phone 1503) 754 2478 Oregon D e p a rtm e n t of Energy A TTN M ik e Byers 625 M ario n St N E Salem , OR 97310 Phone (503) 378 2856 scientist hvdrologist landslides and terres trial aquatic ecosystem in t erections OSU is an AA EEO and complies w ith Sec 504 of Rehab A ct of 1973 RESERVE POLICE OFFICERS WANTED W ildlife habitat scientist w ildlife habitat relation ships in managed forest ecosystems COPE Search C o m m itte e College of Forestry Oregon S tate University Corvallis. OR 97331 The Portland Police Bureau's Re serve Division is now accepting applications for Reserve Police Officers Reserve Police Officers perform a variety of duties such as park patrol, enforcem ent of traffic and criminal laws, crow d and tra ffic control at parades and other events, dignitary protec tion, and a number of crime pre vention related activities Appli cants m ust be between 21 and 66 years of age, possess a valid dn ver s license, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be a U S citizen by their date of appointm ent as a Reserve Police O fficer A pplicants m ust also be of good moral character w ith no history o f criminal involvem ent For more inform ation, call An EEO AA employer Complies w ith Sec 504 Rehab A ct 1973 243 7916 Sgt Beth M u lv ih ill Reserve C oordinator PhD in specialty area or a close ly related field, experience in sub iect area research and Pacific N orthw est conditions desirable Salary $28,000 $30 000 per an num, dependent upon qualified tions Application closing date June 1, 1987 M ore detailed position descriptions are avai lable Send inquiries or letter of application, resume three letters of recom m endation and trans cripts to COPY RUNNER Part time Monday through Friday position requires exceptional know ledge of m etro area, clean driving record and valid ODL and ability to w ork under pres sure Send resume to: O ffic e M an ag er P O Box 22125 Portland. OR 97222 An Equal O pportunity Employer SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER Special education teacher need ed Handicapped learners certi fication required FRO NTIER I SCH O O L Toni H unter. D irector 282 0530 9 a m to 5 through Friday pm Monday nl 15, 1987, JOBS, Page 5 <*■ • ■; >?■. » '• J , ... ‘ ;, ... • • . r • . V* •• >Z. - r •